Part 1: Ray is all over the place. He recounts his 4th of July and how he celebrated Independence Day.
Part 2: Ray plays Courtesy of the Red White and Blue by Toby Keith.
Part 3: Ray and Dee Dee discuss the word jingoistic. Dee Dee asks what it means and Ray gives the definition. It is characterized by extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or warlike foreign policy. He plays a clip from some Anti-America Americans and their protest/rally. He “imagines a world” without America.
Part 4: Ray starts the segment with President Trump’s Independence Day speech. He is pro-America and it is refreshing to hear good things about America because you won’t hear it from the media. Maine State Representative Jeff Timberlake joins us in studio. They talk about Ricker Farms and their community Independence Day celebrations. Jeff then points to the papers he brought in to share with Ray. They discuss a couple of things that happened and did not happen during the session.
Part 5: Ray and Jeff continue a little about how to stop Gov. Mills’ leftist agenda. Jeff shows Ray his plan for November. They discuss how to get more of our side elected. They talk about how many they need and looking for more good candidates.
Part 6: Ray and Jeff talk about Maine’s Budget. Ray asks Jeff to explain the process again. The talk about revenue and the rainy day fund. Ray points out that the people up in Augusta are going to spend every penny that we have saved in the last eight years. Ray points out that the numbers that were discussed during the debate that WLOB hosted that she disagreed with Ray’s budget number and yet that is the number she hit.
Part 7: Ray and Jeff discuss the newest member of the Special Forces is being charged. Maj. Matthew Golsteyn’s wife was on Fox and Friends and this led to the discussion about how we fight wars now verses back before the Korean War.
Part 8: Ray and Representative Jeff Timberlake welcome Shawn Moody. They talk about the how the legislature is “protecting” industries in Maine, but as Shawn points out, they aren’t educated in the field enough to understand the logistics of what their bills will affect small business. They talk about the margin of error in starting up a business. The boys take a call from a fisherman.
Part 9: The boys tease Ray about his introduction. Ray talks about the BE BOLD! initiative. Shawn explains how people go broke in the good times, not the bad times. They continue to discuss how we are standing today but we won’t have the money that they are spending forever.
Part 10: Ray is getting more and more riled up. He plays Lauren Daigle’s Rise Up and he want the audience to rise up. The boys talk about the conversation on the break and how red Ray’s face got. He wants to know if what is being done to make sure it is Constitutional. He asks if it has been challenged. Jeff says that the “This is the way we’ve always done it” mentality is killing progress.
Part 11: Ray and the boys recap a lot about what they have been chatting about this morning. Ray brings up the roll calls and Jeff says that he tried to do it, but on that last night it got crazy and he couldn’t keep up with all of the bills coming at him. Ray at the last minute remembers that the Jobs Report came out and teased that he will talk about it on Monday.