Part 1: Ray, Debi Davis and Dee Dee discuss the Moxie Festival. Ray announced the Moxie Parade. It was a glorious day for a parade. He gives a shout out to Julie Ann Braumer for her fantastic job in organizing this event. Ray continues with our weekend and the rascally cat that has been a menace. This leads to the story about how he had come into his home last summer.
Part 2: Ray and the girls continue the discussion on cats. Debi had taken a call during the break about how cats can legally run free. Ray also talks about how the people of New York are mad at Mayor DeBlasio. He was on the road campaigning and not in New York at the time.
Part 3: This is the History Lesson Segment: Roger Sherman (April 19, 1721 – July 23, 1793) Sherman is especially notable in United States history for being the only person to sign all four great state papers of the United States, the United States Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Association, the Articles of Confederation, and the United States Constitution. Numerous of Roger Sherman’s descendants achieved prominence. He had 15 children between two wives. He did not own slaves.
Part 4: Ray welcomes David Jones in studio and Mike McClellan, who is running a Peoples Veto training in Scarborough tonight at 6pm at the Cornerstone Baptist Academy, 415 US Route 1, Scarborough, ME 04074. He is organizing to gather signatures to repeal LD 820 (taxpayer funded abortion) and LD 1313 (assisted suicide). There is already one out on LD 798 (immunization). If you have any questions or can’t make it tonight and would like to help, contact Mike at
Part 5: Ray, David, Dee Dee and Debi discuss the announcement that the new 007 will be a woman. This leads Ray down the path of the enlightenment and discussion.
Part 6: Ray and David switch their hats to Real Estate. The FO Bailey Real Estate segment this week is about interest rates. They talk about the different kinds. Both believe that a fixed rate is the way to go. An adjustable rate is like playing Russian Roulette. David and Ray talk about how the adjustable loans work. They talk about assumable mortgages which are not really done anymore.
Part 7: Call David today. He tells us about a couple of subdivisions he has places available. Ray runs the numbers and explains how affordable owning your home is and that you really cannot afford not to buy. He mentions a couple of subdivision in Brunswick, Autumn View Subdivision and Chamberlain Woods. By dealing with local businesses you can form working relationships. David’s contact information is office: 207-781-1111, cell: 207-650-3455 or
Part 8: Ray and David discuss David’s new project. The Lodge at Ducktrap Retreat it is located up in Lincolnville Maine. They list off some of the amenities that are available. (tennis courts, fireplace, sleeps 16, outdoor kitchen, indoor kitchen, pool, beach access, indoor shuffle board) are just a few of the fun things to do. Ray turns his attention to the BE BOLD! initiative. He re-announces the opportunity to help by Peoples Veto training in Scarborough tonight. They talk about the different bills that they want to repeal. They also talk about the birth of a baby from a donated uterus in Ohio.
Part 9: Ray reads a story about Democratic presidential hopeful Beto O’Rourke where he revealed that he was recently given documents showing he and his wife, Amy, are descendants of slave owners. O’Rourke said he continues to support reparations for the descendants of slaves, which has gained popularity among Democratic candidates.
Part 10: Ray reads a story from the Sun Journal about the roughly $800,000 that have been raised by private citizens and foundations over the last month to help care for more than 250 asylum seekers who are being temporarily housed in the Expo in Portland, according to city officials. Ray reads the whole story and he and Debi comment as he reads.
Part 11: Ray talks about how government thinks that it knows what is better for you than you do. Ray mentions several thoughts and ideas to support their thoughts (tongue in cheek) but then reminds people about the condition of our roads and bridges.
Part 1: Ray plays James Brown’s Get Up Offa That Thing. He goes on to describe the Maine Heritage Policy Center’s Freedom and Opportunity Luncheon. Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin spoke and was very inspirational. He was our guest on yesterday’s show. He congratulates the 2019 Freedom & Opportunity Award to Mr. Peter Anastos. He was appointed to be chairman of the Board of MaineHousing by Governor Paul LePage in 2011. Ray takes a call about the character of the Kentucky Governor. They talk about the loss of the Governor’s daughter and how the media treated him and how graceful he was in putting her in his place.
Part 2: Larry calls in and is frustrated with the “media” because they don’t do their jobs. They are opinion based and it is extremely frustrating that they are so biased that the truth is often hidden.
Part 3: This is the History Lesson Segment: George Mason IV (December 11, 1725 – October 7, 1792), as an American planter, politician and delegate to the U.S. Constitutional Convention of 1787, one of three delegates who refused to sign the Constitution. The Virginia Declaration of Rights, which Mason principally authored, served as a basis for the United States Bill of Rights, of which he has been deemed the father. Ray continues with his personal life and some other interesting things that help to understand what makes this man tick.
Part 4: Ray gives his perspective on the census. He gives an example of the difference of when the last census came out and some of the questions that were on it verses what should be on the census. The slow eroding river that is the left. Ray explains why the fight over the census is so important. Ray reveals the real collusion. It is between the media and the Liberal Activist. He explains that the media doesn’t do their job and that all they can do is scream that his is a dictator. He talks about the liberal judges of the 9th District. He goes into some more history and explains how the courts really work.
Part 5: Ray takes a call from someone that vehemently disagrees with Ray on his views on President Trump and the media and the court system.
Part 6: Ray rants and expresses frustration about being on hold with an airline company for over two hours twice last night. We need to demand better from our companies and the people that are in the service industry. Ray welcomes Carroll Conley, Executive Director of Christian Civic League of Maine by phone. They chat about yesterday’s luncheon with Gov. Matt Bevin and how inspirational his speech was and how Gov. Bevin and his family triumphed over tragedy. They talk about how faith is multi-faceted and affects all aspects of your personality.
Part 7: Really short segment. Ray introduces Former Maine Representative and Lobsterman Wayne Parry in studio.
Part 8: Ray had promised to play a clip from a President Obama and George Stephanopoulos. interview about the way ObamaCare will work. Ray stops the clip and makes a comment about how the courts are not “End All Be All” but an equal body in the three prong government. This isn’t being taught anymore. Ray points out that President Obama lied about how ObamaCare was going to work and they forced it down our throats. Ray points out how he got away with things. Ray changes direction and takes on the Right whales issues. Wayne explains a little about why. The problems aren’t even Maine’s. They are having a rally to support the long historied lobster industry in Stoningham on July 21.
Part 9: Ray and Wayne continue to discuss the long-term affect of this legislation about the right whale. They are holding a rally on July 21st (Sunday) from 12 noon to 2pm. This is an informative rally. Not a protest!
Part 10: Ray reads some more history about a delicious and crunchy treat. He tells us about the birth of potato chips. Ray and Wayne take a call from Gordon Draper who has a question about quotas on bait. They talk about the people who could catch bait and who couldn’t. Wayne really does a great job explain how this all works. Ray reads a couple of quips from Bob (the Sage of Kennebunk).
Part 11: Ray and Wayne get into the weeds….the discuss the discord that his happening in the Democrat party. They talk about Sarah Gideon and her path to office. She moved to Maine, ran for office and started changing Maine immediately. She basically came to Maine to change Maine.
Part 1: Ray explains how the US Census works and why we need it. He explains why the citizenship question is so important. Congressional Districts! He also gets into the “my body, my choice” argument. He and Debi discuss the immunization and the Maine double-talkin’ Legislature.
Part 2: Ray, Dee Dee and Debi welcome Bob Witkowski in studio. We talk about Sam, his daughter, and her blue hair. This was a frivolous segment. They talk about kids and kids names.
Part 4: Ray and Bob welcome Julie Ann Balmer by phone to discuss the 2019 Moxie Festival that will be happening this weekend starting on Friday. They will be having in a Chicken Chuckin’ contest and she Julie Ann describes the concept. There will also be a The Moxie Chugging Challenge. They discuss the 2019 Gina Mason Memorial Moxie Parade and rumor has it they are predicting this year’s parade will be at least “two cigars long.” Julie Ann explains what this means. They honor Gina Mason and explain how important she was to the Moxie Festival. They talk about the variety of uses of Moxie not to mention how good it is just on its own. They have a car show, and an outdoor movie (Dumbo) and some other great things happening on Sunday. This is a full three day event.
Part 5: Real short segment that didn’t have much to it.
Part 6: Ray and Bob welcome “Uncle Dave”. David Ciullo of Career Management Services and Dale Carnegie Maine, he also hosts The H.R. PowerHour on WLOB Radio. Today’s topic is some of the big changes happening with one of his companies. He announces that Dale Carnegie Maine has been sold, but they still have a great partnership. Dave talks that the are a couple of bills that have come down the pike that will affect employees. He goes into depth with how the new pregnancy bill. Bob asks him about internships and what advice does he have about getting into the permanent workforce. David says that it is important that interns make a difference. Be able to describe what your impact with the company.
Part 7: Ray talks about some of the things that we missed earlier. On this day in history, Harper Lee and back in 1960 her book To Kill A Mockingbird was published and he also talks about the duel back in 1804 that was held in Weehawken, New Jersey, Vice President Aaron Burr fatally shoots his long-time political antagonist Alexander Hamilton.
Part 8: Ray welcomes by phone Governor Matt Bevin of Kentucky. The boys talk about horse racing and Kentucky bourbon. Ray asks him about his service to our country. They also talk about his upcoming election. Gov. Bevin is one of the few Republicans to have been privileged to serve as Governor in Kentucky. Ray asks him about how he has dealt with the tragedy of loosing a child and the his family life. He and his wife had five biological children and they adopted five more. He explains how important adoption is and keeping siblings together. Gov. Bevin and Ray discuss Governor LePage and the legacy of his economy that LePage left our state. They chat about the differences between Liberals and Conservatives, sympathy and empathy. The Governor and Ray discuss the immunization debate. Ray asks him about his thoughts on the upcoming Senate race between Mitch McConnell and Amy McGrath.
Part 9: Ray is joined by News Center Maine’s Pat Callaghan. The boys start off with the interview Ray just had with the Governor of Kentucky Matt Bevin. This leads to the fire has destroyed a massive Jim Beam warehouse in Kentucky filled with about 45,000 barrels of bourbon. They talk about some of the “this day in history”. Ray mentions Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird and the duel between Burr and Hamilton. They talk about the television show West Wing. They talk about a true debate in politics. They talk about Presidential Censure. Censure is a procedure for publicly reprimanding a public official for inappropriate behavior. The boys head back to the debate and real issues in politics.
Part 10: Ray and Pat Callaghan wrap up with a discussion about how they get into a conversation and forget that they are on air. Pat is heard here every Thursday (except when he is traveling.)
Part 1: Ray starts with BET founder, Robert Louis Johnson and his statement that the Democratic Party has “gone too far left” and also added that partisanship has become “very wicked and very mean,”. Then he hits on the Home Depot story. President Trump took to Twitter in support of Home Depot after social media calls to boycott them after co-founder Bernie Marcus plans to back Trump’s re-election bid. Ray struggles with the name of an Illinois State Fair and JJ Jeffrey comes in and corrects him. Ray continues to with the story about the country rock band, Confederate Railroad, beening barred from performing at the Du Quoin State Fair in Du Quoin, Ill. on Aug. 27 for “90s Country Reloaded Day”.
Part 2: Debi found the cutest little girl on YouTube. 6-Year-Old Claire Crosby sings Can’t Help Falling In Love by Elvis while playing the ukulele. Ray and Debi discuss the Democratic Debate and how leftist they have all become. Debi points out that there wasn’t not even one flag on any candidate or even the stage of the debate.
Part 3: This is the History Lesson Segment: Josiah Bartlett (1729-1795) He represented New Hampshire at the Continental Congress, was a Delegate to Continental Congress (1774-’87); Signed Declaration of Independence in 1776, Signed Articles of Confederation in 1777. He was a State Court Judge, a Member of Federal constitutional convention (1787); He was elected Governor of New Hampshire. By age 17, he had learned some of both Latin and Greek. He also began the study of medicine, working in the office of Dr. Ordway of Amesbury at the same time. Before Bartlett turned 21, in 1750, he moved to Kingston, New Hampshire and began his practice. All three of his sons and seven of his grandsons would follow him as physicians.
Part 4: Ray talks about Tom Steyer. He is an American billionaire hedge fund manager, philanthropist, environmentalist, liberal activist, and fundraiser. He just announced his candidacy in the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries. Ray explains why this surprises him, not that he is running, but running as a democrat. He gives you another history lesson on President Hayes and how his Presidency even though he was probably one of the most moral Presidents we’ve had but was plagued with fraudulency because of the way he became President. He then gives his overview of several of the top 2020 Democrat Presidential hopefuls. He points out that AOC is running the Democratic Party.
Part 5: Ray describes the stand Sen. Susan Collins took with the confirmation of Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
Part 6: Ray reminds people what could happen if one of the Democrats that have announced that they are running for President actually get into office. He gives another history lesson. This time about how the Democrat party has treated the poor throughout our country’s history. Ray explains the full truth and asks people to dig and find out the truth. This is a very informative segment. The truth shall set you free!!!
Part 7: Ray reminds people that this weekend is the Moxie Festival. Come and join Moxie lovers from Maine, the US and abroad at the one and only Moxie Festival. He will be announcing the parade on Saturday in Lisbon, Maine. There will be three days of fun!
Part 8: Ray takes a call from Dave of Westbrook and he and Ray talk about his son Tyler briefly and then Dave gets to the reason he called in. He brings up an interview with US Women’s Soccer Team member, Megan Rapinoe, about why she can’t support the President. They continue with the discussion on other “celebrities” that “dis” America in the media. Somehow, they get into the difference between “faith” and “religion” as an example of how everything is a slippery slope.
Part 9: Ray reminds the audience of the “ideas” of the rigid ideology and the inconsistency of the left and how they hate the crony capitalism of the right.
Part 10: Ray talks about the “Good Ole Days”. He plays The Judd’s song “Grandpa (Tell Me ’bout The Good Ol’ Days)”. He talks about how family was better when there was time to sit around the dinner table and then this leads to reparations. Debi and Dee Dee join in the discussion.
Part 11: Ray and Debi continue to talk about the responsibility of paying for the reparations.