Part 1: Ray Richardson talks about the Senate Debate from last night and lays some truth regarding the things that Maine Speaker Sara Gideon was trying to pass off.
Part 2: Ray continues with pointing out some of the Gideon fallacies. Maine State Representative Beth O’Conner joins Ray to discuss what it was really like working under Speaker Gideon: why they adjourned sine a die (to adjourn it for an indefinite period), the truth about how she used Dillon Bates, masks, Governor Mills, rules of power, campaign finance rule violations, Sen. Susan Collins, and more.
Part 3: Ray continues with Sara Gideon and then takes a call from Larry. Another caller asks about the debate not having all of the candidates and rank choice voting not being considered.
Part 4: Ray talks about Covid-19 and the possibility of another shutdown. Eric Trump joins Ray to discuss the economy, Covid, fear mongering, China’s role in the pandemic, Hunter Biden, Democratic political games, Trump’s trade deal, the upcoming visit by President Trump, and more.
Part 5: Ray talks about BWI, Angus King, Sara Gideon, Collins’ contribution to Maine, and the benefits of having Sen. Susan Collins in Washington. Brunswick Mike calls in to tell Ray that he has been explaining to the veterans the need to vote for Susan.
Part 6: Ray plays a clip from a Trump Rally in Arizona. Ray talks about Medicare and the Affordable HealthCare Act and how it affected his family.
Part 7: Ray plays more from the Trump Rally and says that Hunter Biden Laptop story should wake you up and how the social and mainstream media has blacked out this story and asks if this is how the free press is suppose to work. Hillary Clinton, the economy, Leslie Stahl, and more.
Part 8: 33.1% growth in the gross domestic product in the 3rd quarter and Ray is celebrating!
Part 9: Ray is still celebrating because America is rallying to economically overcome the pandemic. The economy is rebounding in spite of the naysayers and Democratic fear mongering. He talks about a sign he saw that said “Blues Lives Don’t Matter”. He continues with the mass request for early retirement from the police force. Shootings, murders, domestic violence, opioid abuse are all up because of despair. Biden has said that Beto O’Rourke will be his gun Czar, school shootings and blue lives keep our safe. Ray takes a call about the one and only Jimmy Fahey and that we need to raise all police up, not tear them down or denigrate them. The Governor is personally targeting Rick Savage, owner of Sunday River Brewery and is a veteran, and other business have been targeted. Ray takes another call.
Part 10: Ray is still celebrating 33.1%.
Part 11: Ray welcomes News Center Maine‘s Pat Callaghan. Pat congratulates Ray on the excitement of the upcoming week. Ray’s daughter, Lizzi’s, wedding day on Saturday and the election on Tuesday. They move their conversation to the Presidential election, absentee ballots, the election turnout, voting privilege, engerized voters, reasons people vote, and more.
Part 12: Ray takes some calls after commenting on the commercials that are running from Sara Gideon about her being bipartisan then points out that Sen. Susan Collins has always been able do worked with both sides of the isle. He says the the Maine Republican Minority Leader Kathleen Dillingham never heard from Sara about bringing them back into session. Ray takes a call from Bruce about voter registration.
10-28-20 Wednesday
Part 1: Ray Richardson loves the state of Maine, he previews some of this morning’s guests from the Trump Bus Tour with Gov. Kristi Noem and Corey Lewandowski, Pennsylvania’s violent protests, and Joe Biden.
Part 2: Ray talks about how the media has become pathological. Trump has disavowed white supremacy so many times over the last 20 years, but the media continues to asks the same question, but never asks Biden about Antifa or Black Lives Matters.
Part 3: Ray talks about plays a clip from a baseball game.
Part 4: Col. Jay Allen joins Ray to chat about his campaign against Chellie Pingree in Maine’s First District. They discuss her accomplishments while she has been in office, great statesmen of the past, Ray lists off Dr. Jay Allen’s life accomplishment of service, the boys discuss a letter to get help for veterans that she refused to sign.
Part 5: Ray talks about the election and Trump’s chances, the media, Joe Biden, media’s double standard, and more.
Part 6: Ray talks about some of the accomplishments that President Trump has done, bringing home overseas military, declassifying Hillary Clinton’s documents, cover-ups, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s lies, and more. Ray welcomes Maine Rep. Billy Bob Faulkingham, (R – Winter Harbor) and they talk about Sara Gideon’s leadership, Gideon’s non-resident voting votes, illegal immigrants, and more.
Part 7: Ray welcomes Senior Trump campaign adviser Corey Lewandowski to chat about the Trump Bus Tour with Gov. Kristi Noem, Governor Mills’ shutdown, Maine’s economy and Joe Biden not sharing his plans.
Part 8: Ray welcomes AARP Maine‘s State Director, Lori Parham. They talk about the election, the candidate, issues, and other information that they have been sharing through their Tele-Town Halls, scare tactics, and more.
Part 9: Ray talks about rank choice voting and how it will work.
Part 10: Ray talks about true freedom. He shares Former Governor Paul LePage’s life story and explains how elections matter. Brunswick Mike calls in to tell Ray about how Col. Jay Allen’s earlier interview got the attention of Maine veterans and shares where he has to take vets that need help. Mike stresses how Sen. Susan Collins has stood up for veterans over and over, Sen. McCain, Vietnam War, agent orange, Joe Biden accomplishments, and more.
Part 11: Ray welcomes Trump 2020 campaign press communications director Erin Perrine to talk about the election, Joe Biden, America Defense Act, Obama’s stockpile, America’s needs – Trump delivers, Coronavirus vaccine, media complacency, fighting government control, and so much more.
Part 12: Ray stresses that now it the time to Be Bold.
10-27-20 Tuesday
Part 1: Ray Richardson is so excited about the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. He talks about the process, the Constitution, court packing, past Supreme Court judges, Judge Roberts, and more.
Part 2: David Jones joins Ray and they talk about the escalating frenzy of not being able to accept an election’s results from four years ago and Amy Coney Barrett.
Part 3: Ray reads a excerpt from an article quoting retired General and the world’s defender, Trump’s NATO promise and more. Ray is joined by David and District 2 Congressional Candidate Dale Crafts. They discuss all of the support for Trump in the 2nd District. Maine GOP Chair Demi Kouzounas joins to announce the Trump Bus Tour with Gov. Kristi Noem and Corey Lewandowski. They also discuss the importance of voting and point to the confirmation of the new Supreme Court Justice. For more more information visit his website:
Part 4: Ray, David and Demi chat about Kamala Harris. They welcome Greg Foster who is running for the Maine House District 66. They chat about why he is running for office. They talk about Governor Janet Mills’ handling of the pandemic. For more information on Greg and his campaign, visit his website:
Part 5: Ray, David and Demi talk about The Bangles and lead singer Susanna Hoffs, and Gov. Kristi Noem.
Part 6: Ray and the panel welcome Paris Dennard, the Republican National Committee’s Senior Communications Advisor of Black Media Affairs, to discuss President Trump’s Constitutional right and duty, Supreme Court Judge Amy Coney Barrett, Black Lives Matter, Covid-19 deaths in the black communities, Planned Parenthood and their real objective, and so much more.
Part 7: David, Demi and Ray talk about the Promises Made, Promises Kept, Joe Biden’s comments and path to victory. Tommy Hicks, Co-chair of the Republican National Committee, joins the panel. They talk about some of the campaigning that has been done. Sen. Susan Collins confirmation vote, Democrats putting politics before people, and more.
Part 8: The panel reminds people how important Susan Collins in going to be for Maine and that President Trump will need her if we are going to keep the Senate.
Part 9: Ray and Demi continue with the Trump excitement and triumphs. They take some calls. First one joins in the Trumpfest and reminds people that we need Sen. Collins in office, Sen. Chuck Schumer (who is Jewish) has said nothing about the violent attack on the Jews for Trump parade. Brunswick Mike calls in to vent his frustration with the Brass running the military and not supporting their President, they chat about Ira Lockhart and their conversation, Mike urges people to support Rick Savage and reminds us that Sunday River Brewery is owned by a veteran.
Part 9: Fox News Radio’s Jon Decker joins in the fun. They talk about how long he has been covering the White House as a journalist. Ray and Jon discuss their electoral maps.
Part 10: Ray and Demi talk about the differences between the Democrats and the Republicans, Liberals and conservatives, Blacks, Planned Parenthood’s motive, adoptions, medical care, and more.
Part 11: Ray plays a clip about Pennsylvania voters confused on how to vote based on Biden’s flip-flops on fracking and what will happen in Texas. They take a call from Dave Brackett. Ray announces that his show will now run from 6am to 10am Monday -Friday permanently.
10-26-20 Monday
Part 1: Ray Richardson gives his thoughts about the importance of doing your part to keep democracy live and well. Voting is the most important thing you can do and there will be long lines so you need to be patient. Other topics include: President Trump’s visit to the Treworgy Family Orchard in Levant and the rally on Saturday at Volk Packaging, Ashley Oliver of Breitbart, Sara Gideon’s complicity, and more.
Part 2: Ray plays a small clip of a Trump speech and talks about the Sara Gideon camp’s new hit piece on all of President Trump’s accomplishments.
Part 3: Ray plays a clip of the last debate between Obama and Romney. He gives a preview of some of the upcoming guests. Brunswick Mike calls in and chats about the rally on Saturday, Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation, Obama payment to Iran, and America’s Intelligence Agencies. Ray reads a letter from Dr. Sara Rivard’s Mama.
Part 4: Ray stresses that Trump’s victories are our victories. He is fighting for Real Americans. He welcomes Dinesh D’Souza to talk about Venezuela, Socialism, and his film, Trump Card, that is intended to focus on “the corruption and gangsterization of socialism in the Democratic Party as embodied by the two remaining presidential candidates, Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden.
Part 5: Ray recalls and comments on the conversation with Dinesh D’Souza about Socialism, Joe Biden’s racism, Biden’s take on fracking, Affordable Care Act, and more. Ray continues with the Democratic code, power is the only thing that matters and destroys all that matters, Larry calls in to talk more about the Democrats’ evil plot.
Part 6: Ashley Oliver from Breitbart joins Ray to discuss an article she wrote about Former Westbrook Dillon Bates and Maine Speaker Sara Gideon. She needed every vote she had just to manage the House and she didn’t want to lose his vote. She and Ray discuss the timeline from the accusations to the conclusion. This article shows Sara Gideon’s true colors.
Part 7: Ray talks about the Maine Supreme Court and a ruling about ballots. Ray takes a couple of calls including a first time caller that was ready for the fight and urges everyone to get out and vote to save our country, another caller thanks the Portland Police for solving a four year old murder. Bill from Casco shares his wisdom. Fox News Radio’s Jon Decker calls in to talk to Ray about Trump, Trump’s campaigning stops, the election ballot signatures, Pennsylvania ballot counts, and Florida’s results.
Part 8: Ray starts off with the lies that have been spread about Sen. Collins’ votes on Medicare and social security. He takes a call with a little bit of levity, another caller with a law enforcement background reminds other law enforcement to remember their oath to uphold the Constitution, a different caller says he will be voting for liberty. Paris Dennard calls in a little late and reschedules for 8am tomorrow. Ray talks about President Trump and his small “off the record” stop in Levant, Maine at Treworgy Family Orchards. Eric Trump calls in to chat about his dad and all of the things that he has accomplished, his patriotism, Biden supporters, Beto O’Rourke, 2nd Amendment, Court Packing, Kamala Harris, healthcare, private insurance, gas prices, Biden’s Crime Bill, fracking, renewable energy source, electric cars, coal, Green New Deal, liberal priority, collusion of the liberal media, Trump’s impeachment, and so much more.