Segment 1: Ray Richardson talks about the Super Bowl and the commercials. He also gets into some of Trump’s plans including the plan to stop minting pennies because it costs us more money to make them than they are worth, and more.
Segment 2: Ray plays a clip from Sen. Kennedy going over some of the wasteful spending that he had no idea that was being spent.
Segment: 3-4: Bob Witkowski (Where Y’at Magazine) joins Ray to discuss the Super Bowl. Bob was lucky to get a press pass to watch the game. They talk about the teams, the sights and sounds. They change the subject to continue or discontinue minting the penny.
Segments 5-6: Derek Volk and Corey Laplume (who works at Volk Packaging as well) to share a fundraiser for the Barbara Bush Maine Children’s Cancer Program. The Sanford Elks Lodge #1470 Maine Children’s Cancer Program Committee will be hosting its 15th Annual Square Pond Fishing Derby on Sunday, February 16, 2025, from 6:00am to 2:00pm. For more information, please contact: Corey Laplume 603-973-2978. Click here to register for the tournament:
Segments 7-8: Maine Rep. Josh Morris (R-Turner) and Vern Dukes (The Trucker of Truth), join Ray and Derek and they discuss Ray’s son Tripp’s visit to Cafe 1055, Derek talks about the need for 2nd shift workers and some of the famous people on his wall of boxes. Ray plays a clip from The Maine Wire about a Maine Democrat asking a doctor how a baby is created during a committee hearing. This leads to a discussion about transgenderism.
Segments 9-10: Ray and the panel discuss faith, movies, and redemption. Vern brings up the people loosing their minds over Trump’s cuts and they talk about the money going to house illegal immigrants over veterans.
Segments 11-12: The conversation revolves around messaging and the lack of it. Republicans not sounding like Republicans and the Democrats not of taking care of Mainers and the budget that Mills just introduced. Ray reads a quote from the Public Advocate, Heather Sanborne.
Segments 13-16: The conversation continues about the Democrats protecting their programs and their own instead of taking care of those that can’t take care of themselves like the children of Maine. They take calls.