Part 1: Ray Richardson wishes his granddaughter, Carter, a very happy 3rd birthday! Getting down to business Ray talks about Congressman Jerrold “Jerry” Nadler’s comments about Antifa, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the 25th Amendment.
Part 2: Ray talks about skinheads masks and the intent of the people that were wearing them.
Part 3: Ray plays a song Through These Times written and performed by Dan Merrill.
Part 4: Ray reads an email from Bob from K’bunk. It is the return of Vern Dukes. He recommends and talks about a book by David Horowitz, Hating Whitey and Other Progressive Causes. They talk about the different parties and how they have related to the Black communities over the years. Vern urges people to read more and if you have any question, feel free to email him and he will give you an answer.
Part 5: Ray welcomes Peter Brown of the Gray Republican Party. They will be holding an event: Stop Open Borders: Say No to Poverty, Crime, & Tyranny. Many 2020 Candidates have been calling for open borders. This informative program will demonstrate why those policies would harm America—and Maine. EVENT DATE: Wed, Jul 29, 2020 / Rain Date: Thu, Aug 20 @6:00 p.m. Refreshments ~ 6:30-8:30 p.m. Main Program Windham Vet Center, 35 Veterans Memorial Dr, Windham, ME. Tickets at Event: $1 (larger donations gratefully accepted). The event will be held OUTSIDE in the Vet Ctr parking lot. Ray plays a clip of Kayleigh McEnany as she calls out a reporter.
Part 6: Ray reads a text from Pete McVety then talks about the attacks on police, peaceful protests, redefining words, woke white people, Portland’s Ethan Strimling, Ruby Ridge, autonomous zones and how elections have consequences.
Part 7: Ray plays a clip with a series of Joe Biden’s lies that had been caught by the media. Ray welcomes Chris Walker a Freelance Journalist that supports the Trump campaign. They talk about the Joe Biden, Women for Trump Tour, police, Defunding/Defending and other things that will be affecting the election and decisions of the people.
Part 8: Ray talks about Legal Shield and Jay Baker. He takes a call from Mike that thanks all of the people that came out for the suicide awareness walk. He says that the numbers are really scary, 1 suicide every 72 minutes. Gordon calls in to chat about AOC’s testimony about opportunity zones. They also talk about Crispus Attucks and other things that we continue to to leave out while teaching our youth. Ray doesn’t understand why we are ashamed of our country’s history instead of being proud of what we have achieved. Ray talks about Uncle Tom and who Josiah Henson was.
Part 9: Ray talks about the Trump campaign and the Reagan foundation.