Part 1: Ray starts off with some of the current news. President Trump pardoned Michael Behenna, a former Army lieutenant who served five years in prison for the murder of an Iraqi prisoner. Ray, Debi and Dee Dee discuss the Democrats and Rep. Al Green, Hillary Clinton, Russia, collusion.
Part 2: Ray welcomes Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland by phone and David Jones is back in the house. Ray and Rachel discuss the United States deployment of military assets to the Iran Region. Ray and David discuss his trip to New York.
Part 3: Ray, Debi, David and Dee Dee discuss California living….the culture of the different regions of the country are so diverse and different in religious, culture, race and weather realms.
Part 4: Former State Sen. Garrett Mason joins Ray, David and Dee Dee to discuss today’s issues. Ray brings up Maine LD 820 “An Act To Prevent Discrimination in Public and Private Insurance Coverage for Pregnant Women in Maine”. Ray asks why do the Dems believe that one Constitutional Right is more important than the other. Ray poses the question why isn’t gun rights just as important and they are trying to take away our right to carry, but the right to kill a baby is so important. They all agree that this is a values debate. Arthur Langley calls in to disagrees with the East Coast vs West Coast mentality, Ray agrees that it is probably more of a rural verses metropolitan thought process.
Part 5: This is a short segment and Ray, Garrett and David give a quick rundown of some of the upcoming topics.
Part 6: Maine Republican Party Chair, Demi Kouzounas joins the panel. Ray, Garrett and David discuss Honor Flights of Maine. Ray will be holding a remote at Rowe Ford in Westbrook to honor them. This leads to Ray announcing the Senior Dinner being held to honor high school seniors on May 17th. They talk about the sacrifice that military families give. High schools don’t recognize seniors going into service the same, if at all, as they do kids going into a college with scholarships.
Part 7: Ray asks Demi about the flyer that she handed him about KC Hughes. Kevin (KC) Hughes (R) is a candidate seeking election to the Maine House of Representatives to represent District 45. They discuss him.
Part 8: Ray plays a little Cool and the Gang….Ladies Night. He gives a shout out to Bob Witkowski and they talk about Bubba’s Sulky Lounge. They discuss that there will be a fundraiser for KC Hughes tonight at DiMillo’s in Portland. The panel talk about the shenanigans that goes on at the Maine House in the down time. This leads to a discussion about the history of the buildings in Augusta.
Part 9: Garrett gives a memory of his time up in Augusta. They discuss Sen. Libby Mitchell.
Part 10: The panel talk about Pres. Trump and his tax returns and that he was an advocate for women. They also talk about Hillary Clinton and her having the election stolen. Ray plays a clip of one of Trump’s campaign speech. Demi tells us why she is a Trump supporter. The panel continues with this thought. Ray plays another clip about Trump. This time it was Juanita Broaddrick. They talk about the differences between the Clintons and the Trumps. Ray points to Demi and tells the audience what kind of leader she is.
Part 11: The panel discuss the crazy things in the legislature. Garrett invites everyone to Two Fat Cats in South Portland (across from Easy Day) from 10am-5pm on Friday.