Part 1: Ray goes into the history of Iran. Ray doesn’t understand the far left. He goes on to explain that he doesn’t know how the far left can agree with Iran and not support America. Why do the “not my President” factions just divides and he explains even when he didn’t agree or vote for someone that won he still respected the office. He and Debi discuss Sen. Collins and Debi says that she hasn’t announced yet. Ray reminds people about the BE BOLD! initiative and thanks people that have already signed up.
Part 2: Ray, Debi Davis and Dee Dee discuss a couple of the notes he has received. They talk about the great new venues in Maine and the awesome talent that they are bringing in. Ray continues with the TV show that he is re-watching on Netflix, The West Wing (1999-2006). He says that it is amazing that they are fighting the same issues on the show that they are fighting today.
Part 3: Ray and David chat on a quick segment.
Part 4: Ray and David welcome Maine State Representative Nate Wadsworth. Ray asks what’s new and he gives a quick list of some of things that were banned. Single use plastic bags and there is a $.05 price tag on all paper bags. Nate points out that they aren’t made in Maine and have to be shipped in and have a larger carbon footprint. Cold tar has also been banned and will take effect down the road. They talk about the fact that you get what you voted for and in the past we had Gov. LePage’s veto pen. We don’t have that now. Ray reads an editorial from the Press Herald about Substance Abuse “Disorder”.
Part 5: Ray, David, Nate welcome Dr. Demi back in. Demi is Chair of the Maine Republican Party. She tells us about the meeting that they had yesterday and who was sitting around the table. She says that their is a lot of great energy and recruitment is up. Nate and Ray state that there is a buyer’s regret from the voters. Demi talks about how they were suppose to be the party of “yes”, but they are actually the party of “no”. No, you can’t have this and you can’t do that. They talk about the Maine’s infrastructure and the budget. The panel takes a call about the plastic bags.
Part 6: The panel is joined by Maine State Rep. Amy Arata. She is finishing up her first term in the Maine House of Representatives serving House District 65 which includes the towns of New Gloucester and part of Poland. They talk about the plastic straws. Plastic bags and some of the other effects this administration has in mind.
Part 7: Ray and the panel talk about the email sent about a question on Southern phrase “Bless His Soul”. This leads to a discussion about Joe Biden. Ray asks Amy about something that she wanted to bring to attention. LD 214 “An Act To Increase Funding for Civil Legal Services”, this was voted on in the middle of the night and no discussion. The Reps. talk about the Democrats’ behavior in the House on the last night of the session.
Part 8: The panel talks about roll calls. The discussion talks about how the Veterans have been forgotten by our elected folks. There are Vets that are homeless and not being cared for or getting any of the medical treatment, yet they are handing it out to the asylum seekers without question. We need to take care of our own as well.
Part 9: Ray reintroduced the panel. They talk about the styrofoam cup that has now be banned. This leads to the NBA renaming the “owner” off the people that pay for the team and how that is racist. Which leads to the profiling bill that passed in the middle of the night and without a roll call. They go around the barn, but come back to the profiling bill. Ray talks about the 26 year history that our Governor has had and why she would signed this bill. He is so upset about this bill. He wants the law enforcement community to remember that the these people have voted against you and it is important to remember!
Part 10: They chat about Sen. Susan Collins and her bid for the US Senate. Ray explains why it is so important. Demi points out that Pres. Trump supports the Senator and she and Ray explain why.
Part 1: Ray, Debi and Dee Dee discuss their weekend. Debi describes the annual La Kermesse festival that is held in Biddeford. A festival that celebrates Franco-American culture. Ray brings up the Tweet by Chellie Pingree about a bill that she has put forth to allow asylumees to work after 30 days not the 180 days.
Part 2: David Jones joins the gang. They discuss a news story that Ray reads. Bernie Sanders and some of the other socialists that are running for offices are brought up.
Part 3: Ray talks about the President Trump’s sanctions heading to Iran. They end up discussing the struggle in our country over the socialism/capitalism philosophy.
Part 4: Ray an David talks about the weather and they get into the weeds. David talks about how President Trump occupies so much time and space in some people minds. Ray points out a specific listener that is a never Trump and hates him with every breath. Ray and David take a call about how it takes two to tango and a father’s rights if there is a baby and she wants to abort. The caller also talks about what happens when there is a sexually transmitted disease (STD).
Part 5: Ray and David take a call and it is Gordon Draper who is so happy that Wayne Parry is running for office again. Ray is trying to get Joe Bruno to run again. Gordon talks about the sea level changing but then not changing.
Part 6: Ray and David discuss real estate. Ray reads the new federal law that has just been passed regarding vernal pools. David gives personal story and history of what happened to him. The boys talk about the unelected bureaucracy that is causing the backlash. David says to call and he can help you migrate through the governmental regulations. David says that there are a lot of different caveats to maneuver through. Ray explains why he is supporting Senator Collins in her bid for re-election and how the court’s newest justice, Brett Kavanaugh, appeared to provide the tie breaking vote. Ray gives a personal story of the abuse of power that happened back in the ’90’s and her property rights.
Part 8: Ray talks to David about how important it is to stand up and be counted. He takes a call from Andy. He tells what he is doing to show how people are voting. He and David continue to go down the cockamamie new laws that have been put into place. This leads to a discussion on the new panel on law enforcement. They take a call in support of this because of the rest of the country, Ray points out that the Attorney General has exonerated all of the law enforcement shootings. Ray talks about the people(job) that make up this committee. There are no law enforcement on this committee. David reads a headline on Fox News about Elizabeth Warren wanting to give reparations for gay people. They take a call from Larry and he says if people weren’t doing something wrong, the police wouldn’t need to shoot them.
Part 9: Ray reads the story that David pointed out to him about Elizabeth Warren and reparations for gay people. Sen. Elizabeth Warren unveiled a bill, the so-called Refund Equality Act. Ray and David both of them praise Chellie Pingree (which is a first) on her bill HR 2813. The boys take a call from Bill of Casco. They tease about what they would do if one of the socialist win in 2020. They talk about what will happen to the budget if a socialist gets in the White House.
Part 10: Ray and David joke about moving to Key West…
Part 1: Ray is joined by the famous Joe Bruno. Both are really frustrated with the Governor’s actions. She has totally turned her back on the law enforcement community by signing the last couple of bills. Ray and Joe discuss the history of Maine’s racial profiling problem….(lol) and the new committee that will oversee police shooting because we have so many of those in Maine.
Part 2: Ray and Joe continue with the crazy doin’s in Augusta. Governor Mills and the entitlement of some of the elected folks. Joe talks about how smart they think they are just because they sit in a seat in Augusta.
Part 3: Ray reads a story regarding legislation was initially proposed by independent Rep. Jeff Evangelos of Friendship, who said he was motivated by high-profile officer-involved shootings throughout the country. The bill was Maine LD 1219.
Part 4: Ray goes on to expand his thoughts on the attack on the integrity of the law enforcement community in Maine. He then welcomes Former Gubernatorial Candidate Shawn Moody. Shawn points out the strategy of the people trying to slide under the radar on these bills. They talk about the fact that they didn’t even get to the mandatory adjournment date. They went over and it was UN-necessary. Shawn talks about the next election cycle and what we need to start doing. Ray and the boys talk about Wayne Parry and how he should get back into office. Ray states that he was termed out, not voted out. He was still active in the elections. But we need more people like him back in the seats.
Part 5: Wayne Parry actually joins the boys and walks in with some campaign support envelopes. He is announcing that he is running again.
Part 6: Maine State Senator Jeff Timberlake by phone to talk about Augusta and some of the stuff that Gov. Mills has been signing into law. Including LD 1219, which is the oversite committee over law enforcement. Joe stresses his relationship with the Governor has never been friendly. Ray talks about the flip-flop of Gov. Mills over the LD 1219. Jeff points out because of the control aspect. Jeff talks about the estate tax (LD 420) that they are bringing back to life. This is an awesome conversation!!!!
Part 7: Ray gives out Wayne Parry’s address to send contributions to his campaign. They take a call about a younger guy up in Harpswell looking to run.
Part 8: Ray asks Joe if this session has been the darkest days of the State Legislature. He says no, and give what he means. They talk about term limits based on John Martin and yet he is still there. They talk about how power gets into people’s head and it makes them loose control. They talk about who was the worst Maine House Speaker. The boys talk about the manipulation of the elected folks by the unions. They also chat about Robert’s Rules and the bulling of the people pulling the strings from behind the scenes.
Part 9: Ray, Joe Bruno and Wayne Parry chat. Joe gives Ray credit that he is telling the audience the truth about what is going on in Augusta and Washington. He is a news junkie and he knows that Ray has been honest in his statements. Joe talks about what it takes to run for office and how he has been on the Board of Pharmacists and doesn’t know if he will be re-appointed. The boys take a call about Washington and the people running for President. Joe tells the audience about a caddie that was charged with a crime and how he was treated. They take a call from Larry to talk about Portland Mayor Ethan Strimling sitting on his throne. He suggest that the all of the law enforcement take the same day off and lets see how Maine will do without. He says that he is thinking about running cause he is spitting nails mad.
Part 10: The boys talk about the automatic voter roll. They take another call on about the Ranked Choice Voting. Ray says that they are trying to rig the system. Wayne says that they are a lot better at cheating that we are.
Part 1: Ray is fired up this morning…..The reads a story about the drone that was shut down. Iran’s Revolutionary Guard shot down a U.S. drone on Thursday over international airspace in the Strait of Hormuz. Ray urges people to sign up to BE BOLD! and then he goes off on some of the things that our elected people have done overnight. He talks about the LD 1475 (HP 1077) “An Act To Eliminate Profiling in Maine” Sponsored by Representative Craig Hickman.
Part 2: Ray welcomes Rep. Nate Watsworth. Ray asks him about LD 1083 the Ranked Presidential Vote’s vote? He says that the Maine Legislature just passed a huge tax increase on tobacco. LD 1028 “An Act To Prevent and Reduce Tobacco Use with Adequate Funding and by Equalizing the Taxes on Tobacco Products and To Improve Public Health”. They talk about the Governor’s veto power and whether or not she will use it. She has promised not to raise taxes, but “Lo and Behold” looks like she will be breaking her promise.
Part 4: Ray and Bob welcome State Sen. Jeff Timberlake by phone. They discuss the tobacco tax and a lot of the “feel good” things that have been passed. Jeff tells about the Republican wins that they had during the session. Ray asks the procedure of the Ranked Choice Presidential Vote and how it will effect the Secretary of State’s job to get the ballots ready for November. Ray questions him about LD 699 “Resolve, To Provide for Outreach Programs To Assist Women at Risk of Giving Birth to Substance-exposed Infants”. This bill was sponsored by Brownie Carson. They talks about some of the other bills that he put forward. Ray describes the Legislature as basically the “Death Chamber”. Ray asks Jeff to explain the procedure of bonds. They talk about the Rep. that was “removed from the Chamber”. Rep. Sheldon Hanington expressed anger on the floor of the Maine House, calling the speaker a “weasel” before being walked out of the chamber by his colleagues. They talk about the importance of the upcoming election. The recruitment for getting new blood into the seats to represent the Maine way of life, not to get elected to just change it to be like New York. They talk about the inheritance tax and the “hippy-dippy” legislature.
Part 5: Ray and Bob chat about the importance of elections. We are reaping what we sow. We didn’t do the work to make sure that our voice was heard during the last election and now they have started. The election season starts today and we need to get the grassroots effort started and we all need to stand up and be counted. Ray explains some of the tricky things that the Democrats have done. Ray has had it!!!! The boys take a call from Gordon Draper about the budget. Arthur Langley calls in and agrees with Ray that this is the time to get involved and get organized. Ray talks about one of the bills about letting non-citizens have the ability to vote. Ray explains why this is just a stepping stone.
Part 6: Ray talks about how imported grassroots is to change. He would love to come to your meeting or town to speak about how to BE BOLD! He goes into Governor Mills and her job history and how she should know better than to sign some of these things coming across her desk.
Part 7: Ray talks about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s comments about the southern border and being compared to concentration camps. Jerry Nadler is agreeing with AOC and Ray wants to know what has he done in the 30 years he has been in Congress. Dee Dee asks which one lied about serving in Vietnam was.
Part 8: Goes back to the bill put forward by Maine Rep. Craig Hickman about racial profiling. Ray talks about the Governor’s history as Attorney General and knows that Maine doesn’t have this problem and not support the men and women in blue. He addresses the Law Enforcement community about this slap in their face. Ray states that this bill was not a solution to a problem, but a solution looking for a problem.
Part 9: Ray reminds the audience about the 1st Responder’s Sea Dog game on Saturday. News Center Maine‘s Pat Callaghan joins Ray by phone. The boys talk about the feud between Former Governor Paul LePage and Former Maine Speaker of the House Mark Eves and the the legal fight over the Good Will-Hinckley appointment. They move on to National news and Trump.
Part 10: Ray and Pat Callaghan continue to discuss the Maine’s Legislature. Pat urges people that if you have a Maine Legislator that lives near you, please be quiet because they were in session until 6:45am this morning. The boys wrap up with more thoughts about the session.