Segments 1-2: Ray Richardson talks about the President and his effect on the world stage, and then the grieving widow of a fallen service member over the disrespect shown to her and her loved one lost on the President’s watch.
Segment 3: Ray talks about his experience at Eastpoint Church and what he got out of yesterday’s service about rest.
Segment 4: Ray takes a call.
Segments 5-6: Maine Rep. Josh Morris (R-Turner), Vern Dukes (The Trucker of Truth), and Garrett Mason (Partner at Dirigo Public Affairs) join Ray and the discussion surrounds the Presidential Debate.
Segments 7-8: Steve Robinson (Editor-in-Chief of The Maine Wire) join by phone. Steve confirms that Facebook has begun censoring The Maine Wire stories going back to even December. The boys talk about the different platforms and censorship.
Segment 9: Changing of the guard, Garrett had to leave and Candidate for Maine Congressional District 1 Col. Ron Russell joins the boys. They discuss the lack of questioning of why. The Colonel brings up the Trump Immunity case and this leads to a discussion about the pattern of suppressing information and lack of freedom. They take a call.
Segment 10: They continue with the immunity discussion.
Segments 11-12: The boys continue with the possibilities in the Supreme Court decision, the Biden problem.
Segments 13-14: Tommy Pickett (The Republican National Committee) join the boys to talk about the status of the Democratic party, Joe Biden’s performance at the debate and more.
Segments 15-16: Ray talks about the importance of voting and uses Westbrook’s proposed budget that will be voted on July 16th after the first version was denied. They continue to discuss the ranking of schools in Maine and the education policies from school boards and the money that supports those decisions. They take a call from John from Falmouth reminding people that this was the first day of Gettysburg. They take another calls with several points.