“The Outlaws”, Dr. John Herzog and Professor Joe Bruno, join Ray Richardson to discuss many of the current events of the day.
Part 1: The boys start with Joe Biden’s comment “No amendment, no amendment to the Constitution is absolute,”, VP Harris and Southern border, sex trafficking, illegal immigration, COVID, spreading COVID, individual liberties, mask mandates, school opening, teachers union, and more.
Part 2: Joe brings up that when he flew he had to show a photo ID and that there were black people on the plane as well, which means that they had to show an ID as well. They take a call.
Part 3: Mike Shepherd, Political Editor for the Bangor Daily News joins the boys.
Part 4: Ray talks about J. Christian Adams and the Public Interest Legal Foundation finding and proving that dead people voted. They take a call.
Part 5: Ray and the Doc talk about Georgia and Coca-Cola Company and personal property. Gunny Mike calls in to join the discussion.
Part 6: Dave of Westbrook calls in to ask a question about paying illegal immigrants because of Covid.
Part 7: Ray talks about the push to get the minimum age to vote changed to 16. They take calls including the gentleman that called yesterday that was upset with Ray.
Part 8: Ray and the Doc talk about HR 1 that passed in the House and is now in the Senate.
Part 9: HR 1, Ray reads a section of it.
Part 10: Ray continues with HR 1 and how it would change what the Founders of the Constitution wanted the ten miles square around the Capitol to become a state. They take a couple of calls.
Part 11: Ray and Dr. John take some calls about Matrix SCS that Dr. John helped to develop, the Right Whale and fishing industry, the truth about the election results, wind turbine upkeep, petroleum products like asphalt or plastic, and more.