Part 1: Ray, Dee Dee and Debi praise Debi’s husband Mike. They discuss the shooting at the Garlic Festival in Gilroy, California. They talk about how without even knowing the details, the media has come to the conclusion that the shooter that killed six-year-old Stephen Romero, 13-year-old Keyla Salazar and Trevor Irby, a 2017 college graduate must be a Trump supporter.
Part 2: Ray touches on a story from last week that the Supreme Court has lifted the money freeze and which allows the wall on the Southern Border to be built.
Part 3: The History Lesson segment: George Washington (February 22, 1732 – December 14, 1799) was an American political leader, military general, statesman, and Founding Father who served as the first president of the United States from 1789 to 1797. He led Patriot forces to victory in the nation’s War for Independence. He presided at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 which established the U.S. Constitution and a federal government. Washington has been called the “Father of His Country” for his manifold leadership in the formative days of the new nation.
Part 4: Ray continues with some more fascinating facts about George Washington. Joining Ray in studio is Cumberland County District Attorney Jonathan Sahrbeck and Isaac Hadam, Vice-President, of the Constitutional Awareness Pact. Jonathan and Ray talk about some of the scams that are happening. Jonathan makes a point of saying that if you don’t know the number that is calling you….don’t answer it. They also talk about some of the other ways people are getting scammed and Jonathan urges people that if they have been to PLEASE report it.
Part 5: Ray, Isaac and Jonathan discuss The Beatles, the movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and other things that Isaac hasn’t ever heard of before.
Part 6: Ray plays a Rise Up by Matt Maher. Maine GOP Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas calls in from Charlotte getting information and working on the Republican Convention happening next years. They take about the Capital One breach. Charlotte has been very welcoming and there is a lot of things to do in the area. Demi says that they will be looking for a lot of volunteers, visit to see how you can get involved. Ray continues with some of the great things that Demi and her husband have done with their practice, Dunstan Dental. They take a call who asks about the unisex bathrooms in Charlotte and suggests that maybe the 2024 Convention might be held in Baltimore.
Part 7: Ray asks Isaac to explain what is the Constitutional Awareness Pact’s mission. They have a quick discussion about some of the different philosophies regarding the Constitution. Ray says that there are people who believe that it is an old and outdated piece of history and the other mindset is that it is a road map and believe in it as a literal document. CAP’s fourth annual convention will be held on September 13th, from 4-7 PM, at the Albany Town Hall, Albany NH. A free meal will be provided after the event. Their headlining speakers will be former U.S. Congressman Bruce Poliquin and NH Commissioner of Education Frank Edelblut. Please plan on attending as this is an event you don’t want to miss. Keep your eyes on our website and on our Facebook page as we will continue posting CAPC updates as they come.
Part 8: Ray asks Isaac his opinion about the New Zealand transgender weightlifter, she lived until her early thirties as Gavin, that won two transgender weightlifter and a silver in the three heavyweight categories and how is that a fair competition. Ray says that the women’s groups are finally starting to say that this isn’t fair. The boys take a call about the education system and the money vs quality of education.
Part 9: Ray and Isaac take a call about the Constitution. He says that if you haven’t read it there is a great website where you can,
Part 10: Ray and Isaac welcome Republican National Committee Spokesperson Mike Joyce by phone. They discuss Baltimore and Rep. Elijah Cummings and Mike points out that the city is plagued with rampant corruption. Ray brings up a CNN story and clears up the misconception that Trump is racist because he also called out New Hampshire with their drug issues. Mike agrees that President Trump is an equal opportunity instigator.
Part 1: Ray plays You Ain’t Ready from Skillet a Christian Rock Band. He heads to the “Letter of the Day: R”. Ray lists several of the “R” words that are already being thrown around by the elected folks. The biggest of the “R” words would be racist. Ray talks about the truth and how we can’t speak truths because if we do, you are branded with a scarlet “R”. He continues with the conditions in Baltimore and Chicago and ends up with Flint Michigan.
Part 2: Ray leads with the tragedy on Sunday at Northern California’s Gilroy Garlic Festival in Gilroy, California. Ray says that this will renew the battle cry to take our guns. We need to stand tall and protect our Constitution and the rights giving to us with the Bill of Rights.
Part 3: This is the History Lesson Segment: Alexander Hamilton, (Jan 11, 1755 – Jul 12, 1804), During the Revolutionary War, Hamilton first served with the New York militia and later become an aide to General George Washington. After the war, he practiced law and founded the Bank of New York. He also served in the state legislature in New York. Hamilton was well known for his belief in a strong central government. He was the country’s first Secretary of the Treasury, and can still be seen as the face on the nation’s ten dollar bill. He was considered to be a political philosopher and was a coauthor of the Federalist Papers along with James Madison, and John Jay. Jefferson’s coalition became known as the Democratic-Republicans and a rivalry between top party member Aaron Burr developed. The election of 1800 became a competition between the top two party leaders as the Federalist’s ideas had lost much of their appeal to the new Americans. Burr lost to Jefferson and became vice-president. Hamilton created the New York Post shortly after this and developed an intense feud with Aaron Burr. This eventually led to a famous duel which ended with Hamilton being shot. The day after the duel he died from his gunshot wounds.
Part 4: Ray talks about a question that was posed by the sage of K’bunk “Non-English speaking folks from half-way around the world can learn of the opportunity for a better life here in America, and can find the gumption and resources to get here. Why don’t English speaking American citizens living in our municipal areas just collect their loved ones and travel a few hundred miles, avail themselves of the same resources, and start anew. Past Americans have pulled up stakes and headed West for opportunity(s). Is it that entities like the Catholic and Lutheran charities find aiding immigrants a better means to fundraise?” Ray does his best to address this question. He goes back to Cummings and how it goes back to “Racism”.
Part 5: Ray continues with Baltimore and Rep. Elijah Cummings and how he isn’t doing anything for his constituents but stir the racism pot. Ray reminds people that the racism card goes both ways.
Part 6: Ray welcomes Adrienne Bennett of FO Bailey Real Estate. Ray asks Adrienne about her past and how she got into real estate industry and why she chose FO Bailey. She responds that as a reporter and working with Governor LePage and how important trust and integrity is with all of the jobs and working relationships that she has had. Ray asks about her FO Bailey story and she tells how she met David and the signs that pointed her toward FO Bailey.
Part 8: Ray wants to know if the editorial board is racist because they agreed with Trump from an editorial in the past about the conditions in Baltimore. Ray takes a call from Dave in Westbrook who talks about mental illness and Ray brings up mandatory reporting. Ray doesn’t think that they are accurate, Ray’s second point is background checks aren’t done right because the mandatory reporting isn’t done correct. Dave also takes it a step further with thinking that some of the video games glorify violence. Ray agrees.
Part 9: Ray takes a call and he and his wife own guns and shoot, but are not hunters. He continues with the thought about how video games can give kids a blurred line between reality and fantasy. Ray tells a story that his pastor told from the pulpit. Ray points out again how Donald Trump’s Twitter account is destroying American but the entertainment industry has played no part in what is happening in our country.
Part 10: Ray addresses some of the text messages that he has gotten from people that can’t call in. He takes a call from from someone that wants a form of registration of guns so that the guns can be tracked. She talks about mental illness. She agrees that you can take the guns away because it is way to easy to get a gun. Ray states that we need to de-stigmatize mental illness.
Part 11: Ray continues with the gun issue. Ray states that law abiding citizens don’t go around shooting people. It is a person that is struggling with mental illness. Ray says that he is not leaving Facebook, just taking a step back so that he can focus on finishing his book. He tells everyone that it is about Donald Trump. Ray talks about the culture of our country.
Part 1: Ray talks about the Thin Blue Line Flag put up by residents Steph and Charlie Black as a way to pay tribute to Charlie’s father, who was shot and killed in the line of duty decades ago. Ray continues to get frustrated because the controversy and the attacks on our first responders that put their life on the line every single day. You can find more on this story on News Center Maine.
Part 2: Ray continues with the his frustration of the people that are offended by something that honors a person willing to give the last measure of devotion. Ray questions “How is it possible for the tail to be wagging the dog?” meaning a small group controlling the masses.
Part 3: This is the History Lesson Segment: Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 – July 4, 1826). Jefferson was was an American statesman, diplomat, lawyer, architect, just to mention a few of his accomplishments as well as being a Founding Father. He also served as the third president of the United States from 1801 to 1809. Previously, he had served as the second vice president of the United States from 1797 to 1801. The principal author of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson was a proponent of democracy, republicanism, and individual rights, motivating American colonists to break from the Kingdom of Great Britain and form a new nation; he produced formative documents and decisions at both the state and national level.
Part 4: Ray explains Marbury v Madison and what that really means. Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137 (1803), was a U.S. Supreme Court case that established the principle of judicial review in the United States, meaning that American courts have the power to strike down laws, statutes, and some government actions that contravene the U.S. Constitution. Decided in 1803, Marbury remains the single most important decision in American constitutional law. The Court’s landmark decision established that the U.S. Constitution is actual “law”, not just a statement of political principles and ideals, and helped define the boundary between the constitutionally separateexecutive and judicial branches of the American form of government. Ray then get into the Mueller Report and why Bob Mueller was hired to lead the investigation. They didn’t do a real investigation into what they were suppose to be doing. This investigation started with a predetermined ending. Ray continues to discuss the consequences of votes. He continues to speak to the political hacks that actually wrote the Mueller Report because it was very obvious that he didn’t write it himself. This whole investigation was a hoax!
Part 5: Ray welcomes Kasey S. Pipes by phone. Kasey has written a book about the comeback of Richard Nixon. After the Fall: The Remarkable Comeback of Richard Nixon (Regnery History) Kasey S. Pipes, former advisor to President George W. Bush, tells the fascinating story of Nixon’s comeback. He tells how he was granted unprecedented access by the Nixon family to the private post-presidential documents at the Nixon Library, he reveals inside information that has never been reported about Nixon’s successful campaign to repair his reputation and resuscitate his career.
Part 6: Kasey Pipes continues his discussion about Former President Richard Nixon. Ray asks him about Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) shaped Ronald Reagan’s negotiations with Gorbachev and how it changed history. They discuss how history views Nixon’s Presidency and his accomplishments. Kasey’s book After the Fall: The Remarkable Comeback of Richard Nixon is available at most bookstores and also on Amazon.
Part 7: Ray reads a couple of text messages that he received. He recalls a conversation he had about racism. Ray reminds us of President Teddy Roosevelt’s quote about how we have such a divided country because we are something-American, not just AMERICAN. Ray takes a call from a listener in South Portland that relays a story that he and his wife were driving in South Portland in his truck and the man that gave rude gestures because he had the American Flag on his truck.
Part 8: Ray plays his anthem Lauren Daigle’s Still Rolling Stones. Ray praises the last caller and calls for people to rise up and stand for your principles and rights. He takes another call who supports the last caller and also makes a valid point himself.
Part 9: Ray calls for people to “Rise Up” and explains that the culture has turned to racist. If someone disagrees with something then they are racist, of course that only is aimed at white people. Ray takes a call from Tony about the silent majority. Ray takes another call and he stresses that we can’t give up. He also has a question about education. Ray stresses that we need to make sure what our kids are learning. Ray stresses that the name of the school isn’t as important as the content of what is being taught.
Part 10: Ray plays a clip from the movie Braveheart. They take a call about what should be taught and tested in schools. He also offers he opinion about how our country is being divided and being conquered. Ray reads a text about the battle cry song “Rise Up!”. He explains what this means. He says that people with money and power are dividing us and we are allowing it to happen.
Part 1: Ray, Debi Davis and Dee Dee are in studio this morning. Ray touches on a couple of things including a short comparison of two New Yorkers that have become President. FDR and Donald Trump speaks to and for the working people of our country and wanted to make life better. Ray also hits on the Korean War Conflict before diving into the testimony of Bob Mueller. Ray lays it out for all to hear.
Part 2: Ray continues to explain how the government works in great frustration with the media and the educators for not teaching the branches of government and how they work. He continues on with the media and the difference between a media hack (one that includes personal views) and the integrity of just reporting the facts.
Part 3: This is the History Lesson Segment: James Madison (March 16, 1751 – June 28, 1836) was an American statesman, lawyer, diplomat, philosopher, and Founding Father who served as the fourth president of the United States from 1809 to 1817. He is hailed as the “Father of the Constitution” for his pivotal role in drafting and promoting the Constitution of the United States and the United States Bill of Rights. He also co-wrote The Federalist Papers, co-founded the Democratic-Republican Party, and served as the fifth United States secretary of State from 1801 to 1809. Even in his 40s, Madison was a lonely and single man. That changed when Aaron Burr introduced him to Dolley Todd. The couple married when Madison was 43, and never had children. Dolley Madison earned a place in history when she stole away from the White House with crucial government documents and a portrait of George Washington as the British stormed the capital during the War of 1812.
Part 4: Ray, Dee Dee welcome Bob Witkowski of Visit Portland. They introduce the Red Cross representatives, Mary Brant, Communications Manager and Eddie Scott, Account Manager & Donor Recruitment both of the Northern New England Region. They are here to ask for blood donations, they are at a two day supply. They strive to always have a five day supply. Mary tells us difference of the different between type “O+” and “O-“. Ray asks how long can the blood last on the shelf. Mary explains why summer is typically lower in blood drives and donations, but also people go on vacations and are busy. They talk about how to find out if you have questions about medications or other eligibility questions.
Part 5: The continue to talk about the Red Cross and Bob reads where the logo came from and they announce a marathon Blood Drive at the Cinemagic in Westbrook on Friday, July 26th & Saturday July 27th 10am-10pm Westbrook. For more information or answer to questions, visit:
Part 6: Ray, Bob, Debi and David Ciullo of Career Management Services and Dale Carnegie Maine, he also hosts The H.R. PowerHour on WLOB Radio. Today’s topic is Maine Employers and how important it is for them to understand employees and their needs. It isn’t just about money, but other things that are needed to once they hire someone.
Part 7: Ray, Bob an Debi continue to discuss infrastructure for the business world. Train service and other things that help employees.
Part 8: Ray welcomes Trump2020‘s Strategic Communications Director Mark Lotter. They continue to talk about some of the things Ray had said earlier in the first segments. They talk about socialist’s plan of medical care and benefits vs Capitalism. We need most of all to use the grassroots effort. Matt explains what he means. Ray reads something that he wrote and Matt agrees with him. We need to look forward he says that if you would like to help or get the correct information, visit
Part 9: Ray gets some texts and he asks that they at least give a first name because he only gets a phone number. He explains the things that we are up against and why he says what he says. We are fighting for the very core of our country. It is time to stand up and BE BOLD!
Part 10: Ray welcomes Pat Callaghan of News Center Maine. They talk a little bit of the Mueller testimony and Report. They discuss the Russian interference and the other influences of elections and campaigns. They talk about the People’s Veto movements and some of the issues that will bring people together.
Part 11: Ray and Pat continue to discuss the People Veto Issues. In particular, Doctor assisted suicide, taxpayer paid abortion, and the immunization bills are the ones that they think will be the ones that will be challenged. Ray brings up that this will be the most contentious elections cycle and asks Pat how they will cover it.