Part 1: Ray, Debi and Dee Dee discuss the ladies’ Mother’s Day. Ray reads parts of a piece from the PPH about the new crazy idea from Augusta about letting independent voters vote in the primary elections. The primaries are designed to vote for the person that will represent their particular party. This new idea will totally undermine our party system.
Part 2: Ray and Debi discuss Chelsea Manning, the former U.S. Army intelligence analyst who provided information to WikiLeaks and was released from jail again on Thursday. She was a male before being convicted and has transformed into a woman on the taxpayers’ dime. The media doesn’t talk about or to Eric Snowden, the whistle-blower who copied and leaked highly classified information from the National Security Agency in 2013 when he was a Central Intelligence Agency employee and contractor. But they don’t have any interest in him because he isn’t a transgender that hates Pres. Trump.
Part 3: Ray doesn’t understand how we have become so tolerant. He cites comments from Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich about how said that thinking about the Holocaust gave her “kind of a calming feeling” in part because in its aftermath, the Palestinians helped create “a safe haven for Jews.” The Texas imam, Omar Suleiman of Irving, Texas, was introduced by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi before he delivered the prayer from the rostrum on Thursday. He had been invited to speak by Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-Texas. This Texas imam has a history of anti-Israel comments to deliver the noon prayer in the House of Representatives last week.
Part 4: Ray starts out with The Brady Campaign and their latest political stunt. They had portrayed an event as a vigil in memory of Kendrick Castillo, a student hero who died from gunshot wounds after he and two other students charged one of the attackers Tuesday at the Highlands Ranch STEM School in Colorado. Ray finishes up with the bill that State Rep. Rich Cebra introduced for Maine.
Part 5: Ray continues with his thoughts on the idea of voting for all. He gives more of this opinion on why this idea of giving votes to non-party individuals voting rights in the primary elections is wrong.
Part 6: Ray welcomes Doug Herling. Doug serves as President & CEO of CMP, Avangrid, Inc. Mr. Herling served as a Vice President of Special Projects and Vice President of Electric Operations at Central Maine Power Company. They discuss the CMP Corridor that is planned to go through Western Maine. They talk, pesticides, forest cutting, broadband expansion. Ray points out how transparent they have been and asks why he feels there has been so much opposition to this project.
Part 7: Ray announces a free event at the Cumberland County Fairgrounds. On May 19, Franklin Graham will launch Decision America Northeast Tour in Portland. The festive, family-friendly event begins at 7:30 p.m. Graham will bring a message of hope from God’s Word each night. Free parking is available. You need to bring your own seating.
Part 8: Ray takes a call about our budget. He talks about Gov. LePage’s budget and school budgets around the state.
Part 9: Ray talks about a Mason High School out of Michigan that where students will not be competing for valedictorian and salutatorian titles starting next school year. “The goal is to foster a greater sense of mental wellness by de-emphasizing direct competition with classmates.”
Part 10: Ray reads a story about Georgia and the fallout from the “Heartbeat Law”. The film industry and he names some of the film makers that have vowed not to do business in Georgia. He continues his thoughts on today’s society and the evolution on women’s rights.
Part 11: Ray talks about the Supreme Court and the Census.
Part 1: Ray thanks the York County Republicans for having him speak last night. He gives a brief rundown of today’s show. Ray talks about Michael Cohen and Donald Trump Jr. The Senate Intelligence Committee subpoenaed Donald Trump Jr., for another round of testimony in its long-running Russia investigation and his involvement in Trump Tower Moscow. Ray talks about how the Republicans and Democrats alike use this junk to fund raise.
Part 2: Ray talks about Former FBI Director James Comey. He has been talking out of both sides of his mouth. How long has the witchhunt going to go on to “get” Trump?
Part 3: Ray talks about the WLOB Radio Show Benson & Harf. It is on WLOB from 6pm to 8pm. It is hosted by Guy Benson and Marie Harf. Marie has left the show and Guy is on his own beginning last night. Audio is not available. Part 4: Shawn Moody joins Ray, JJ Jeffrey and Dee Dee. JJ gives a Mother’s Day radio programing announcement about the old time radio segments. Shawn start off with the at-risk kids not being able to work and how sad it is that mediocrity is now socially acceptable. They talk about school and college debt.
Part 5: Shawn gives his thoughts on education. He stresses that the trades are being overlooked. He also mentions that civility needs to be important again.
Part 6: Ray and Shawn talk about Maine before Gov. LePage, during LePage’s administration and now. Ray says that there need to be more voices speaking out against some of the current legislation. The boys talk about the big money ruining elections. They talk about Bernie Sanders. They take a call about the Maine roads. He wants to know where is the money to fix them that we have bonded to repair them. Shawn says that road conditions have an impact on automobiles and trucks. Ray wants to know why if the government knows everything why are the roads and bridges in shambles.
Part 7: Ray welcomes Stewart McCallister of the United States Post Office. They have partnered with Good Shepard Food Bank, United Way and Salvation Army for the Annual Stamp out Hunger Food Drive on tomorrow Saturday, May 11th. They are looking for non-perishable food items. (peanut butter, oatmeal, dog food, cat food, mac & cheese, pasta, spaghetti sauce, etc. Please no glass.) Ray asks Stewart how he got involved. Their food drive is always the 2nd Saturday in May. Stewart gave some great statistics on food collected. For more information find them on Facebook:
Part 8: Ray talks about the right to life. He takes a call who talk about the roads and school buses. Ray talks about a news story about the up-keep of the school buses and road is a mixture for disaster.
Part 9: Ray welcomes Guy Benson by phone. Guy hosts The Guy Benson Show on WLOB Radio Monday through Friday from 6pm to 8pm.(formally Benson & Harf). He gives a brief personal history. He gives a little rundown of his day. He writes and has his show and now with Trump being President, there is no quiet news day. Ray asks Guy what is his ultimate goal. Of course, they boy end up talking sports. Football the Big 10 and baseball just to name a few. Ray closes out the show with Mother’s Day thoughts.
Part 1: Ray and Debi discuss what constitutes a Constitutional Crisis. Yesterday, the Judiciary Committee votes to hold AG Barr in contempt after Trump invokes executive privilege. This leads to the release of President Trump’s personal tax returns from before he was President. In other words, he was a private citizen, which is against the law.
Part 2: Ray reads Superior Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg ruling about personal tax returns. Ray gives an example of how it could happen to YOU!!!
Part 4: Rachel Sutherland of Fox News Radio joins Bob, Ray and Debi by phone. She and Ray discuss the “Constitutional Crisis” that has been thrown around so cavalierly. They talk about Mueller’s Report and crazy mindset that the anti-Trumpsters are in. People are willing to sell their souls to get Trump out of office. Ray ends with Meatloaf’s song, Heaven by the Dashboard Lights.
Part 5: Debi plays the Meatloaf song and everyone sings with it. Ray reiterates this is what is happening in DC. Ray and Bob talk about the fatalistic mentality of Boston when one game is lost Congress and Augusta.
Part 7: Ray gives the phone number for the Statehouse. He pleads for you all to call and call often. Stand up and BE BOLD! Ray talks about the elected folks and their plans for YOU! He talks about the Medicaid Expansion and how elected folks like Brownie Carson are going to hurt the state of Maine for the long haul if we stay silent.
Part 8: Ray, Bob, Debi and Dee Dee welcomes Lisa Bird of Special Olympics of Maine(SOMaine). She is here to celebrate! It is their 50th Anniversary and she gives a huge shout out to Maine’s Law Enforcement community. SOME is a state-wide non-profit with only 6 paid personnel. Bob asks her about the winter events. Lisa gives a brief history of how SOMaine was founded. Bob gives WGME‘s Jeff Peterson a shout out for his participation in the Lobster Dip held on New Years Day. They talk about the eradication of people with disabilities and how far they have come. Lisa talks about Unified Sports. Ray states: “You can do it or You can’t do it, both are correct.” He explains how words have meaning and make a difference. Ray mentions that she was highlighted in the April 2018 Issue of Richardson Magazine.
Part 9: Ray and Jon Decker of Fox News Radio chat about Jerry Nadler and the Mueller Report. They also talk about China and the tariffs that have been mentioned. Jon expands on the relationship between Pres. Trump and the Chinese Prime Minister.
Part 11: Ray welcomes Red Sox Foundation Director of Programs Brad Schoonmaker. They have launched a World Series ring sweepstakes for the next eight weeks offering one lucky fan the chance to win an authentic 2018 Boston Red Sox Championship Ring. Visit, or mail in to the attention of the Red Sox Foundation at 4 Jersey Street, Boston, MA, 02215. Every $1 donation is equivalent to one entry.
Part 1: Rachel Sutherland of Fox News Radio opens up the show this morning. She and Ray discuss Attorney General Barr and the contempt vote that might happen against him. They also talk about the release of President Trump’s tax returns. Ray worries that our country is at a pre-Civil War dissension level. Ray and Debi continue to chat about the Senate’s rules.
Part 2: Ray touches on one of the ideas from yesterday. He points out the differences between Georgia and Maine. Stacey Abrams still hasn’t conceded her Governor’s race, but if she were in office the law that Gov. Brian Kemp signed into law a so-called “heartbeat” bill, banning abortion as early as six weeks into pregnancy. Ray gives a little bit of background and tells what Maine want to enact.
Part 3: Ray talks about hatred toward President Donald Trump and the political crowd that is out of control. He talks about the what the biased media will do to get him out of office. The fact that the NY Times would release person’s personal tax returns without their permission is unconscionable. We do have a right while he holds office.
Part 4: Ray starts off with the story out of the Washington Examiner about Presidential Candidate and US Sen. Cory Booker’s announcement of his plans that all gun owners be licensed by the federal government. They are trying to slowly take away all of your rights and they are doing it subtly and Ray uses the description of the frog in the boiling water to describe the process. (Due to technical difficulties, the audio is not available.) Part 5: Ray talks about Democrat Presidential hopeful Kirsten Gillibrand’s promise that, if elected president, she’ll only appoint Supreme Court justices who will support the Roe v. Wade decision.
Part 6: Ray offers to take calls. First one is about Sen. Cory Booker and holding him accountable for his statements. Ray asks him how does he propose we do that. He and Ray discuss what we need to do is to stand in unison. Ray gives an example of what his is talking about. Our rights are being slowly whittled down and we need to pay attention and stand together and take the battle to the people.
Part 7: Ray takes another call that wants to hold the elected folks accountable for lying. Ray explains why they aren’t. The liberal media are on their side and won’t question anything that they say.
Part 8: Ray welcomes State Director, Lori Parham of AARP Maine and Amy Goyer, AARP’s Family & Caregiving Expert. Amy tells her story of how she got involved and her personal experiences.
Part 9: The panel takes a call who says that a caregiver needs: Brains, Brawn and Heart. Amy has written a couple of books to help and support caregivers.