Part 1: Ray talks about a bunch of stuff. Starts with AG Barr and the long time history of the FBI “spying on people”. Ray gives several examples. This leads, somehow, to the Maine Senate unanimously voting yesterday to enact legislation from Sen. Rebecca Millett, D-Cape Elizabeth, that would create a statewide earned paid time off policy. As amended, LD 369, “An Act Authorizing Earned Employee Leave” would require companies with 10 employees or more to offer earned paid time off.
Part 3: Ray takes a call and they travel down memory lane with …… Ray talks about his Facebook Lives and thanks everyone for watching. He is frustrated because we are loosing the battle for smaller government. He stresses that this is coming from both sides. Ray reads some of the press release from the Maine Senate Office regarding Sen. Millett’s Bill LD 369. He is thoroughly disappointed that the Republicans are not standing up.
Part 4: Ray welcomes an old friends Sen. Bill Diamond and Mike Timmons. But he chats with Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland first about some of the ramifications from the Mueller Report and the “ya-ya”(Ray’s words) between the parties. Mike runs the Cumberland County Fairgrounds and is promoting the Franklin Graham event happening on Sunday night. Destination America Northeast Tour is a free event with free parking and music feature Crowder. He chats briefly (just basically to say hi) to Sen. Diamond. More to come in the next segment.
Part 5: Ray and Sen. Bill Diamond, D-Windham, get into the nitty-gritty. They discuss Millett’s bill (one of many). This passed unanimously on both sides of the aisle. LD 369, “An Act Authorizing Earned Employee Leave” would require companies with 10 employees or more to offer earned paid time off. Most companies that have more than 10 already have something in place because of the employment field.
Part 6: Ray and Bill continue the discussion on the compromise to make government bigger and helped the small business, but this is a new intrusion into running a business. Ray says this is a slippery slope and this is just the first step. Bill defends his vote by saying that he was trying to protect business from the far left and bad legislation. They move on to Gov. Mills’ proposed budget. Ray gives his ideas on it, needless to say the boys “discuss”, Homestead exemption, child protection services. They take a call and he wants to know if they could pass a bill about Bill having the best hair in Maine. But seriously asks about evaluating bills and their compliance with laws, regulations, policies and procedures. The boys explain that there is a non-partisan Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability (OPEGA) and that is what they do.
Part 7: This is a quick segment. Ray thanks Sen. Bill Diamond for coming in and he gives a quick shout-out to his daughter and wife that are listening.
Part 8: Ray takes a call and they discuss how elections have consequences. They talk about the paid time off and several other topics. The talk about the Iron Lady and how we need to get some good candidates to run. How is Maine going to compete with other states. He takes a call about the OPEGA committee. Ray says that the other side is the only side that is being heard, but there isn’t anyone to stand up to their ideas.
Part 9: Ray plays a clip from the Movie American President.
Part 10: Ray talks about the fact that we need to get our heads out of the sand. He takes he call from Gordon Draper about current events and the up-coming Supreme Court appointees. He takes a call from Larry championing Ray’s comments that we need to stand up and be heard. The other side has a loud voice and use it in many different ways.
Part 11: Ray reminds his audience about the event at the Cumberland County Fairgrounds on Sunday night. The Franklin Graham event starts at 7:30 and gates open at 6:00 on Sunday night. Destination America Northeast Tour is a free event with free parking and music feature Crowder. PS. Don’t forget your chair and blanket.
Part 1: Ray starts off with a rundown of today’s show. He has a full house today. Lisa Bird, Dana Connors and David Cuillo. Ray talks about his BE BOLD! initiative. Fox News Radio’s Simon Owen joins by phone to talk about Iran and the mounting conflict.
Part 2: Ray reads a news story: Former FBI general counsel James Baker said this week that he and other officials were “quite worried” that former FBI Director James Comey appeared to be blackmailing then President-elect Trump during a 2017 meeting regarding salacious allegations found in the Steele dossier. Ray and Debi discuss the story and the facts as they have come out of the darkness.
Part 3: Ray and Debi discuss the bump music and Will Smith. Ray plugs the next segment and then heads to the shenanigans in Augusta. Ray compares Gubernatorial Candidate Janet Mills’ promises about raising taxes and Governor Mills’ actions.
Part 4: Ray welcomes Dana Connors, President of the Maine State Chamber. Ray asks him to give a quick rundown on his resume so that the audience will understand Dana’s ability to speak to the issue at hand. They are chatting about the CMP Corridor. Ray talks about some of the concessions and benefits of this project. Dana points out that CMP says it won’t use herbicides in proposed new power line corridor. One of the other benefits is broadband to an area that currently doesn’t have access, which will grow business. Ray points out Brownie Carson’s bill and how it isn’t fair to change the rules of the game in the middle of the game.
Part 5: Ray and Dana continue their discussion on the CMP Corridor. Dana speaks to the many benefits that will happen. Ray asks him to come back and continue discussions on this project and other things that are happening in Maine that affect businesses.
Part 6: Ray starts off with a free event at the Cumberland County Fairgrounds. On Sunday night, May 19, Franklin Graham will launch Decision America Northeast Tour in Portland. The festive, family-friendly event begins at 7:30 p.m. Graham will bring a message of hope from God’s Word each night. Free parking is available. You need to bring your own seating. Ray also welcomes David Ciullo of Career Management Services and Dale Carnegie Maine, he also hosts The H.R. PowerHour on WLOB Radio. Ray asks Dave what’s new and Dave responds, “Equal Pay Act will go into effect”. Ray and David talk about all of the things that you can and cannot ask in an interview. Dave suggests that all employers take off any application the question about what they used to make.
Part 7: Ray welcomes Mark Reilly and they catch up on some of the things going on
Part 8: Lisa Bird of Special Olympics of Maine joins Ray and Mark Reilly to thank all of the support that the Law Enforcement community has given over the years. This is Law Enforcement Appreciation Week so what a better time to say thank you. Lisa gives a brief history of the Torch Run and some of the other fundraisers that dedicated law enforcement officers. She shares several personal stories.
Part 9: Ray and Mark discuss the Franklin Graham Tour coming to Cumberland County on Sunday night May 19. Featuring music performed by Crowder. He is launching Decision America Northeast Tour in Portland. The festive, family-friendly event begins at 7:30 p.m. Graham will bring a message of hope from God’s Word each night. Free parking is available. You need to bring your own seating.
Part 10: Ray gives a shout out to The 5 Spot Portland & Philly Underground Bar – 935 Congress St, Portland, Maine for their delicious sandwich that brought in to our sister station the Big Jab. Mark and Ray discuss them. They welcome News Center Maine‘s Pat Callaghan by phone. They start off chatting about the beautiful weather that we have today. They talk about some of the bills and hearings in Augusta. They also talk about how Augusta does Public Hearings on proposed bills. Ray points out that when they do have a hearing that the order of speakers should start with citizens, then the elected folks.
Part 11: Ray and Mark take a call and they talk about the importance of the process in the life of a bill. Every step is important and pubic hearings are a big part of transparency. It also allows the citizens to have a voice. Augusta is sidestepping this important step because they don’t feel like it is important.
Part 1: Ray is wound up this morning over the votes in Augusta yesterday! Those radical elected Maine Senate folks voted to enact Maine LD 820, the taxpayer funded abortion bill by a vote of 19 to 16. Click here for the roll call vote.
Part 2: Ray is joined by Rachel Sutherland of Fox News Radio. They chat about US Attorney Gen. Barr starting an investigation into the investigation of Trump’s Russian collusion.
Part 3: JJ Jeffrey joins Ray to egg him on, not that he needed much egg. Ray goes back to Augusta and their campaigns. Ray is really wound up and doesn’t understand why the elected folks didn’t tell the truth about their plans when they were running.
Part 4: Ray continues with his thoughts on the palm cards and commercials that Gov. Mills ran along with some of the other people that are up in Augusta. We didn’t vote for these ideas and they never ran on them.
Part 5: Ray goes into detail about the so called intelligence in Augusta. The Maine Legislature voted on May 14th on legislation that will essentially kill the Electoral College in favor of the popular vote. He is really disappointed and mad that they have voted to give our vote away. He questions whether or not they know what they have truly done.
Part 6: Ray goes on about how the elected folks are not anything special. Ray is telling the truth and he calls them out as liars. He wants everyone to BE BOLD! Trent England joins Ray by phone. He is the director of Save Our States, a project of the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs. They discuss the trend and push to change the Constitution.
Part 7: Ray welcomes Colonel David Hunt. He has over 29 years of military experience, including extensive operational experience in Special Operations, Counter Terrorism and Intelligence Operations. They plug an event to recognize and celebrate Maine’s High School Seniors that have decided to go into military service instead of college happening on May 17th. For more information, contact Ray at This is open to any branch of military. Ray asks Col. Hunt his opinion about current events.
Part 8: Ray welcomes friend Jon Decker of Fox News Radio. They talk about things happening in Washington. How are President Trump’s new tariffs on China going to affect business.
Part 9: Ray tells his audience now is the time to BE BOLD!!! He explains why it is important to get informed and what we might be doing next. He talks about the “government” not being an equalizer, but a suppressor. Ray takes a walk down history with examples on what our government’s role has been in lifting our citizens up.
Part 10: Ray continues with his thoughts about how to win the argument. There is no truth in the media. Ray gives a couple of examples of his ideas of things in his BE BOLD!!!
Part 1: Ray and Debi talk about the comments of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the presidential candidates. They talk about how the Presidency has now become production. They talk about how it changed with Bill Clinton.
Part 2: Ray takes aim at Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich her comments about thinking about the Holocaust gave her “kind of a calming feeling” in part because in its aftermath, the Palestinians helped create “a safe haven for Jews.”
Part 3: Debi asks Ray about the tariff war that is happening between the US and China. Ray isn’t worried about it because this is strategy. Intellectual property should be protected.
Part 4: Rep. Nate Wadsworth and from the Constitution Awareness Pact, Caleb Ness and Isaac Hadam. They start off discussing the amount of bills in Augusta. Ray asks about the status of LD 820. Ray reminds the audience that this is the abortion bill that makes it so that our tax dollars will pay for them. This continues with Dee Dee looking up whether it is against state law. She reads what she finds. (2005 Me. Laws, Chap. 408, LD 262)
Part 5: The boys take a call about the abortion segment. Ray catches him up when he tells him that they are now also trying to be able to “help” the elderly die as well.
Part 6: Ray and Nate discuss the some of the things in the special appropriation committee. They take Gordon Draper calls in with a question about fish ladders and the removal of dams and the hydro-power that will be lost. This prompts a discussion about the cost of energy. Caleb talks about how having it more local would make outages not be as long and less frequent. Isaac poses the rhetorical question about Nate’s comment about Washington not allowing us to put in new dams. Ray agrees that it wouldn’t be constitutional, but nobody will challenge it.
Part 7: Isaac makes a point about State’s rights vs Congress’ rights. Ray makes a point of how Rome fell….and asks them do they foresee a life much different in their lifetime. Caleb states that is why they founded their Constitutional Awareness PAC.
Part 8: The panel welcomes Republican Party Chair Dr. Demi Kouzounas. Demi announces an event coming up on June 27 featuring Tom Hicks, Former Gov. LePage, Former US Rep. Bruce Poliquin, Sen. Susan Collins. They talk about who would be a good candidate for District 1. Former Cumberland County District Attorney Stephanie Anderson would be a great candidate. The panel ends up talking about State Rep. Brownie Carson and how he is anti-business. Isaac brings up that we are electing people to represent the people, but he isn’t listening to the people that elected him. They continue to discuss Brownie Carson with the awful hit piece that he wrote against Mary Mayhew in a Florida paper and used his Title Rep. which according to Ray, is probably why they published something from Maine.
Part 9: Ray talks to Demi about her love for animals and God’s gift. They tease Demi about moving the worms out of the driveway and Ray talks about snakes.
Part 10: Ray and the panel discuss diversity. It started with the differences between President Reagan and President Trump. This leads to the diversity between Congressional Districts 1 & 2. They talk about Sen. President Troy Jackson and the some of the other crazy ideas that are bringing forth. We won’t see the damage that they have inflicted until it is way to late. Ray poses the question about how are we better with all of the taxes we have already and they want to add more here in Maine. Where are the results? The panel talks about the Democrat’s plan to have nothing here in Maine and return it to the “way it used to be”.
Part 11: Caleb tells us about an event the Constitutional Awareness Convention on September 13th in New Hampshire. There will be more information to follow. Ray and Demi chat about some of the candidates that might be running for office, Bruce Poliquin, Susan Collins and hopefully Stephanie Anderson in CD1.