Part 1: Ray and Debi have a discussion about LD 1313. This leads to further discussions about the role of government. They disagree on the first topic and agree on the second.
Part 2: Ray says that he feels that the Governor has lost her perspective. She reveres science except when it comes to a baby in the womb.
Part 4: Ray and Bob welcome Maine State Senator Jeff Timberlake. He has an update on the happenings in Augusta. He reports who voted on what. They talk about how the State of Maine will be able to pay for all that they have promised without raising taxes. The Senator says that he will not be voting for the budget. Ray emphasizes that the voters are getting what they voted for.
Part 5: Ray talks about Roy “Bernie” Clark. He owned Bernie’s Auto and he and Bob have a great discussion about him and his vast knowledge of cars. Unfortunately, Bernie passed away suddenly at the young age of 53. He and Bob are joined by Dave Ciullo of Career Management Services and Dale Carnegie Maine, he also hosts The H.R. PowerHour on WLOB Radio. Today is Dave’s birthday and he is 55. The boys discuss AARP flyers and membership. Bob asks him about birthday days off. This leads to a discussion on Paid Days Off (PTO). Bob sings Happy Birthday in his very best Marilyn Monroe.
Part 6: Ray takes a call in regard to Dave Ciullo’s comments about AARP. He wanted to let Ray and his audience about an organization similar to the AARP, but are more conservative. They are AMAC. Ray explains the partnership that WLOB and AARP Maine have. Ray explains that the AARP Maine doesn’t do the hard politics, but are more invested in educating, whether it is about issues or fraud issues.
Part 7: Ray announces that Waskom, Texas will become a sanctuary city for the Unborn. He welcomes Carroll Conley with the Christian Civic League of Maine. They discuss LD 1313 and the slippery slope that this legislation will provide. They both agree that all live is precious. Ray points out that all of the people that throw science out for climate change and other issues dear to them, but seem to dismiss the science that the science is there to prove that the baby growing inside of a woman has separate DNA and heart beating differently than the mother. Carroll throws out some of the other LD’s (ex. LD 820) that have been brought forward.
Part 8: Ray discusses Adam Schiff and his disdain for Pres. Trump. There has only been a one sided investigation into the collusion. Ray talks to a caller, who agrees with what Ray is saying and gives a couple of ideas.
Part 9: Ray talks about the direction that our state and country are heading. He takes a call from Bill of Casco and he wishes his granddaughter a happy birthday! He tells Ray a story about his mother-in-law.
Part 1: Ray talks about the bump music by Lauren Daigle. He talks about the Maine House passed a local option sales tax. He reminds the audience of Gov. Mills’ promise not to raise taxes so will she sign it or will she veto. Ray points out the vote count and notices that there were some that didn’t show up for work. Former Rep. Steve Moriarty beat “KC” Kevin C. Hughes for House District 45 seat.
Part 2: Ray talks about the difference between a journalist and an editorial. He talks about Jim Acosta, Rachel Maddox, Rush Limbaugh and himself. He goes into how we as Americans have allowed the media to blur those lines. We need to start to rise up and make our voice heard and hold media accountable for what they print.
Part 3: Ray and JJ talk about WLOB’s new addition. Joe Pags joins our lineup from 6pm to 8pm Monday through Friday.
Part 4: Ray has a little diversion. He talks about the fear of our fore-fathers about government would over-take our freedoms. Ray re-poses a question from Eastpoint‘s Fred Thompson about Fatherhood. He talks about how important it is to have a father in your children’s lives as they grow up. He gives examples of what he means. He asks people to call in, text or email the question of “What did you learn from your Father?” He takes a great call and with an awesome story of a Father’s love.
Part 5: Ray praises the group of King and Country. Ray talks about the Women’s World Cup. USA played yesterday against Thailand and won 13-0. He takes a call from a woman, who details what her Father taught her. She is blessed to have him still and learned not only from his words, but also through his actions.
Part 6: Ray plays a cool song from Mercy Me. State Senator Jeff Timberlake joins Ray by phone to discuss the rising budget. This leads to the discussion of LD 820. In an unexpected move by the Appropriations Committee, the Tax-Funded Abortion Bill (LD 820) will be sent to the House tomorrow to debate funding for this bill. Please call and tell your Representative to vote NO on LD 820. We also anticipate the Senate to vote on LD 820 tomorrow. When you call, leave a message with your name, your town, and tell your Representative and Senator to vote NO on LD 820. House 800-423-2900 Senate 800-423-6900. They move on to immigration and Portland Mayor Ethan Strimling has been saying “come here, come here” now there is a huge influx and Strimling is now asking for help to pay for them.
Part 7: Ray takes a call about the Maine’s CDC Director and how he sat back in his old job and let Legionnaires’ disease, a bacteria causing a pneumonia-type infection, run rampant.
Part 8: Ray talks about the …. he takes another call from Gordon Draper about the question on voting for the school budgets. Gordon thinks that this is a coordinated effort to take control out of the citizens’ hands.
Part 9: Ray reads the quote. He takes a call. Who has several points, one being a shout out to Jon Stewart chastising Congress for those that were not in attendance for the 9/11 funding vote, the other topic was finding a good candidate to run in Congressional District 1 to get Chellie Pingree out.
Part 10: Ray talks about Game 7 of the Stanley Cup is tonight. He talks about the Bruins. He talks about Justin (our future son-in-law) and his love of hockey and the Bruins. He tells a story about his mama and her first hockey game with the Portland Pirates. He goes back to the relationship and role that fathers have with their children. He takes a call about how alcohol can ruin families and how it effected him. He says that we don’t do enough to protect society from abuse. Ray offers to go to him.
Part 11: Tracy Chapman’s Fast Cars opens the segment. Ray thanks the callers for calling in and sharing their stories. Ray explains the origin of the question that he posed on Facebook and today’s show. He tells us that Eastpoint Church posed the question and then gives his answer and Dee Dee’s answer. He takes a call from Larry who talks about his Father.
Part 1: Debi Davis, Dee Dee Richardson and Ray discuss trivial stuff…sports, wrestle Mania, and the rain and Ray’s morning walk. Ray previews the show. Fox News Radio’s Eben Brown will call in with an update on Big Papi’s condition and what happened to the shooter. Ray and Debi discuss the Maine State budget and the Abortion Bill that Gov. Mills signed yesterday. Debi says that it needs to go to a vote and not just decided by the legislature.
Part 2: Ray reads a sign that he saw in the Old Port on Saturday. Ray and Debi talk about how the left side of the isle didn’t hang their heads in shame and didn’t stop working, they took a step back, regrouped and took to the front lines and took to the fight at all directions.
Part 3: Ray gives a quick rundown of the who could be here this morning. Ray, Debi and Dee Dee are joined by David Jones.
Part 4: Ray opens this segment with Neil Diamond’s song “Coming to America” and they continue with what it means to become and American. Not just come to America as a relocation and use our resources, but to embrace our rules and laws. They left where they were because it wasn’t working, so why come to America to re-create what they left. David brings up religion and the prayers in school, and Dee Dee talks about The Pledge of Allegiance. Why don’t the people that support the people that don’t want to assimilate into our country and are using precious resources all while ignoring our own.
Part 5: Ray and David talk about the Abortion Bill that was just signed by the Governor. It will allow non-doctors to perform one.
Part 6: Demi Kouzounas joins the partay. They chat for a minute, then State Senator Jeff Timberlake calls in to talk about the budget again with an update. Ray brings up Former Speaker of the Maine House (2000-2002) Mike Saxl and his role in corralling the Democrats. They talk about revenue sharing and some of the other details of the budget. They also talk about homestead exemptions.
Part 7: Former Gubernatorial Candidate Terry Hayes joins the Panel this morning. Ray states upfront that that he disagrees with why she is here, but will listen with an open mind. Open primaries are up for discussion in this segment. Terry gives her opinion of why she supports this idea. Ray questions her about why not just join a party if she wants a say in the primary party’s vote. David and Demi asks her some questions. This leads to an interesting discussion between Terry, Demi, David and Ray. For more information visit to read more about Terry’s position.
Part 8: The panel takes a call who had a question/comment for Terry Hayes. Ray kind of answers the comment. the caller asks if the Democrat party is the “party of anything goes”. They take a call from Fox News Radio’s Eben Brown to give an update on Former Red Sox beloved player David Ortiz, the “Big Papi”. He is now in Boston and Eben says that this will be a long recovery. Also, they talk about the guy being a coward to shoot him in the back and how he was caught and “taken care of” before turning him over to police. They take a call from Larry who says that the discussion with Terry was really good and she was respectful and was enjoyable to listen to the debate.
Part 9: Demi says that we should go back to the ’60’s. Peace, Love and Dope. Ray talks about Maine being the culture of death. Demi points out several things that you can’t do until you turn 18, get a tattoo, fluoride on teeth, give an aspirin or anything else at school, ear piercing, but you can get an abortion or get a prescription with the Death with Dignity. They take a call to end the show.
Part 1: Ray, Dee Dee Richardson and Debi Davis discuss the Old Port Festival. Ray also gives a shout out to Former Red Sox player David Ortiz “Big Papi” who is in stable condition after being shot in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic on Sunday.
Part 2: Ray talks about the tariffs on Mexico and the agreement that Mexico will start to help with the immigration problem.
Part 3: Ray, Debi and Dee Dee welcome David Jones in studio. Ray reads a story about California’s Budget. They will be taxing the citizens so that they can pay for insurance for non-citizens.
Part 4: Ray and David discuss the taxes and budget. Ray wants to know where does all of the money go. This brings up the infrastructure or lack of in Maine. Portland is the brunt of the discussion. The budget discussion ends up with the schools and local control. They continue down the path with a discussion about taxes and and the immigration population percentage in Maine.
Part 5: Ray and David talk about the difference between the supporting education and supporting quality education. They expand on this idea.
Part 6: David puts on his FO Bailey Real Estate hat. The boys talk about the market and how Portland is on the cusp of really exploding. David points out that economy is driven by the real estate market. The boys talk about the how the growth will continue and a investment properties are hard to find. When a home is price right, it is likely that you will get more than you expected. Ray points out that they have education periodically and David agrees and throws in that they also take ethics course.
Part 7: David continues with several listings that he has. He lists out of couple that FO Bailey has to offer. One is a subdivision on Boody Street in Brunswick. He has a new listing in Freeport on Indian Ridge Road. He tells people that they can stop by FO Bailey at 183 US Route 1 in Falmouth, ME 04105 day or night. There is a nice display of some of the listings that are offered and you can see them day or night. David’s contact information is office: 207-781-1111, cell: 207-650-3455 or
Part 8: Ray takes a call for David from Bill of Casco with a real estate question. State Sen. Jeff Timberlake calls in and he and Ray discuss the up-coming budget and some of the stuff happening in Augusta. Ray takes another call and she is sad that she just learned that her son and his young family are moving to North Carolina for greener pastures. They can’t make it here because they have a lot of school debt and can’t make enough to cover their debt. They also talk about the need for trade schools.
Part 9: Ray takes a call from Gordon Draper. He agrees wholeheartedly with one of the previous callers about the need more trades people. High school “guidance” councilors are steering students to college, but downplay the trade schools. Ray talks about how the bureaucrats need to “hear” the needs of our teachers and children. He takes another call who says that change will have to come from the bottom up. Ray wants to know where are the statics that our education system is better since the Department of Education was instituted. Ray reminds people that when someone owns 55% of anything, you own it and the other 45% loose control.
Part 10: Ray reads a text from a 16 year old listener about Gov. Mills and her abortion stance. Ray thanks his listeners for the text messages and gives a run down of the show for tomorrow. Ray takes another call about education.