Part 1: Ray Richardson, Dr. John Herzog and Professor Joe Bruno are in the house. They talk about Covid after the President and the First Lady have tested positive for Covid. Jimmy Fahey joins the boys. They talk about sleep and diet. John recommends the website Forks over Knives for information on the diet that he has been living on for years and Ray and Dee Dee have started. Jimmy talks about how angry he has become with the way the law enforcement has and is being treated. Jimmy gives his condolences to Former Mayor Jim Jenkins on his passing. They talk about what a great guy he was and how much he will be missed.
Part 2: Ray and the boys talk about a video that Ray watched.
Part 3: Ray, Doc Herzog and The Professor are joined by Shawn Moody in studio and Michael Shepherd, Political Editor for the Bangor Daily News by phone. They discuss endorsements including Bill Cohen’s and Jared Golden’s. Shawn says that we need more high ranking Republicans to come out and endorse candidates. Joe asks Mike about the claims of politicians reducing the high drug prices. Shawn points out the difference between empower and overpowering types of legislation. Shawn points out the political monopoly that the Democrats have over Maine and who has the big money to spend on the elections. They talk about some of the slate of candidates for Maine Senate, people moving to Maine, and the impact on the race Trump’s Covid will have on the election.
Part 4: The boys discuss a note that Ray received about well wishes for the President, but can’t say it publicly. They also welcome Maine Senate Candidate Sara Rivard. Shawn gives his endorsement to Sara. Sara and Ray give Shawn kudos for continuing the fight for Maine even after his loss to Janet Mills. They talk about vaccines and how important they are and the double standard of mandating vaccines. They talk about how to pronounce her name, Joe also gives his endorsement and talk about how he knows her. The talk about Amy Volk and her contribution to the Maine people. To find out more you can find her on Facebook and on the web.
Part 5: The boys take a call about Rank Choice Voting.
Part 6: Ray, Joe and the Doc talk about the President and Vice President and their Covid results, Tom Arnold, Roseanne Barr, Jim Nabors and more. Brunswick Mike calls in to join the conversation, Mills’ Covid results on the economy. The boys continue to talk about the importance of voting for Sen. Susan Collins, and Sara Gideon’s response to Covid, the difference between their personalities, and campaign money.
Part 7: The boys take a call about a story on The daily bulldog story about a positive Covid case of a USM student.
Part 8: Ray asks the boys will the President’s diagnosis of Covid have an effect on the election/race. They take a call from Larry about masks and precautions to not getting Covid/Flu. You don’t need a prescription to get a flu shot. Just go to Community Pharmacy. They take another call about Puerto Rico.
Part 9: They talk about the campaign and the next debate. The next Presidential debate is slated to have Steve Scully who was an intern for then-Delaware senator Joe Biden as the moderator.
Part 10: Ray restates for those that haven’t heard that the President and First Lady have tested positive. The boys talk about the President’s overall health, the 2016 Presidential Candidates, the Media and Crooked Hillary’s cover-up and lies to escape prosecution, health question for the Doc, the Covid epidemic, the true number of Covid deaths, and more. Take advantage of Dr. Herzog keeping two appointments a day for WLOB listeners Dr. John Herzog announces that he is leaving two spots a day open for the WLOB audience. He is still taking new patients, for more information about Dr. John Herzog’s services or make an appointment, visit Orthopedic Specialties or call, 1-207-781-9077, today. The boys take a call about Amy Coney Barrett.
Part 11: Ray addresses what happens if President Trump can’t do his job, the Proud Boys, Chris Wallace’s set-up of the Proud Boys question, The Okay sign, Antifa, media bias toward Trump, Jobs Report, States shutdown, Democratic state lockdowns, Federal money that Mills has received, they take a call regarding a comment about Black Lives Matter being more racist than the KKK. This was quite a heated conversation.