Part 1: Ray Richardson lays some “Truth” on y’all. He is frustrated because the Vice President of the United States came to Maine and the headline in the Press Herald is about Trick or Treating this year. This leads him down the path of believe what the media is telling you or make up your own mind by doing the hard work to find the truth. He uses Former Governor Paul LePage’s personal story of what real America stands for.
Part 2: Ray and David Jones welcome a conversation with District 2 Congressional Candidate Dale Crafts. They talk about the Vice President rally at Dysarts Service in Herman Maine yesterday. They tell the truth about how many attended, and more. Ray calls the media the “False Prophet” and calls for everyone to get out and vote to protect the true American way of life. If we lose, they will systematically take away all of your rights because they don’t believe in the Constitution. Dale stresses how important it is to find out the truth about the candidates you are voting for, not just what someone else tells you. For more more information visit his website:
Part 3: Ray and David welcome the Trump Administration’s Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services, Eric Hargan, and Assistant Secretary for Health, Admiral Brett Giroir, who is overseeing the country’s COVID-19 testing strategy, will be in Portland, ME to meet with local health providers to discuss the progress we are making on testing as well as a recent announcement by HHS to establish the largest public-private partnership in history to combat Lyme disease. They talk about the origins of the virus, how forthcoming China has been with their research, and more.
Part 4: Ray and David welcome Former and “Future” Governor Paul LePage. The boys talk about yesterday’s rally, Vice President Mike Pence, Sen. Collins, and so much more.
Part 5: Ray and David are frustrated and voices it regarding the media coverage of the rally and Gideon’s record and more. They welcome Deputy Assistant to the President and Principal Deputy Press Secretary, Hogan Gidley. They discuss some of the Electoral votes that are up for grabs including: Texas, fracking, fossil fuels, the American way of life, Cuban refugees, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Biden’s best allies (the media), Coronavirus, economy, power of government, Gov. Cuomo, God over Gov, and so much more.
Part 6: Ray and David talk about Eastern Carpet Company.
Part 7: Ray and David put a call out to the “journalists” of Maine that can’t seem to report the truth. They take a call about the Biden email scandals and the media and social media corruptions and cover-ups that Americans don’t seem to care about. Paul of Ormand Beach has a message for the comedy duo of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris regarding the 25th Amendment.
Part 8: Ray thanks all of the people sending texts and pictures of yesterday’s rally and continues with thoughts on Biden situation, his taxes and wages. He poses the question: Why would Joe Biden stay in Washington for 44 years?
Part 9: Ray talks about the commercial that ran during the break about Maine Speaker Sara Gideon and her silence and protection of Former Westbrook Rep. Dillon Bates, who was accused of sexual misconduct with students. Brunswick Mike calls in to talk about the truth about the Biden laptop timetable, FBI cover-up, Beau Biden Foundation, Sally Yates, and more. Dave of Westbrook calls in to talk about the laptop, Joe Biden, racism, licorice, ice cream and more.
Part 10: Ray continues with licorice thoughts, he takes a call about a news alert regarding Rush Limbaugh and his fight with cancer, which leads to a discussion about God’s will.