Part 1: Ray Richardson opens with Whitney Houston’s National Anthem. He talks about how the rag-tag disruptors beat an army with everything to their advantage and the monumental and historic signing of The Israel–United Arab Emirates normalization agreement, between by Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and then one of Dennis Prager’s videos, The Middle East Problem, Americans standing up in history. Ray wants to know if you will continue to make history.
Part 2: Ray talks about China and President Nixon’s prediction.
Part 3: Ray talks about the voyage and brave people that left England on this day. What a difference 400 years makes.
Part 4: Ray talks about the how the Liberal Left doesn’t believe in the American Way of Life. Freedom to choose, have your own thoughts, beliefs, how they voice theirs, and more. Ray welcomes Dr. Jay Allen candidate for Congressional District 1 and they discuss the upcoming Debate, healthcare philosophy, and more. For more information about Dr. Jay Allen, his service to his country or his campaign, visit his website, Jay Allen For Congress. He needs your help to get to Washington. Ray states that he is the most qualified candidate he has ever seen for any office!
Part 5: Ray gives a quick preview of some of the upcoming guests on today’s show.
Part 6: Ray talks to Former Congressman Bruce Poliquin about the election turnout. Bruce talks about what he is hearing traveling around Maine, Bruce reminds people about the differences between Biden’s plan and Trump’s plan, the Liberal leaning Democratic party, the Democratic policy of defunding the police and School Resource Officers, medicare, private insurance, government run medical care, Covid-19, high school sports, Governor Mills’ Draconian measures, and much more.
Part 7: Ray talks some calls after talking about the great apple picking weather. Caller Jeff from Hollis talks about the insurance industry before and after the government got involved in the healthcare business.
Part 8: Ray plead for everyone that is a praying person to pray for the people that are in harm’s way of Hurricane Sally and the fires out west. He continues with the pandering of Joe Biden and is gaffs. RNC spokeswoman Liz Harrington joins Ray to discuss the ongoing Biden history of gaffs and what he has done for the last forty years in office verses the last three years of fearless leadership and accomplishments of Donald Trump, the manipulations of the Democrats, Pelosi’s hair salon scandal, morality, rules, ethics, police, anarchy, power abuse, inalienable rights, sheepeople, and more.
Part 9: Ray welcomes Lori Parham, Director of AARP Maine. They tease each other for a few minutes then get into the new poll that AARP has done about the upcoming election. Ray and Lori discuss who will be more likely to vote, the different ways that are available to vote, the need for poll workers, the need for candidates to be clear on their stance on issues. Ray gets a question for Lori about the way Ray introduced her and she explains.
Part 10: Ray talks about the historic signing of The Israel–United Arab Emirates normalization agreement (the Abraham Accord) and the this is the first real step toward peace in the last twenty-six years and goes off on the media and their coverage.
Part 11: Ray welcomes Chris Scalia, the eighth of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s nine children and the co-editor of Scalia Speaks and On Faith, two previous collections of the late justice’s writings to discuss his new book (The Essential Scalia), his dad, the Supreme Court, and more. Ray continues with his thoughts about the importance of this election, Slow Joe Biden and his gaffes, Sara Gideon, Gideon’s ads, Gideon’s commercial falsehood, media complacency, historic tax cuts, American jobs, lowering American rolls, Senator Susan Collins accomplishments, Collins’ standing up for presumption of innocence, Collins doing the work, and more.
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Part 12: Ray take a call about Sara Gideon’s voting record.
Part 13: Ray reminds the audience about the historic agreement and welcomes one of President Trump’s Spiritual Advisors Jim Garlow to discuss its importance and history. He attended the Abraham Accord signing ceremony at the White House – between US, Israel, UAE & Bahrain. It’s complex. To the extent that this affirms God’s covenant with Abraham that the land belongs to the Jews and is the State of Israel, this is good. Jim gives a really good insight into the true history of this region. You can find more information on Jim and his mission on his website, Well Versed and on Facebook.