Part 1: Ray talks about President Trump’s personal tax returns. The national media and the Democrats have lost their minds over the fact that he hasn’t given them their PERSONAL tax returns.
Part 2: Ray welcomes David Jones to the conversation and they continue with the President Trump and his effect on the economy and how the media and all of the left is against anything he does.
Part 3: Today’s History Lesson: Benjamin Rush (December 24, 1745 – April 19, 1813). Ray reads a little bit of his biography. He was also a Declaration signer and was married to the daughter of another Signer, Richard Stockton. They had 13 children, nine that survived past one year old. He was a civic leader in Philadelphia, where he was a physician, politician, social reformer, humanitarian, and educator as well as the founder of Dickinson College. He served as Surgeon General of the Continental Army and became a professor of chemistry, medical theory, and clinical practice at the University of Pennsylvania.
Part 4: Ray and David talk about the division in America. This starts with the Trump’s economy and how well it is going, but Dee Dee says, “I thought it was because of Obama policy”. This leads to the “birther” movement. Ray talk about President Ronald Reagan and finishes up with Reagan’s Farewell speech about the “City on the Hill.”
Part 5: Ray thanks all of those that tune in and listen to the show. He tells a story about how you never know if you make a difference or not. Yesterday, he felt as though he did. He recalls the story about how working together, they, Ray along with an audience member and the staff in Portland City Hall, made a difference.
Part 6: Ray and David welcome Jim Richardson. Ray asks him to share what happened as a result of his flight up to Maine. This leads to the discussion about branding. They talk about how things change and end up talking about minimum wage. Jim teases Ray about his Clinton voice. They talk about Obama and Hillary Clinton. They talk about the fact that the people running for office should have to resign from their position in order to run for office.
Part 7: The boys talk about how Florida dodged a couple of bullets in their elections. This leads to ranked choice voting and Maine’s 1st Congressional District race between Jared Golden and Bruce Poliquin.
Part 8: The boys welcome show friend Claude Berube. He reveals why we haven’t heard from him in a while. He had been deployed to Guantanamo Bay. He is an instructor at Annapolis Naval School. They talk about Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Susan Collins and some of the other Senators. Claude explains why he has such a great appreciation of the Senate. Ray asks if he would support the United States to go back to the way the Senate used to be appointed. Ray talks about repealing the 17th Amendment. They continue their discussion on the job of being a Senator and Senator Susan Collins’ work ethic. They discuss Kentucky Democrat Amy McGrath and her run at Mitch McConnell’s seat. Great to have Claude’s perspective and congratulation on him getting his Doctorate.
Part 9: Ray and David discuss how accurate Claude has been in the past on election predictions. They also talk what it takes to get elected. You have to be willing to ask for money and put the leather to the pavement. If you aren’t willing to put in the work you shouldn’t be elected.
Part 10: Jim had to leave and David and Ray discuss the push to increase the minimum wage up to $15 an hour. Ray give the history of how minimum wage began. They discuss what will be happening to our economy if this happens. It will not improve the lives of people, but ruin their livelihood. They expand on this thought and give examples of what they mean. They move to the self respect that comes with having a job and being a productive member of society. Ray preaches about the radical Democrats that want to change everything that we hold dear. They only preach with division and hate. David ends with “Rome: version II.”
Part 11: Ray reads a text that says that he is spreading hate and division. Ray reads his text with frustration and can’t believe what he is reading. He names all of the Democratic field and how they are dividing our country with socialist ideas and Anti-America ideas.
Part 1: Ray talks about the FIFA World Cup and the United States win. Ray is irritated because Thomas Jefferson’s birthday, April 13, will no longer be a holiday in the Founding Father’s hometown of Charlottesville Virginia, according to the city council. This leads to a discussion about how history proves that government has always been the oppressor. He calls on all that receive a check from the government should tear up that check.
Part 2: David Jones joins Ray and Debi in studio. He also talks about the crazy actions of Texas Democratic Rep. Veronica Escobar who is reportedly sending staff to Mexico to find migrants returned from El Paso, Texas then coaching them to pretend that they cannot speak Spanish or are ill to exploit a loophole letting them to return to the United States. Ray then talks about how great our government has been over the years and that they are the end all and be all. They talk about the media and how they trashed President Trump and didn’t cover the American Celebration that was held on July 4th for America’s Birthday!
Part 3: JJ Jeffrey starts of the segment with a story from over the weekend. He tells us that he met someone that recognized him by his voice and is a fan of Ray and Joe Pags. Ray starts a new segment where he teaches about someone we should know from history. He starts if off with Charles Carroll (September 19, 1737 – November 14, 1832). He died being the last survivor of the signers of the Declaration, in 1832 at the age of 95.
Part 4: Ray and David Jones discuss Warrick Dunn (even though he attended Florida State University) and what a great guy he would have been for Nike to have celebrated instead of Colin Kaepernick. Ray tells us his story and the wonderful things he This leads to a discussion about Georgia and their Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) They talk about how Warrick Dunn’s mother was killed in the line of Duty as a policewoman and the good works that he has done inspite of his tragedy. Ray says that their was another cop shooting last night in Georgia.
Part 6: Ray and David discuss FO Bailey Real Estate. They are always looking for properties. They have a wide variety of listings from very high end, multi-family, commercial, condo. David tells us about some of the market prices and how different areas around Maine are having great success in moving inventory. He gives us some details of some of their higher end properties that are available. He says that he has something for everyone. They talks about the team at FO Bailey Real Estate. Ray points out that the FO Bailey name and the long history it has in Maine. It is a Maine Icon with only four owners in the last 200 years.
Part 7: David continues to list out some of the great properties that FO Bailey have on the market. Including the Lodge at Ducktrap Retreat. Call David today. By dealing with local businesses you can form working relationships. David’s contact information is office: 207-781-1111, cell: 207-650-3455 or
Part 8: It starts off by the group all singing the bump song. Which leads to a discussion about New York. This turns into a foodie segment in which they discuss New York cheesecake and Junior’s Cheesecake, Ray pizza and some other favorite New York establishments. They also talk about Izzy’s Cheesecake.
Part 9: Ray reads a Fox News story. Christine Pelosi, a Democratic National Committee official and daughter of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, warned conspicuously on Saturday evening that it is “quite likely that some of our faves are implicated” in the “horrific” sex-trafficking case against politically connected financier Jeffrey Epstein.
Part 10: Ray had to step out and David, Dee Dee and Debi take over. They discuss the top Democratic Presidential Hopefuls.
Part 11: Ray is still out and the inmates still have control. They continue the discussion that they had started earlier.
Part 1: Ray is all over the place. He recounts his 4th of July and how he celebrated Independence Day.
Part 2: Ray plays Courtesy of the Red White and Blue by Toby Keith.
Part 3: Ray and Dee Dee discuss the word jingoistic. Dee Dee asks what it means and Ray gives the definition. It is characterized by extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or warlike foreign policy. He plays a clip from some Anti-America Americans and their protest/rally. He “imagines a world” without America.
Part 4: Ray starts the segment with President Trump’s Independence Day speech. He is pro-America and it is refreshing to hear good things about America because you won’t hear it from the media. Maine State Representative Jeff Timberlake joins us in studio. They talk about Ricker Farms and their community Independence Day celebrations. Jeff then points to the papers he brought in to share with Ray. They discuss a couple of things that happened and did not happen during the session.
Part 5: Ray and Jeff continue a little about how to stop Gov. Mills’ leftist agenda. Jeff shows Ray his plan for November. They discuss how to get more of our side elected. They talk about how many they need and looking for more good candidates.
Part 6: Ray and Jeff talk about Maine’s Budget. Ray asks Jeff to explain the process again. The talk about revenue and the rainy day fund. Ray points out that the people up in Augusta are going to spend every penny that we have saved in the last eight years. Ray points out that the numbers that were discussed during the debate that WLOB hosted that she disagreed with Ray’s budget number and yet that is the number she hit.
Part 7: Ray and Jeff discuss the newest member of the Special Forces is being charged. Maj. Matthew Golsteyn’s wife was on Fox and Friends and this led to the discussion about how we fight wars now verses back before the Korean War.
Part 8: Ray and Representative Jeff Timberlake welcome Shawn Moody. They talk about the how the legislature is “protecting” industries in Maine, but as Shawn points out, they aren’t educated in the field enough to understand the logistics of what their bills will affect small business. They talk about the margin of error in starting up a business. The boys take a call from a fisherman.
Part 9: The boys tease Ray about his introduction. Ray talks about the BE BOLD! initiative. Shawn explains how people go broke in the good times, not the bad times. They continue to discuss how we are standing today but we won’t have the money that they are spending forever.
Part 10: Ray is getting more and more riled up. He plays Lauren Daigle’s Rise Up and he want the audience to rise up. The boys talk about the conversation on the break and how red Ray’s face got. He wants to know if what is being done to make sure it is Constitutional. He asks if it has been challenged. Jeff says that the “This is the way we’ve always done it” mentality is killing progress.
Part 11: Ray and the boys recap a lot about what they have been chatting about this morning. Ray brings up the roll calls and Jeff says that he tried to do it, but on that last night it got crazy and he couldn’t keep up with all of the bills coming at him. Ray at the last minute remembers that the Jobs Report came out and teased that he will talk about it on Monday.
Part 1: Ray talks about many different things in this segment as usual. Basically he talked about how today is a day to celebrate America. There is an article in the Portland Press Herald in the Op-Ed section regarding the interview with Portland City Manager Jon Jennings. The audio for this segment is not available. Part 2: He plays the National Anthem sung by the late Whitney Houston. This leads to a history lesson. He reads the history of the National Anthem. He goes into deep detail.
Part 3: Ray plays Josh Groban’s God Bless America. Ray tells the story of his appearance and singing at the All-Star Baseball Game in 2008. He talks about how America has always been a prayerful country. He tells us about General George Washington. The story about the birth of our nation. He talks about how the United States is founded on the basis that we were the underdogs. We need to celebrate how great our country is an not listen to the media that tells us how bad our country is doing. He mentions Frederick Douglas and his accomplishments and wants to know why he isn’t being talked about. He also talks about Abraham Lincoln and all that he accomplished. Ray asks why aren’t we talking about him? He goes back to Betsy Ross and her history. He compares one of Westbrook’s own veteran, Dottie McGirk. She knows the same sacrifice that Betsy Ross had. Dottie also lost two husbands to war, while serving herself.
Part 4: Ray plays Ray Charles’ America the Beautiful. This is basically it for this segment. Really short.
Part 6: Ray plays another James Brown song, America is Our Home. Ray expands on the meaning of this song and how even 13 years after his death, he is still teaching us about America.
Part 7: Ray plays the monologue from the great comedian Red Skelton about the “Pledge Of Allegiance“. On January 14, 1969, Red Skelton touched the hearts of millions of Americans with his “Pledge Of Allegiance“, in which he explained the meaning of each and every word. Then he moves on to Colin Kaepernick and compares what he has done for our country verses Betsy Ross and her patriotism and sacrifice. He takes a call from Arthur Langley that reminds people that there is a lot of history right here in Maine. He also explains what it means to him to now be an American citizen.
Part 8: Ray plays a clip of John Wayne and his version of “Why are you marching son?” Ray continues with the a little bit more of history. He teaches about the Stamp Act. He also talks about King George and how Americans have always wanted to live free and nobody stands in of way to doing just that. And, that includes the King of England.
Part 9: Ray plays President John Kennedy’s Inauguration Speech from January 20, 1961. Ray quotes the movie National Treasure. He expands on these thoughts. He then reads a excerpt from the Declaration of Independence. He reads who signed this living document and the men who “really” gave it their all. Fifty six signers of The Declaration of Independence. Ray expands by talking about the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere.
Part 10: Ray plays Lee Greenwood’s God Bless the USA. Ray talks about America. He reminds us that America is the land of opportunity and hope. How crazy is it that there are factions that just downgrade what we have here. It is said that you can tell how great a country is by how many people want to get in….well just look at our borders.
Part 11: Ray plays one of President Ronald Reagan’s patriotic speeches. He then lists off some of the places doing fireworks tonight. Brian Concrain joins Ray and they chat about the metamorphosis happening around Greater Portland. Portland has had the Portland Pops. They would like to have a multi-day event to celebrate Maine’s 200th birthday next year. Summerfest ME is the kick off. Brian and his wife saw a void and made a difference. Brian shares some of the great ideas that they have for events to come summer 2020. Ray expands with several different places in the Greater Portland Region to experience. Ray reminds people that we are all united as Americans.