Part 1: Ray describes the event we attended last night in Augusta. We attended the Maine RNC’s Chairman’s Reception. He talks about the Democratic Debate that was held and some of the crazy ideas that they have come up with. He reminds people that their votes matter and points out several issues that demonstrate just that.
Part 2: Ray introduces Mighty John Marshall, who gives a tease about his segment coming up. Ray reminds people of some of the crazy things that were said last night. Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland calls in to touch on President Trump’s visit at the G-20 Summit and they quickly hit on the Democratic Debate. (Note: No audio is available.) Part 3: Ray introduces Mighty John Marshall and he gives some of the collectible records to look for while Spring cleaning or attending yard sales. If you would like to find out what your records are worth, check out his website:
Part 4: Ray is joined by the one and only Sen. Susan Collins by phone. She just celebrated her 7,000 consecutive vote. She is in Washington and had a vote yesterday and one today so she had to personally miss last nights reception. She was able to call in and speak to the sold out event. They also talk about how far left’s behavior has become. She recalls the Kavanaugh hearing and the death threats (not just to her, but to her whole staff) that followed her decision. Ray talks about the speech she gave and the “Profile in Courage” moment that it was. They talk about the character of a “girl from the county”. Sen. Collins and Ray talk about Sen. Lindsay Graham and how he standing up and “showing his ire”. Ray asks her about her promise to never miss a vote and she has kept that promise. She explains that she is one of three people in history to have this record. Ray asks her about the border funding vote that the US House voted on last night. She agrees that the asylum seekers and the legal immigrants should be able to work. This would help the communities that are sheltering and supporting them. There are a lot of jobs that would be well suited, especially ones with multiple language needs.
Part 5: Ray reads a text from Mark Reilly about how we are in the fight for our country. Ray explains this statement in a little more depth. Ray takes a call and he agrees wholeheartedly that we have to stand up and say “enough is enough”. Ray takes another call about Senator Collins and how the far left think and act and what makes us different.
Part 6: Ray takes a call and it was Gordon Draper. He talks about a gentleman that he met during physical therapy. Gordon tells us about his conversation with this distinguished veteran. Gordon says proudly that The Ray Richardson Show on WLOB Radio is very pro-military. He also appreciates hearing Senator Susan Collins and what she is doing and her thoughts on immigration.
Part 7: Ray jams to Lynyrd Skynyrd‘s Free Bird. Larry calls in and says he is trying to wrap his head around the transgender paid medical and then they discuss the Joe Biden. Ray says that the problem with Joe is that he is willing to say and do anything to be President. This leads to the current Democrats that are running and how all of them raised their hands that they would give free healthcare to illegals. Somehow, he and Larry end up on the abortion debate.
Part 8: Ray talks about the BE BOLD! initiative. Ray asks that if You believe that You Count! Sign up on the BE BOLD! button. This doesn’t cost anything and you don’t need to do anymore than you are comfortable in participating.
Part 9: Ray rocks out to R.O.C.K. in the U.S.A. from John Mellencamp. He welcomes Nina McLaughlin again. She is the Republican National Committee Communications Director of Maine and New Hampshire. Ray mentions that it we saw her last night at the Maine RNC Chair’s Reception and after she points out that she went home and watched the Debate. She was dumbfounded that all of the people on stage raised their hand to give free healthcare to illegal immigrants. She says that they just have words and they just cram them together to make them sound more socialist. She asks what is women’s care justice. They continue the discussion about the movement toward Victory 2020 and that everyday Mainers are so tired leftist left. Ray says see ya soon to Nina and then takes another call from a listener. He tongue in cheek points out that there are parking signs for expectant moms.
Part 10: Ray talks more about the BE BOLD! initiative. He names some of the people that have signed up to stand up and BE HEARD.
Part 1: Ray, Dee Dee and Debi discuss last night’s Democratic “Debate”. They talk about some of the candidates and their thoughts on how to improve America. They talk about Cory Booker and his racist comments about the black and brown communities.
Part 2: Ray, Debi Davis and Dee Dee discuss the First Lady of New York City, Chirlane Irene McCray. She is married to NYC Mayor, Bill de Blasio after Ray gets a text about him labeling her as a lesbian before she married Bill. Somehow this leads to a discussion about immigration and the cots down in the Expo in Portland. This makes Debi think of Wayfair and their employees.
Part 4: Ray and Bob discuss the song by the Mavericks that he plays for the bumb, Come to Me. Ray tells a couple of the stories. Ray and Bob talk about Sherman’s Bookstore in Portland. Bob has a book signing coming up on Saturday,6/29, at Sherman’s Bookstore Portland in Portland at 11:30am. They switch to people dying to come into our country. They talk about the Democrat Debate last night. Somehow Bob talks about lobster salad sells for $100/lb. Ray continues to talk about some of the promises that the Dems are making.
Part 5: Bob tells a story about his family’s experience with the healthcare system in England and New York. They get into the job of the Federal Government and how do they take care of you.
Part 6: Ray welcomes David Ciullo of Career Management Services and Dale Carnegie Maine, he also hosts The H.R. PowerHour on WLOB Radio. Today’s topic is some of the big changes coming into law after this latest legislative session in Augusta. He says that there are several big changes coming down the path. The paid time off, minimum wage some of the other nanny ideas the legislature could come up with. The conversations expands on these issues. David is worried that Maine will be loosing the incentive to bring more business to our state. The boys talk about the high cost of educating our youth and doing business. Ray brings up a couple of different industries that have had to change the way they do business to make them competitive.
Part 7: Ray talks about Eric Trump and the assault on him at a restaurant. Gordon Draper calls in to announce a fundraiser in Freeport for The Jarheads Motorcycle Club, they are active and retired U.S. Marines who do a lot of great things for veterans. While enroute to a charity on 6/21, their bikes collided with a truck head-on. 7 Marines were killed. On Friday, June 28, $1 of every pint will benefit Jarheads MC Go Fund Me fundraiser.
Part 8: Ray talks about the “dark” money of politics. They are against dark money except when it benefits them, he gives several examples of “what’s good for the gander, but not for the goose” philosophies. Ray takes a call about the legalizing of prostitution that Kamala Harris and Charlotte Warren have mentioned. The caller is also not for mixing DNA and that brings a discussion about organ transplants and my body, my choice. Ray goes back to Portland Maine Mayor Ethan Strimling and how he welcomed with open arms the asylum seekers, but made no plans on how he was going to pay for their stay.
Part 9: Ray reads an email about yesterday’s interview with Elaine Greene’s and the story she shared. He then reads a text from a audience member about government’s help. Ray moves on the Wayfair story. The social justice warriors that walked out of work based on misinformation on US “concentration camps”.
Part 10: Ray is joined by News Center Maine’s Pat Callaghan. The discuss last night’s Democratic Debate. They rehash the difficulties in getting to any meat of their campaigns. Pat and Ray both sympathize with the broadcasters and their technical difficulty. They talk about the Maine Senate Race and Maine House Speaker Sarah Gideon’s bid. Ray and Pat talk about Sen. Collins support base and Ray says people like him that have come back to support her. They talk about the Maine RNC Chairman’s Reception being held tonight.
Part 11: The media boys, Ray and Pat, continue their discussion. Pat suggest that people take a look at tonight’s Democratic Debate
Part 1: Ray reads the court ruling about Chick Fil A down in San Antonio at their taxpayer funded airport. This lets Debi surprise him with a song about Chick Fil A. Then, Ray talks a little bit Eric Trump who said in an interview that he was spat on by a worker at a Chicago restaurant on Tuesday night in an incident he called a “disgusting act.” He talks about the comments that have followed this story.
Part 2: Ray and Debi discuss the Women’s USA soccer team. They discuss the United States co-captain who has said that she will not visit Donald Trump’s White House if they win the Women’s World Cup this summer. Debi explains her thoughts that she should not be allowed to be on the team if she can’t give the respect to the American Anthem when played.
Part 3: Ray reads and comments a little bit on Bob Mueller. He will be testifying before Congress. Ray goes into his character and states that he is a patriot. Ray says that this is a dog and pony show.
Part 4: Ray play .38 Special’s Hold on Loosely and explains why he loves this song. He starts with Maine House Speaker Sarah Gideon’s announcement that she is running for the US Senate against Sen. Collins. He talks about Emily’s List. He explains that EMILY is an acronym. Early Money Is Like Yeast. He explains why he is supporting Sen. Collins and goes into why he is not supporting anything that Sara Gideon does.
Part 5: Ray plays some actual heartbeat sounds. Ray doesn’t understand how they can say science is so important but ignores it for political gain. My body…my right doesn’t let allow you to sell you kidney, but can with an individual living inside a woman.
Part 6: Ray welcomes James Orr of Veteran Mentors of Maine. He explains what their organization is all about. Their purpose is to help Veterans who need support after they have hit a rough patch. They talk about the sad truth of how our veterans are cared for when they come back. They are a non-profit and are completely staffed and supported volunteers. For more information visit their website: Veteran Mentors of Maine.
Part 7: We welcome the Freeport Flag Ladies, (Elaine Greene, Carmen Footer, and JoAnn Miller), in studio this morning. They have announced that they will be retiring from their weekly salute to the troops. Since 2001, each Tuesday morning for over 18 years the Freeport Flag Ladies have headed up the hill to the corner of Main and School Streets in Freeport from 8am to 9am to hold large American Flags in remembrance of 9-11 and in honor of our troops. Ray reads a simple act of kindness and it exemplifies them. Ray talks about how beloved they are all over the country and how much their kindness has meant to so many. Elaine explains that so many parents have made it okay to talk about patriotism without politics. Ray asks them to share a couple of stories. Not a dry eye!!!
Part 8: Elaine explains that they stood not just on every Tuesday, but on every 11th of every month, every patriotic holiday as well. They also greeted planes carrying service members. Ray asks them about what will they do on September 18th. Ray asks what people can do to support them. Elaine shares some exquisite wisdom.
Part 9: Ray welcomes back Nina McLaughlin. She is the Republican National Committee Communications Director of Maine and New Hampshire. They talk about Sarah Sanders and her replacement as President Trump’s Press Secretary. They also talk about the first of two night of debates of the Democratic Presidential hopefuls and how are they going to stand out. Nina points out that their talking points don’t make a lot of sense for our country. They talk about the difference between the noble Democrats and the socialist/progressive Democrats.
Part 10: Ray and Nina continue their discussion about the campaigns for President. They talk about the convention of 2016 and the crowds waiting in line to get to see President Trump.
Part 1: Ray goes into the history of Iran. Ray doesn’t understand the far left. He goes on to explain that he doesn’t know how the far left can agree with Iran and not support America. Why do the “not my President” factions just divides and he explains even when he didn’t agree or vote for someone that won he still respected the office. He and Debi discuss Sen. Collins and Debi says that she hasn’t announced yet. Ray reminds people about the BE BOLD! initiative and thanks people that have already signed up.
Part 2: Ray, Debi Davis and Dee Dee discuss a couple of the notes he has received. They talk about the great new venues in Maine and the awesome talent that they are bringing in. Ray continues with the TV show that he is re-watching on Netflix, The West Wing (1999-2006). He says that it is amazing that they are fighting the same issues on the show that they are fighting today.
Part 3: Ray and David chat on a quick segment.
Part 4: Ray and David welcome Maine State Representative Nate Wadsworth. Ray asks what’s new and he gives a quick list of some of things that were banned. Single use plastic bags and there is a $.05 price tag on all paper bags. Nate points out that they aren’t made in Maine and have to be shipped in and have a larger carbon footprint. Cold tar has also been banned and will take effect down the road. They talk about the fact that you get what you voted for and in the past we had Gov. LePage’s veto pen. We don’t have that now. Ray reads an editorial from the Press Herald about Substance Abuse “Disorder”.
Part 5: Ray, David, Nate welcome Dr. Demi back in. Demi is Chair of the Maine Republican Party. She tells us about the meeting that they had yesterday and who was sitting around the table. She says that their is a lot of great energy and recruitment is up. Nate and Ray state that there is a buyer’s regret from the voters. Demi talks about how they were suppose to be the party of “yes”, but they are actually the party of “no”. No, you can’t have this and you can’t do that. They talk about the Maine’s infrastructure and the budget. The panel takes a call about the plastic bags.
Part 6: The panel is joined by Maine State Rep. Amy Arata. She is finishing up her first term in the Maine House of Representatives serving House District 65 which includes the towns of New Gloucester and part of Poland. They talk about the plastic straws. Plastic bags and some of the other effects this administration has in mind.
Part 7: Ray and the panel talk about the email sent about a question on Southern phrase “Bless His Soul”. This leads to a discussion about Joe Biden. Ray asks Amy about something that she wanted to bring to attention. LD 214 “An Act To Increase Funding for Civil Legal Services”, this was voted on in the middle of the night and no discussion. The Reps. talk about the Democrats’ behavior in the House on the last night of the session.
Part 8: The panel talks about roll calls. The discussion talks about how the Veterans have been forgotten by our elected folks. There are Vets that are homeless and not being cared for or getting any of the medical treatment, yet they are handing it out to the asylum seekers without question. We need to take care of our own as well.
Part 9: Ray reintroduced the panel. They talk about the styrofoam cup that has now be banned. This leads to the NBA renaming the “owner” off the people that pay for the team and how that is racist. Which leads to the profiling bill that passed in the middle of the night and without a roll call. They go around the barn, but come back to the profiling bill. Ray talks about the 26 year history that our Governor has had and why she would signed this bill. He is so upset about this bill. He wants the law enforcement community to remember that the these people have voted against you and it is important to remember!
Part 10: They chat about Sen. Susan Collins and her bid for the US Senate. Ray explains why it is so important. Demi points out that Pres. Trump supports the Senator and she and Ray explain why.