Part 1: Ray, Debi Davis and Dee Dee Richardson talk about the Trump Rally as he kicks his Presidential Campaign. Ray sees a story on Fox News about a Great White Shark chomping a a bait bag attached to a boat in New Jersey. Ray goes back to the statements of some of the elected people and the lack of knowledge.
Part 2: David Jones is in today. Ray questions David if he did anything special last night (as a joke). David explains what a showman Pres. Trump is and what a great speaker he was. Dee Dee points out the diversity of the audience and how full the auditorium was. David loves the new campaign slogan!
Part 3: Ray, David and Debi talk about …the tally of the birthday segment. Then Ray and David talk some more about the last night’s rally and Trump and his fake news comments.
Part 4: Ray, David, Dee Dee and Debi are joined by Portland Maine City Manager Jon Jennings. Ray asks him about the legality of the asylum seekers. Ray then asks about the funding of the asylum seekers and security for all of the costs. Ray then asks about the medical screening. Jon dispels the rumors that they haven’t been screened, but they have actually been screened several times. Jon points out that the generous offer of USM’s dorms are short lived. They will need their dorms back August 1st so they will need to find a more permanent housing for them ASAP. Ray asks about the number of asylees heading our way. Ray asks about the Federal Government playing in caring for them considering they can’t work for two years. Ray stresses that this is going to take resources and was curious where all of this will come from. Jon says that the community has really stepped up and and it isn’t just from Portland, but from all over the country.
Part 5: Ray, David, Dee Dee and Debi talk about the rally again….David is basically gitty!
Part 6: Ray and David talk Real Estate. David owns FO Bailey Real Estate. Ray has been working on a project and they talk about the history of FO Bailey as an auction house and are still Antiquarians. David explains how they used to sell real estate back in the day. The boys discuss some of the different interests that FO Bailey has had during the past 200 years. Ray and David discuss that David and Nancy are only the forth owners of FO Bailey.
Part 7: David lists several of properties he has available. He has one on Little John Island, another one on Long Lake in Naples. Not to mention Nobleboro at 51 Morgan Hill Road as well as 280 Orion Way. Call David today. By dealing with local businesses you can form working relationships. David’s contact information is office: 207-781-1111, cell: 207-650-3455 or
Part 8: Ray welcome Fox News Radio’s Eben Brown to discuss the Trump Rally that was held last night. Eben talks about how important these rallies are and the grassroots effort. Eben expands on how the grassroots going. Ray teases about how Trump teased the media that were at the event and how fake they were. They talk about Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her presence last night. Ray talks to David about a conversation with Jon Decker of Fox News Radio that was covering the rally and they were comparing it to Cleveland.
Part 9: Ray and the gang talk about the cocaine bust that was the nation’s biggest ever. Federal authorities on Tuesday seized more than 16 tons of cocaine from a cargo ship docked at the Port of Philadelphia.
Part 10: The gang talk about the silly season is coming. Ray urges people to call David at 2:30am and in turn David says to call Ray at 2:30am. They take a call, but he doesn’t take a breath and leave questions to what he was talking about. Ray talks about the nuts on the other side and gives some of their ideas. They take another call about the Maine Legislature and how to return some Republicans to the seats in Augusta. They take a call from Fox News Radio’s Jon Decker who covered the rally last night. They take about what was served for dinner on Air Force One and President Trump’s love/hate relationship with the media. Jon talks about how his Twitter account can change the news cycle with the push of a button. They talk about how generous he was to let Sarah speak and Jon reiterates how invaluable she has been to the Trump Administration.
Part 11: Ray takes a call about Eric Brakey and his political intentions. Ray explains that he thinks that Bruce Poliquin will run depending on how his parents are doing. Ray would like to see Eric run for his Senate seat and maybe be able to take back the Maine Legislature.
Part 1: Ray, Debi Davis and Dee Dee Richardson discuss the immigration problem that Portland Mayor Ethan Strimling has provided Southern Maine. Ray explains the difference in helping when you are prepared to do so and “your mouth is writing checks your body can’t cash”. Ray and Debi continue to discuss the long history of Democrat control over the “needy” by helping them and not allowing them to help themselves.
Part 2: David Jones joins the in the discussion on funding and housing for asylum seekers in the city of Portland.
Part 3: Ray, David, Dee Dee and Debi are joined by JJ Jeffrey and he laughs at Ray as he reads an editorial (Our View: Asylum support bill invests in Maine’s future) that is in the Portland Press Herald.
Part 4: Cumberland County District Attorney Jonathan Sahrbeck joins Ray, Dee Dee and David in studio. New York gives Ray another topic to discuss.They also talk about non-citizens having a driver’s license. Yield does not me stop! They talk about the Washington DC. Jonathan is just getting back from spending a week down there and talk about the different monuments. Ray gives some of the historic moments that have happened on The National Mall.
Part 5: The boys discuss Former Cumberland County District Attorney Stephanie Anderson. Jonathan says that she has been an invaluable resource an more than helpful. Ray brings up the story of the Supreme Court throwing out an Oregon court ruling against bakers who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. This leads to a short discussion.
Part 6: Ray, Jonathan and David continue the discussion about the asylum seekers. Ray poses a couple of questions to Jonathan. He explains the process that his office goes through. Every case is different and they treat each case as individual. Ray mentions a couple of cases and asks him about them. They also talk about the case of the court personnel who helped the illegal immigrants escape. The boys are joined by Maine GOP Chair Demi Kouzounas and National Committee State Communications Director of New Hampshire and Maine, Nina McLaughlin.
Part 7: Ray lets Jonathan have the segment to inform the audience of the work that is being done to combat the opioid epidemic. He has been working with Gordon Smith that was appointed by Gov. Mills. He is headed up to the Lakes Region for a meeting later this morning. They talk about how quickly that someone can get addicted.
Part 8: Ray talks to National Committee Director of New England Communications, Nina McLaughlin. Today is a special day today. They talk about the Campaign Kickoff in Orlando, Florida and she gives a quick outline of what will be offered to voters. Nina explains how social media plays a huge part in the elections and she describes the “MAGA Meetups” that will be happening for people to learn how to use social media. They talk about the grassroots effort and how effective that is to winning. Ray says that all you have to look at the way the other side is behaving. They talk about the 23 Democrats Presidential Candidates and some of the “ideas” that they have and want enacted if they win.
Part 10: Ray announces the 1st Responders Night at the Sea Dogs. He also tells the audience that the June Edition of the Richardson Magazine is available. They continue to talk about Nina (who had to leave) and they have quite a discussion about how important it is to keep Trump in the White House. They talk about the differences between Capitalism and Socialism. Demi goes back to the asylum seekers and gives her thoughts. They talk about the mess that Ethan has created. This is quite a heated discussion!
Part 1: Ray, Dee Dee and Debi Davis talk about Father’s Day. Then Ray gets into the weeds. The elected people in Augusta passed a two-year budget deal barely below Governor Mills’ original $8 billion proposal, but not much.The House voted 103-48 and the Senate voted 25-9 Friday. They talk about the elected folks not standing up and this leads to a discussion about property tax relief.
Part 2: Debi, Dee Dee and Ray discuss President Trump’s casual comments. The media is going crazy about Pence running for President and whether or not President Trump will endorse him in 2024. The media has lost their minds with a lot to do about nothing. Apparently, they have in their mind that Trump will be petitioning to stay in office.
Part 3: Ray starts off with the $8 Billion budget. JJ comes back in to talk about the Ogunquit Playhouse’s production of Jersey Boys.
Part 4: Ray starts off this segment with song…..he talks about how crazy things are up in Augusta. $7,998 Billion (but not $8) Ray explains what they wanted to spend. The working people are going to pay for this craziness one way or another. This brings up Socialism and the candidates and elected folks that are pushing it forward. He talks about AOC and Elizabeth Warren. He reminds people to look at Venezuela and see how Socialism is working for them.
Part 5: Ray talks plays real song of the song he came up with the new lyrics to in the previous segment. Ray talks about the tensions with Iraq and how their actions my take us to war and how Washington is going react.
Part 6: Ray welcomes Maine State Senator Jeff Timberlake by phone to discuss the $8 Billion State two year budget that was just passed. They talk about the NCCI, The National Council on Compensation Insurance is the nation’s most experienced provider of workers compensation information. Ray ask Jeff how we can get the truth. Jeff says that they are calling Roll Calls on the majority of the bills so that people will know who is voting for what. Jeff points to the work on the Worker’s Comp. vote. They discuss the personal threats that have happened to his family and business. They chat about some of the other craziness and Ray asks about the Electoral Vote.
Part 7: Ray welcomes by phone USM President Glenn Cummings. He has graciously stepped up and opened up the dorms to help with the influx of the immigrants coming into the Portland area. Portland Mayor said send them up and made no preparations to take care of their needs. President Cummings explains how the college came up with their plan. However, it is only a temporary measure. There will be students returning in August. Glenn talks about how the school isn’t paying for this out of their budget. Glenn also talks about his ancestors trek to Maine and how some people helped even if it was minuscule and how others slammed their door in their face.
Part 8: Ray takes a call from Gordon Draper. He tells Ray some of the Facebook posts he had made and the response to them. Ray talks about the texts about Ray going soft. Ray talks about Ethan Strimling once again doing anything for a vote. Ray also says that using these people coming to Portland Area as a political pawn is wrong. These people are here and have to have a place to stay. Ray takes another call who asks about the medical well being of these people and how are we protected if they have a communicable disease. People wishing to help the asylum seekers can text EXPO to 91999 or visit a website the city created for donations. United Way also has a site for people who would like to volunteer, visit a website the United Way has created. The city still says people should not show up at the Expo unless they have received a volunteer assignment. Anyone who shows up at the shelter without a volunteer assignment will be turned away.
Part 9: Ray continues the discussion on the Immigrant crisis. Ray talks about Westbrook’s City Council having this on their agenda. Ray says that this shouldn’t be taxpayer monies that have already been allocated to other priorities. This should be on individual hearts to give and lend a helping hand. He takes a call about the national crisis immigration has become.
Part 1: Joe Bruno and Mark Reilly and Ray are a little wound up this morning. So apparently Ethan Strimling, Mayor of Portland Maine, has welcomed with open arms some of the immigrants coming in to America. However, he has done nothing to prepare for the influx of people. Joe explains the ripple effect that will happen.
Part 2: Ray talks about the dis-service that Ethan Strimling has done to the people coming to Portland. He is not prepared and the boys also talk about the other Mayors and their crazy ideas. Ray tells a story about how he and Ethan were discussing public policy on a political TV segment and Ethan’s response to a question Ray posed was to tell Ray to get a suit coat that fits.
Part 3: Ray, Mark and Joe discuss golfing….
Part 4: Mark had to go to work, but Joe and Ray welcome State Rep. Nate Wadsworth and Auburn Mayor Jason J. Levesque in studio and State Senator Jeff Timberlake discuss the National Vote. Joe asks him about the budget and whether or not there will be a vote on it. Ray explains that there has to be a 2/3 vote in order to pass. Ray points out that this is the largest budget in history. Nate gives a road map of how we got to this budget. Jason talks about the priority in Maine and that the Republicans have to stand together in unison as a caucus. The first vote on the budget is today. Ray points out that Governor Mills has broken every campaign promise she made. The boys agree and expand on this thought. Ray asks Jeff about the bond.
Part 5: Ray continues the discussion about the people coming to Portland with Joe Bruno and State Sen. Nate Wadsworth and Auburn Mayor Jason Levesque. Ray asks how are the actions and words on Mayor Strimling responsible. We don’t have the infrastructure to take care of the immigrants he has invited. Jason gives his opinions about this as a Mayor and also talks about the state of Maine’s responsibility. They talk about the health of state is in jeopardy. They will all need to be immunized and who is going to pay for that? Jason points out that this is just like Greece several years ago. Ray says that this is an American Crisis and our Leaders need to recognize that there is a problem. Our leaders need to lead.
Part 6: Ray and the boys continue the conversation on Portland. Jason has the parting shot.
Part 7: Ray, Joe and Jason continue to discuss the budget and how they “cut” a budget all the while raise the total. After the discussion of how that is done, Ray brings up the bill that Governor Mills just signed into law, LD 1313 Death with Dignity. He reads section 20 about how it isn’t suicide. He talks about the slippery slope. They talk about the morality of government.
Part 8: Auburn Mayor Jason Levesque promotes his beautiful town. Auburn is celebrating their 150th Anniversary. Jason points out that there are a lot of really great things that are happening.
Part 9: Ray and Joe take a call about the slippery slope of the Death with Dignity. This is a long discussion with this caller. The boys take another call about the wording of this Death with Dignity. The caller points out that the drugs that are needed are hard to get. Ray continues to say that he doesn’t know what happened to the Janet Mills that he used to know, because the Attorney General that he knew, was always for justice.
Part 10: Ray and Joe end the show with a couple of calls. First caller talks about how this is just going to erode the family and pit family members against each other when they should be leaning on each other. Ray brings up Elizabeth Warren who is releasing a new plan to eliminate student debt.