Part 1: Ray Richardson’s opening monologue includes: Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s hypocrisy, and more.
Part 2: Ray urges his listeners to get involved and help the people that have stood up and willing to run for office. He points out Dr. Jay Allen (more than qualified) and the struggle he is having raising funds to run a campaign against Chellie Pingree.
Part 3: Ray and Bob Witkowski talk about tourism in Maine. Bob believes that with the warm fall that has been predicted and “revenge” tourism, Maine businesses that depend on tourism might survive.
Part 4: Ray talks about Covid-19 (the preparations, the fear, and the vaccine), Governor Mills’ response, Rick Savage, the negative side that is continuing to go up (opioid and alcohol abuse, suicide, domestic abuse and more). Mike calls in with a story about a party and covid. Ray takes another call from someone with a compromised family member.
Part 5: Ray invites everyone to come to Maine. David Ciullo of Career Management Associates, and hosts The H.R. PowerHour on WLOB Radio on Saturdays at 10am, joins Ray to discuss HR issues. Today’s topic is about unconscious bias. Dave explains what this means and why it is necessary. They talk about how ridiculous it is that the employer is now required to be a parent, bookkeeper and innovator. Dave stresses that this is why it is important that they stay on top of all of the regulations that have been imposed by the government.
Part 6: Ray welcomes Steve Kardian is Trump Advisor, a former New York Police Officer. They talk about the current situations that police are having to deal with and the government’s support. They talk about President Obama’s and Joe Biden’s history of support of police, the anarchy that accosted people leaving the White House, Black Lives Matters, politicians, protests, New York City safety, and more.
Part 7: Ray gets frustrated with some of the messages that he has received and tells us how he really feels. He takes a call from Bill from Casco about reparations, Pelosi’s beauty parlor visit, Sara Gideon, Ethan Strimling, Covid paranoia, protestors, and more. Tony calls in to talk about the history of America’s involvement to stop slavery. He takes another call about Black Lives Matter abiding the quarantining order of Governor Mills. Ray talks about the Facebook page with all the details of the BLM “visit”.
Part 8: Ray reads a story about Maine’s Emergency Business Program and the lack of applicants and he comments about the stupid regulations and differences between Maine’s program and the one that Sen. Susan Collins’ crafted.
Part 9: Ray talks about some of the lies that Sara Gideon is spreading through her commercials. He sets the record straight on Social Security and President Trump’s Tax Cut that Susan Collins supported.
Part 10: Ray plays a clip from part of a Catholic Church service and comments on the location of the church and community problems in New York City, other denominations following the culture of the moment instead of teaching the ways of Jesus and God’s true word. He poses the question of how we got to this point…..he says by silence. He reads an excerpt from an article in the September 2017 issue of Richardson Magazine and talks about white privilege.
Part 11: Ray talks about some of the text messages that he has received, especially the ones that disagrees with him because it makes him think.