Part 1: Ray is all over the place in this segment. First up is Nike and their spokesman Former NFL player Colin Kaepernick and the controversy over their Betsy Ross Shoes. He moves on to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her “truth” of what is happening on the Southern Border. He talks about the so called “concentration” camps conditions. He talks about Democratic Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson asserted that people who mock members of Congress online should face prosecution. “Those people who are online making fun of members of Congress are a disgrace, and there is no need for anyone to think that is unacceptable”. He and Debi go back to AOC and her need for attention.
Part 2: Ray, Debi and Dee Dee take a call from Fox News Radio’s Simon Owen to discuss the new requirements in Europe on electric cars. All new models of electric cars sold in the European Union must now make artificial noise when travelling at low speeds. Frederica Wilson are here and stealthy, which is dangerous. Simon explains what this means to the rest of the world. They also talk about the different sounds that might be installed to let people know that there is a car nearby.
Part 3: Ray says that it could get crazy. Ray talks about the New York Times Op-Ed section. They only have negative stuff about America and anything conservative and especially anything with or related to Pres. Trump. Ray wants to know if everything is so bad here, why does everybody want to come here.
Part 4: Ray continues with the New York Times and their anti-American stories and Op-Ed. Americans need to start being proud of America. Ray talks about how many people are coming into our country because it is a great country. Americans are the only ones that don’t know what they have. He mentions several different truths about America. He reminds the audience of the “poverty programs” that are pandering America. He also points out some of the discrepancies in our culture. He actually asks what did a gay person do to be proud to be gay, but if Ray is proud to be white, he would be a labeled a white supremacist.
Part 5: Ray and Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland talk about the Independence Day Celebrations happening in Washington DC. They will have tanks and all sorts of fun things in their parade. Fireworks will be ending the night. Rachel says that it should be on everyone’s bucket list.
Part 6: Ray reads a quote by Andrea Gallagher. She is the wife of Decorated Navy SEAL team leader Eddie Gallagher who was acquitted of nearly all charges in the death of an ISIS prisoner. He gives a little wrap up of the charges and verdicts.
Part 7: Ray plays the John Wayne patriotic clip of God Bless America. He then reads a little bit of history from the Civil War. It is about Gettysburg.
Part 8: Ray talks with Portland Maine City Manager Jon Jennings. They chat about some of the current issues facing Portland. First up is “Brickgate” the Fire station and the stir-up over the monument brick. They also chat about the asylum seekers and some other things that are prominently happening. Their discussion ends with the Celebration of America in Portland aka the Portland Fireworks.
Part 9: Ray welcomes AARP’s Jane Margesson and Austin Hodge. They chat about youthful aspect of the people that work for AARP. They talk about Amy Gallant, who is on maternity leave with Miss Audrey. Jane talks about the Greater Bangor FitLot Grand Opening!
Part 10: Jane and Austin describes another event coming up in Bangor. The Age Disrupting Triple Crown Challenge at the Hilton Garden Inn on Monday July 8, 2019. They have a lot of events coming up over the summer and into the fall. Visit their website for a listing of some of the awesome opportunities to get moving or get involved.
Part 1: Ray is riled up this morning about Nike and Colin Kaepernick. Kaepernick first “reached out to company officials saying that he and others felt the Betsy Ross flag is an offensive symbol because of its connection to an era of slavery,”. We are celebrating the birth of our Nation, the flag on the back of the shoes is the flag to represent each state designed and produced by Betsy Ross. Ray can’t understand how Kaepernick has the hold on Nike and is somehow the moral compass of this company.
Part 2: Ray and Gurnal Scott of Fox News Radio talk about the Independence Day fireworks in New York City and LL Bean and Linda Bean’s. Ray asks him about the Democratic Presidential Candidates. They look forward to the September Debates and what is going to have to happen to secure their spot on the stage. How did the debates that just happen last week have on the campaigns and who will be the ones to watch. Ray asked him about Kamala Harris’ claim of the busing as a child and some of the other non-fact based.
Part 3: Ray welcomes David Jones of Making Maine Great Again/FO Bailey Real Estate and Auburn Mayor Jason J. Levesque talk about apathy. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez starts it off with her unreasonable claims of the conditions at the Southern Border and the do nothing Congress is not making progress on any of the important issues that are threatening our country. They talk about how non supportive anyone in Congress has been to anything that President Trump does.
Part 4: The boys welcome Tim Frechette of Tim Pro Media. The boys talk about the media. They talk about what would happen if there was a Holocaust of some kind. They go back to media and old school journalists and how most of them are not true journalists, but are more editorial.
Part 5: Ray reads a text about his comments about Colin Kaepernick. Ray wants to know why we can’t talk about race without being called a racist. Why isn’t Serena Williams or a WWII Tuskegee pilot like Lt. Col. Harry Stewart. They also mention some of the football players that have positive vibes.
Part 6: Ray and the boys play a spot on Fox and Friends about Arizona’s Governor Doug Ducey ordering the Arizona Commerce Authority to withdraw incentives for Nike building a manufacturing plant in the state. Tim brings up AOC’s stand against Amazon. This was quite a discussion. Ray asks Jason about Auburn’s Memorial Parade and what Auburn does to Celebrate Independence Day. They talk about a text that David sent Ray about something that was in a Socialist Newspaper in Portland Maine. Their website is This leads to a discussion about how the young people and what they can’t do. The boys talk about the differences between socialism and capitalism. The discussion comes around to schools and the grading scale.
Part 7: So, Jason has an announcement that he is officially announcing that he will be running for his seat as Mayor again on July 9th at Gritty McDuffs from 4pm to 6pm. Come join him to celebrate the “Utopia of the Androscoggin”. State Rep. Amy Arata joins in the group.
Part 8: The boys are joined by State Rep. Amy Arata and Maine GOP Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas. Ray asks Demi about the most successful Chairman’s Reception since conception. Ray tells a story the caps that were handed out at Pres. Trump’s campaign rally in Florida. Amy asks about the primary system and how that will effect campaigning. Ray is saying that now is the time to stand up. Amy said that she didn’t go on vacation with her family because she thought they would still be in session. This gives Ray the opportunity to remind people how selfish the Maine Speaker of the House Sarah Gideon is while she is announcing her candidacy.
Part 9: Ray is trying to remember where they where in the discussion. They talk about this legislature was all about banning. This group was about we are going to tell you how you should live because you can’t do it for yourself. Ray brings up Obama’s promise that “you will by insurance”, but this group has said, “we will give everybody insurance”. Amy says that the Portland Mayor’s mouth has written a check that he can’t cash. The panel talks about how this should be a personal decision, not government making if for us with our taxpayer funds.
Part 10: Ray poses the question on the working policies of immigrants. Ray talks about the government regulations that are hindering immigrants from working. Amy wants to know why Maine can ignore the marijuana federal laws, why do they worry so much about the immigrants working. David gives his thoughts and so does Ray and Demi. Demi points out that the legislature and that they make all of this laws and yet they don’t uphold the laws that they make.
Part 11: Drug testing requirements being lifted in housing and other things that the legislature has done.
Part 1: Ray gives a quick once over of some of the headlines that happened over the weekend. There was a lot going on. He talks about the amount of pressure via emails that the Democrats are sending out to raise money and how dire they are portraying their plight. Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland calls in to discuss President Trump’s trip. The G20 Summit 2019 (An annual summit of leaders of the Group of 20 (G20) economies.) They also chat about Trump’s visit to North Korea. A historic moment: Trump has become the first sitting US President to step into North Korea. He met North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at the demilitarized zone.
Part 2: Ray rocks out to John Cougar Mellencamp. He also talks about the BE BOLD! initiative. He reminds people of the wacky things that the Democrats are doing and saying. It is time to stand up and make your voice heard.
Part 3: Ray welcomes David Jones in studio this morning. They discuss the good things that are being Trump is accomplishing. Ray questions the patriotism of the Democratic Presidential hopefuls on the other side that is doing nothing but condemning his actions. He is building trust and that is how you make change.
Part 4: Ray and David talk about how well the country is doing and the enthusiasm that they both have about the economy and the direction that we going. Ray’s brother Jim joins us in studio this morning. He is on vacation and visiting from Florida. Ray reads news about the stock market and they discuss the good trend and how the Dems don’t celebrate how well we are doing.
Part 5: The topic in this segment is about race. Ray received a text about him singing the Florida State “War Chant”. This leads to Elizabeth Warren stealing her Indian Heritage and taking money from people the truly deserve it. Ray questions where is the outrage for her.
Part 6: Ray, David and Jim welcome Conner Richardson back for the FO Bailey Real Estate segments. They discuss a wide range of topics about real estate. They talk about mortgages, turnover, and inventory. They are all having trouble getting listings for their buyers.
Part 7: The boys talk about one of David’s listings. It is located at 352 Pemasong Lane in Yarmouth Maine. FO Bailey has several properties available visit their website today. Call David today. By dealing with local businesses you can form working relationships. David’s contact information is office: 207-781-1111, cell: 207-650-3455 or
Part 8: They boys welcome Lynda Adams, heard here on WLOB Radio on Sundays 11am on the Living Life with Lynda Show. This morning she is wearing a different hat. She is representing Rock Row this morning. She gives a lot of the upcoming events and the fun things that are planned for the space. For more information on the developments happening, visit their website ( often.
Part 9: They boys discuss languages. They talk about how many people have multi-languages in their repertoire. Conner points out how many countries teach more than one language.
Part 10: David and Jim reminisce about their time in Washington DC during the Inauguration. Jim checks the weather forecast today and compares Maine to Florida which leads to the beautiful state of Maine’s versatility. The boys take a call and they talk about the party of Democrats. They talk about how it has changed over the years. The Democrats have changed to a more socialists philosophy. Ray stresses that we need that noble Democrat party to challenge the Republican party so that we can have intellectual and true debate. This leads to a discussion on student loans and college debt.
Part 1: Ray describes the event we attended last night in Augusta. We attended the Maine RNC’s Chairman’s Reception. He talks about the Democratic Debate that was held and some of the crazy ideas that they have come up with. He reminds people that their votes matter and points out several issues that demonstrate just that.
Part 2: Ray introduces Mighty John Marshall, who gives a tease about his segment coming up. Ray reminds people of some of the crazy things that were said last night. Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland calls in to touch on President Trump’s visit at the G-20 Summit and they quickly hit on the Democratic Debate. (Note: No audio is available.) Part 3: Ray introduces Mighty John Marshall and he gives some of the collectible records to look for while Spring cleaning or attending yard sales. If you would like to find out what your records are worth, check out his website:
Part 4: Ray is joined by the one and only Sen. Susan Collins by phone. She just celebrated her 7,000 consecutive vote. She is in Washington and had a vote yesterday and one today so she had to personally miss last nights reception. She was able to call in and speak to the sold out event. They also talk about how far left’s behavior has become. She recalls the Kavanaugh hearing and the death threats (not just to her, but to her whole staff) that followed her decision. Ray talks about the speech she gave and the “Profile in Courage” moment that it was. They talk about the character of a “girl from the county”. Sen. Collins and Ray talk about Sen. Lindsay Graham and how he standing up and “showing his ire”. Ray asks her about her promise to never miss a vote and she has kept that promise. She explains that she is one of three people in history to have this record. Ray asks her about the border funding vote that the US House voted on last night. She agrees that the asylum seekers and the legal immigrants should be able to work. This would help the communities that are sheltering and supporting them. There are a lot of jobs that would be well suited, especially ones with multiple language needs.
Part 5: Ray reads a text from Mark Reilly about how we are in the fight for our country. Ray explains this statement in a little more depth. Ray takes a call and he agrees wholeheartedly that we have to stand up and say “enough is enough”. Ray takes another call about Senator Collins and how the far left think and act and what makes us different.
Part 6: Ray takes a call and it was Gordon Draper. He talks about a gentleman that he met during physical therapy. Gordon tells us about his conversation with this distinguished veteran. Gordon says proudly that The Ray Richardson Show on WLOB Radio is very pro-military. He also appreciates hearing Senator Susan Collins and what she is doing and her thoughts on immigration.
Part 7: Ray jams to Lynyrd Skynyrd‘s Free Bird. Larry calls in and says he is trying to wrap his head around the transgender paid medical and then they discuss the Joe Biden. Ray says that the problem with Joe is that he is willing to say and do anything to be President. This leads to the current Democrats that are running and how all of them raised their hands that they would give free healthcare to illegals. Somehow, he and Larry end up on the abortion debate.
Part 8: Ray talks about the BE BOLD! initiative. Ray asks that if You believe that You Count! Sign up on the BE BOLD! button. This doesn’t cost anything and you don’t need to do anymore than you are comfortable in participating.
Part 9: Ray rocks out to R.O.C.K. in the U.S.A. from John Mellencamp. He welcomes Nina McLaughlin again. She is the Republican National Committee Communications Director of Maine and New Hampshire. Ray mentions that it we saw her last night at the Maine RNC Chair’s Reception and after she points out that she went home and watched the Debate. She was dumbfounded that all of the people on stage raised their hand to give free healthcare to illegal immigrants. She says that they just have words and they just cram them together to make them sound more socialist. She asks what is women’s care justice. They continue the discussion about the movement toward Victory 2020 and that everyday Mainers are so tired leftist left. Ray says see ya soon to Nina and then takes another call from a listener. He tongue in cheek points out that there are parking signs for expectant moms.
Part 10: Ray talks more about the BE BOLD! initiative. He names some of the people that have signed up to stand up and BE HEARD.