Part 1: Joe Bruno is really frustrated and he shares why… He starts off with his town and the library wanting more money to cover the upcoming mandatory minimum wage increase and his state reps comments if your business can’t handle the fees and things implemented by Augusta, then maybe you shouldn’t be in business. This leads to a bill about defibrillators being required in pharmacies and other businesses and a discussion about the costs of the machines and training. Who would be paying for all of these new expenses.
Part 2: Ray and Joe play a the Fox News network live as they have an interview/discussion about “Death with Dignity”. They reference Maine’s bill that will be crossing Governor Mills’ desk soon.
Part 3: Ray plays Dean Martin and gives a preview of the upcoming segments, including Shawn Moody and the WWII Tuskegee pilot, Lt. Col. Harry Stewart.
Part 4: Ray gives a shout out to Tyler Brackett. Westbrook held their 2019 Class Night and Tyler was honored to receive the Milton Philbrook Award. The boys welcome Shawn Moody in studio and State Sen. Jeff Timberlake by phone. He and Joe have quite the “Discussion” after Ray asks the Senator about the budget.
Part 5: They continue the story of what is coming up and Jeff says that it will be a long summer.
Part 6: Ray, Joe Bruno and Shawn Moody have the privilege to have Lt. Col. Harry Stewart one of only a few living WWII Tuskegee pilot in the 332nd Fighter Group (the Red Tails) join them by phone. He answers several questions about his experience before, during and after the war. He has a book that just came out. Soaring to Glory: A Tuskegee Airman’s Firsthand Account of World War II by Philip Handleman in collaboration with Lt. Col. Harry Stewart Jr. (Regnery History; $29.99). The boys discuss the honor and privilage it was to have Lt. Col. Stewart and some of the other WWII veterans in studio.
Part 7: Ray is still in awe of the interview with Lt. Col. Stewart. He expands his thought on the conversations with some of the men that make up the Greatest Generation. He gives a little history of the how and why we ended up in WWII in the first place. He stresses that the men that he has interviewed this week were in their teens (your high school graduate’s age) when they joined to fight to save the world. Ray starts off talking about some of the great people he has met over the years and Ruth Knowles. He gives a brief description of who she was and how he got to know her. Then he takes a call from Larry and they have a conversation about America and how we need to be a country worth the lives of the people that serve to keep America safe.
Part 8: Ray reads about Bud Thorne. (Cpl. Horace Marvin “Bud” Thorne, a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient who made the ultimate sacrifice during the Battle of the Bulge– Germany’s last major offensive in its western theater in World War II.) how he knew who he was. He was Ruth’s brother that was killed in action and he reads from his book about him.
Part 9: Ray talks about the May Jobs Report that came out and the tariffs on Mexico. Ray takes a call from Arthur Langley and pleads people to go to the veterans homes throughout the country and give the vets a hug and let them know that they are appreciated.
Part 10: Ray reiterates what a privilege it was to have Lt. Col. Harry Stewart on this morning. He and Joe teared up during the interview. He talks about the Christopher Scott Cash Run on June 22nd and who he was and what is done in memory of him. This year they are benefiting Veterans Count Maine! For more information: Ray reads a text about wear RED on Friday and reads what that stands for. He then goes back to his thoughts on the budget and whether or not there will be a government shutdown.
Part 1: The show opens with President Trump speaking at Normandy, France at The 75th Anniversary. They play his whole speech. President Trump does an outstanding job….
Part 2: Bob Witkowski of Visit Portland joins Ray and Debi. Bob recalls the memory and mood of going to a theater to see the movie, Private Ryan.
Part 3: Ray and Debi discuss the Greatest Generation. Ray asks Debi about her feelings. She expresses how emotional this Remembrance has had her so emotional. Ray brings our guest from yesterday, Sumner Thompson, up to talk about his nonchalant, cavalier attitude. He tell about Wally Camp, Sr. who served in WWII, and his grandson that served in Iraq. Wally Sr. started Rowe Ford and this is a great family. He also mentions Caleb Barrieau and his selflessness in serving.
Part 4: Ray, Debi and Bob discuss the Death with Dignity and whether or not Gov. Mills will sign this bill when it comes across her desk. This leads to the discussion about a Peoples’ Veto on the abortion bill.
Part 5: Bob promotes his book signings that are coming up with his 2nd Edition of 100 Things to Do In Portland Maine Before You Die. 6/15 at Sherman’s Bookstore Freeport in Freeport at 1PM and the other one on 6/29 at Sherman’s Bookstore Portland in Portland at 11:30am. Then, they welcome Col. Amedeo Lauria by phone. Ray asks him about his service. He explains his family’s service. They discuss the Greatest Generation. The history of the GI Bill and how that affected our country. They discuss the American Legion and how important they are in honoring the brave men and women that serve.
Part 6: Bob Witkowski tells about his uncle’s service. We welcome Dean Ford. He is a local musician and performer with Dean Ford and the Beautiful Ones. He has a Prince tribute show that is phenomenal. He tells how this all came to be. Ray and Dean have a great chat about how he got started and how Prince’s death affected him and his show.
Part 7: Ray welcome Erin and CT of Pour Me Bartending. They have a bartending catering service out of New Hampshire. CT gives a little history of how they saw a need and filled it. Erin made Dee Dee a Key Lime Martini. (it was delicious) She shows us how she makes them and shares her story of how she got involved with Pour Me Bartending.
Part 8: Ray gives a rundown of today’s show. He gives a brief overview of D-Day and why it was so pivotal in the history of the world. He takes a call and then asks everyone to call the Governor’s office and request that she veto LD 1313, Death with Dignity bill.
Part 1: Debi opens the show this morning with Eisenhower’s D-Day speech. General Dwight D Eisenhower was the Supreme Commander of the Allied forces in Europe in World War II and led the D-Day landings. This leads to Ray get riled up with the elected people and the tariffs on Mexico. The President of Mexico is coming to meet with the Pres. Trump. Way to undermine our President…Congress.
Part 2: Ray talks about the “Death with Dignity” bill. He names some of the people that fought against it. He brings up the story posted on Fox News about 17 year old Noa Pothoven was helped to commit suicide in Europe. Ray points out that this is a slippery slope we are on in America. You can find more on this story by clicking here.
Part 3: Ray and Debi talk about the D-Day Anniversary Celebration coverage on Fox News. They play a little bit of it.
Part 4: Ray talks about Governor Mills and he campaign and some of the way left idea bills that she has signed into law…we will see what will happen with the “Death with Dignity” bill comes to her desk. Ray welcomes Carroll Conley, Executive Director of Christian Civic League of Maine by phone. Carroll is really distressed as Ray is about this bill.
Part 5: Ray and Carroll continue their chat about the Death with Dignity” bill. They plead with people to call the Governor’s office and let your voice be heard, RESPECTFULLY. Carroll gives a personal history to inform that he understands both sides of the argument.
Part 6: Carroll Conley, Executive Director of the Christian Civic League of Maine, and Ray continue their discussion about Death with Dignity. Ray gives a personal reflection and his belief on suicide. They talk about hypocrisy of the laws coming out of Augusta. Ray doesn’t believe that the “advocates” really have “our” best interest in mind when they are advocating for these bills.
Part 7: Ray reads a text about how many times he said the word “prayer”. He takes a call from a gentleman that has worked with the Christian Civic League and he posed a question to parents and school officials about how much will be mentioned and discussed about D-Day tomorrow.
Part 8: Ray, Debi and Dee Dee welcome Sumner Thompson. He served in WWII, Korea and during Vietnam. He joined the Maine State Guard at 16 years old. Sumner continues telling his story. Ray asks him a couple of questions and lets him run with it. He is such a wealth of history. Great interview!!!
Part 9: Lori Parham, State Director of AARP Maine, joins Ray to discuss her plans for the day. She is heading to Old Orchard Beach to work with Build Maine and Team Better Block. They talk about OOB365 and how they have been trying to make their community to be more than just a seasonal community, but a year round spot to visit. They discuss that a lot of communities are starting to address the revitalization to help with the future of their town. Lori talks about a lot of the senior housing projects and Ray talks about Westbrook’s senior housing.
Part 10: Ray and Lori continue their discussion on Team Better Block and imagining of the old space in a new way. Build Maine is a conference designed to get stuff done. The first day is today and will be workshop day and tomorrow is the speakers. For more information, click here.
Part 1: Ray, Debi Davis and Dee Dee discuss the weather. Ray talks about President Trump’s London visit. He is so disappointed that Americans are protesting the American President as he is on foreign soil.
Part 2: Ray, Debi and David Jones praise Demetria Chadbourne, 66, who passed away on May 29. She was known for her enthusiasm, energy, passion, and love. She loved God, her family and making a difference for others. Ray mentions that he was surprised that there wasn’t a tribute story about her in the paper because she was a national trailblazer in her field of real estate.
Part 3: Ray and David discuss the upcoming budget and whether or not there will be government shutdowns.
Part 4: Ray and David welcome Garrett Mason in studio and Ben Dudley by phone. They have a conversation the CMP (Central Maine Power) Connect that has been proposed to run through Maine from Canada to Massachusetts. He is the Director of Mainers for Clean Energy Jobs. It is a coalition of organizations and individuals who support the New England Clean Energy Connect (NECEC). They try to dispel some of the myths concerning this project. There have been three in depth and broad studies done on the affects this project would have on the environment. Ray asks about Rep. Brownie Carson’s bill. They talk about the opposition and the secrecy of who they are and who is funding them. In addition to LD 640 “Resolve, To Require a Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions from the Proposed Central Maine Power Company Transmission Corridor”), LD 1363 “An Act Regarding Energy Transmission Corridors” and LD 1383 “An Act To Amend Maine’s Municipal Land Use and Eminent Domain Laws Regarding Transmission and Distribution Utilities”. Ray describes how these bills are bad for business. It isn’t fair to change the rules of the game in the middle of the game. This bill is designed to only affect this one project.
Part 5: Ray and Garrett discuss Augusta. Garrett says that he was having a conversation and that person pointed out that this Legislature is just a “Culture of Death” There are so many bills pushing death, either before they are born or at the end of their life. Ray points out that there is no consistency in the bills. As an example, on one hand we can’t tell you what to do with your body, women need to have a choice, but on the other hand, we need to make immunization mandatory. (Audio Not Available) Part 6: Ray asks Garrett about the Maine Legislature. They take a detour to Moxie Day and the Parade. They finally get back to Augusta. The boys talk about the Republican strategy of not getting their message out. Ray says that they need to teach the new elected folks how to talk to media. They can be helpful to you and shouldn’t be scared of.
Part 7: Ray and the boys welcome Dr. Demi Kouzounas. She is the Chair of the Maine Republican Party. Ray asks her about her cousin, Demetria Chadbourne. Demi gives some memories.
Part 8: Ray and the Panel welcome by phone, Republican National Committee’s Marc Lotter Director, Strategic Communications – Trump 2020 Campaign. He talks about how President Trump has lived up to his campaign promises. He gives some of the specific examples. Garrett asks him about Vice President Mike Pence.
Part 9: David, Demi and Ray discuss Hillary Clinton. Will she run or not? Look at all of the mess she has been involved in and yet she has the nerve to call out the President and say that he need to be in jail.
Part 10: The panel discuss common decency. The manners and courtesy of the way we speak and social media. They talk about how the left blame their action on Trump’s actions. This brings Ray’s thoughts to the Virginia Beach tragedy shooting and how the Virginia Governor now wants to take the guns. A Constitutional right! Demi (tongue and cheek) says that if we say that stealing is illegal, we could leave our house unlocked. They use Chicago as an example on how a gun-free state doesn’t work. This leads to Gov. Mills and the Ray claiming discrimination on Maine’s abortion laws.
Part 11: Demi talks about how Money talks. She explains how…the first and the last years are the most expensive of a person’s life. Why is a puppy’s life more important and worth fighting for, but a small helpless human baby isn’t.