Part 1: Today is “Outlaw Friday”. Ray Richardson is joined by Professor Joe Bruno and Dr. John Herzog to discuss current events and more. President Biden and his Executive Orders are up first, electric cars, fossil fuel industry, President Obama, and a bunch more.
Part 2: The boys talk about the death rates in New York from Covid from nursing homes and Cuomo.
Part 3: The boys welcome Mike Shepherd, Political Editor for the Bangor Daily News to discuss Governor Mills’ plan to tax the PPP loans given to small businesses to help during Covid, the Covid vaccine and the distribution, distribution cost, the distribution readiness, Community Pharmacy‘s efforts, and more.
Part 4: Dr. Herzog, Joe Bruno and Ray welcome former Gov. Candidate and Moody’s Collision owner, Shawn Moody to discuss what he has been up to in the last few months. They get down to the nitty gritty business and Shawn expresses his frustrations with the punitive nature of Gov. Mills’ actions toward small businesses in Maine, especially the ones that supported his run.
Part 5: Joe talks about the new question on the Covid vaccine questionnaire that needs to be filled out by the patient about race. They continue to discuss Gov. Mills’ and the PPP.
Part 6: Ray and the boys welcome Jason Shinn to explain about Hedge Funds and the Blockbuster stock and the app Robinhood. Please feel free to contact Jason or Claire Grenier at 207-885-9499 or
Part 7: Joe announces the Johnson and Johnson Covid vaccine is close but it is only 65% effective. They take a call from Cody about the vaccine manufacturing.
Part 8: Ray and The Outlaws talk about Simply Red’s music and how it is still relevant. They take calls, 1st one thanks Joe and Community Pharmacy for the work they are doing to getting people vaccinated. 2nd caller is Gunny Mike calls in and joins the fun about Biden’s administrations becoming Obama’s all over again. Another caller asks a question about some of the phrasing racial equality and racial equity that has changed and what is the difference. Ray talks about the government’s role in suppressing blacks, slave and women throughout history. Larry calls in as well to join the conversation on Biden and Harris.
Part 9: They take calls and the terminology and the genderless approach and removing humanity. Also discussed is the LGBTQ movement and their strategy. Joe says that the marijuana community used the same strategy. They take a call from Al of Saco on the benefits of marijuana.
Part 10: Ray reads a story out of the Bangor Daily News about a censure movement out of Sen. Collins’ office. They talk about the attack on the Capitol and Doc Herzog expresses his real frustration, the difference between Censure and Impeachment, and more. They take a call about the Senate charging Trump for everything that they have done. Ray’s brother, Jim, calls in to discuss Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his fight against Covid, Janis Dean and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the difference between Maine cold and Florida cold. For more information about Dr. John Herzog’s services or if you would like to set up an appointment, visit his website, Orthopedic Specialties or call, 1-207-781-9077, their office today.