Part 1: Ray Richardson talks about the Government Mandated Shutdown. Ray has been looking for guidance into what is going to happen come April 30th with Maine’s Stay at Home Order. He talks about the money that has been spent on pet projects and what will happen. He takes a call from Larry. They talk about the Governor and her lack of leadership. She knew how to shut down the state, expand her executive orders, but nothing about her plans to get our state back to work and open up for business.
Part 2: Ray plays a clip from the movie The American President about government and leadership. Ray follows this with a statement that Mainers are looking for guidance and leadership.
Part 3: Ray speaks to living our life in fear and that we should be able to start opening up the businesses. Ray also brings up the lies that the media are spreading. He asks what type of person that would ingest something that would kill them. There has been an increase in people injecting or ingesting disinfectant following President Trump’s comments.
Part 4: Ray talks about the Coronavirus and the numbers of cases, deaths and recovered. He includes how small businesses can open up for business safely, especially if they apply the same standards to Van Buren as in Portland. The populations are vastly different. He says that the Democrats don’t have a lot of love for small business because they have over regulated and taxed them to almost extinction as it is, but this legislature keeps on coming with hit after hit. They haven’t fixed anything that needs to be fixed like roads and bridges. Not to mention the jails that need help.
Part 5: Ray plays a clip of Dr. Fauci and Joe Scarborough. Dr. Fauci, who has served as the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984 is on President Trump’s Coronavirus Panel. Ray continues by stressing that Pres. Trump’s China travel ban was huge in slowing down the spread of Covid. He talks about Nancy Pelosi’s comments and how she is back pedaling her comments. He stresses that a vote for any Democrat in the US House will mean a vote for Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Part 6: Ray has opened up the phone lines…He takes a call from Vinny that works at Profenno’s Pizzeria & Pub in Westbrook. They talk about the current situation and Maine’s CDC having to shutdown because of a Covid diagnosis, sanitized the building and they are back open for business. Larry calls in as well.
Part 7: Ray talks about the bad taste of TV shows that poke fun about ingesting bleach or taking bleach tablets all based on something that the President never even said. The media is being totally irresponsible and never gets called out on their untruths. Ray continues with his thoughts about the good hard working people of Maine that will be loosing their jobs because of the lack of leadership. Maine is going to be needing to makes choices about who will be filling the seats to represent you and will be making decision that affect you and your well being.
Part 8: Ray welcomes Mandy Marritt, National Press Secretary for the Republican National Committee. They discuss the current situation with physical distancing and how creative people and companies have been to be able to continue to work. They chat about how they miss the normalcy of everyday life. Ray asks what the Trump campaign has done to adapt to the physical distancing. Mandy says that they have begun digital and virtual campaigning. She says that the volunteers have increased. Ray speaks to the way Americans and American companies have stepped up like it hasn’t done since WWII. She points out how decisive President Trump has been. Ray give Sen. Collins a huge shout out for her forward thinking. They talk about the vaccine and the extraordinary measures to procure it. The mainstream media has not been helpful in truthful news. They have only been spreading inaccuracies. They talk about Pelosi holding up the Payroll Protection Plan bill.
Part 9: Ray plays a clip of Dr. Fauci about the travel ban that was put in place and the use of Hydroxychloroquine. Ray reminds people that the media has tried to drive a wedge between Dr. Fauci and President Trump. Fauci explains why this is a really bad thing. Ray talks about the people that wanted to come back home from China and other countries. Ray continues with his thoughts on the stonewalling and need to control your life. We are in a time of tough decisions, Ray says that the people that loose their life during this crisis won’t be mentioned in the daily briefings.
Part 10: Ray does some cultural appropriation with his music choice. He talks to Mike teases Ray about the frustrations Ray is having. They talk about the opening of Maine based on testing. The people in charge keep saying that we need to be tested before we can open Maine back up for business. Mike brings up the people that are really in need of help and the crisis lines. He is really worried about the veterans. Ray says that if she expands this stay at home order one more day, she is doing it based on politics, not science. He takes another call who asks about the legislature’s roll in her spending. Ray explains what Speaker Sara Gideon did right before they adjourned to give Gov. Mills all the power she needs. Ray reminds people that State Sen. Jeff Timberlake was on the other day addressing just that. Gordon calls in as a mathematician with questions on their math. They talk about taxes.
Part 11: Ray says that today’s press conference is the day that will define Janet Mills’ Governorship. She will announce her plan today. Ray compares the charges against Sen. Joe Biden vs the charges against Superior Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh as he went through the confirmation process. He wants to know where are the people that were so outraged with Sen. Collins and her decision on Judge Kavanaugh? Where are the women that were so outraged about Kavanaugh, so much so that they didn’t want to just ruin his career but his whole life. It just goes to prove that it was all politics over principles.