Part 1: Ray is all over the place. He starts with Former Vice President Joe Biden has thrown his hat into the ring of Democratic Presidential hopefuls, this makes the count 20. Then Ray gets onto the plastic bags issue. Michigan Lt. Gov. Brian Calley signed a ban on plastic bags — it’s a ban on banning plastic bags. This leads to our Maine Legislature and their efforts to ban plastic bags statewide. Ray explains why this is such a big deal. It isn’t about the plastic bags, it is about the rigid ideology.
Part 2: Ray gives the line up of some of the guests for this morning’s show. He continues the thought about people that are elected confusing GOV and GOD. Former State Rep and Lobsterman Wayne Parry calls in to discuss plastic bags and the bill in the Legislature that when you get your Maine Driver’s License, you are automatically are enrolled to vote.
Part 3: Ray and Bob Witkowski of Visit Portland and author of 100 Things to do in Portland Maine Before You Die welcome Charles Reichblum, aka “Dr. Knowledge” to share some of the most fascinating things that you probably didn’t know. You can check out his book “The All-Time Book of Fascinating Facts” at Request an autograph copy as well on his website. You can also find it on Amazon.
Part 5: Ray and Bob talk about how age makes a difference in your thought process. The boys talk about the presidential elections and personalities. Would they have gotten elected if certain things had been known about them.
Part 7: Ray is once again after the Portland Press Herald and an Editorial they ran about Maine Sen. Troy Jackson’s bills L.D. 1272 would create a wholesale importation program for the whole state, to give Mainers access to the drugs at Canadian prices, typically 30 percent less than in the States. The other bill, L.D. 1387, would create a program for individuals to purchase drugs from Canada without violating federal law. Ray reminds people where Canada gets these drugs.
Part 8: Ray plays Joe Biden’s Presidential Candidate Video Announcement. He and Bob discuss the claims and comments in the video. They take a call from Tony.
Part 9: Ray and Bob talk 100 Things To Do In Portland Before You Die. The Avengers movie that is coming out this weekend. They also talk about a bill to allow so-called “elder parole” in New York has gained momentum. This bill would allow the New York state parole board to consider granting parole to inmates over the age of 55 regardless of the conviction.
Part 10: Ray talks to News Center Maine’s Pat Callaghan. Pat describes some of his trip to Ireland. He and Ray chat about Brexit. They also talk about all of the Democratic Presidential Hopefuls, especially Mayor Peter Buttigieg. He is a former Naval Intelligence Office and has a lot of the things that the Democrats support. They also talk about Beto O’Rourke and 76-year-old Joe Biden.
Part 11: The “boys” talk about the Avengers movie and the Stan Lee world that he created. Ray tells Pat about Tripp and his love for them as well and what creative world.
Part 1: Ray talks about the “Swamp” in Washington. He starts with Hillary Clinton coming out to say that if anybody else had been investigated, they would have been impeached. He follows the chain of evidence and concludes that all roads will eventually lead to Pres. Obama. Ray brings up the fact that people that have served time in Washington went in not millionaires and now seem to have more than enough money. Ray talks about Nationalism and gives the true definition of the word. He also talks about partisan and truth.
Part 2: Ray talks about Sen. Kamala Harris D-Cal. and her pledge that, if elected president, she will sign a series of executive orders on gun control if Congress fails to pass comprehensive legislation in her first 100 days in the Oval Office.
Part 3: Ray welcomes Trevor Hustus, Student Rep on Board of Trustees of University of Maine System and USM President Glen Cummings. Ray asks Trevor how he got involved.
Part 4: Ray and his guests continue their discussion from the last segment. Pres. Cummings talks about the trend of more availability of scholarships and less debt as the students leave college. He explains that they have consolidated a lot of Maine college services to be able to lower costs for students. Trevor will be heading to an internship for Sen. Collins. Pres. Cummings stresses how important that they keep the cost and student debt down so that students will be able to go back to the communities that they grew up in to help the rural areas.
Part 5: Ray reminds people of Pres. Cummings being Former Speaker of the House. He asks Trevor what has he learned while serving on the Board. They talk about Community College system and Board member Shawn Moody.
Part 6: Ray welcomes Joe Bruno. He served with Pres. Cummings in the Maine Senate and is a pharmacist and owner of Community Pharmacy. He talks about the collaboration between USM and University of New England. They talk about Joe’s credentials and some of the things he teaches his students. Ray stresses that college is an investment. Joe gives a brief history of how they got business people involved. They end up talking about the Maine Legislature and some of the bills that have been proposed.
Part 7: Ray and Joe are joined by Shabbir Safdar is the Executive Director of The Partnership for Safe Medicines as well as Former Retired Superintendent Chief of Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Don Bell who were here last week. The boys went up to Augusta and testified on the importance of regulations of drugs coming into our country. They said that their testimony was heard with deaf ears and that the Legislature didn’t seem to care about what they were saying. Ray reminds the audience that a lot of the imported drugs on the internet and how counterfeit market is alive and thriving. They inform us about just how dangerous it is.
Part 8: Ray and Joe discuss how words have meaning. Ray talks about how Portland Police are having such a hard time finding people that they are hiring non-citizens, so the Maine Legislature want to create a new review panel (which is a redundant panel) to examine police officer-involved shootings in Maine. It has the support of both the Legislature’s Judiciary Committee and Attorney General Aaron Frey. This bill submitted by Rep. Jeffrey Evangelos, I-Friendship. Cumberland County Sheriff Kevin Joyce joins in the discussion. Ray asks Sheriff Joyce his opinion on the shooting panel and the transparency. He explains that deadly force is the last resort any law enforcement wants to use.
Part 9: Cumberland County Sheriff Kevin Joyce and Ray continue the discussion about police and a split second decision that changes everything. It isn’t something law enforcement takes lightly. There are procedures and prodigals that they already have in place.
Part 10: Ray welcomes the AARP Maine and Jane Margesson and the Cumberland County Sheriff Kevin Joyce to discuss the Annual Shredding Event at the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office at 36 County Way, Portland, ME. They urge people to dispose of medicines responsibly. The Cumberland County event is the only one that will be able to shred computer hard-drives. Your documents will be shredded on-site and you’ll have peace of mind knowing you’ve taken an important step in the fight against identity theft and fraud. Get rid of unwanted or expired medications, too! At each of these events, you can bring your unwanted or expired medications of any type for safe disposal through our law enforcement partners. No limit.
Part 11: The AARP Maine will have one up in Bangor and Augusta as well. For more information on these events visit AARP Maine or contact Jane at 1-866-554-5380 or email for information.
Part 1: Ray plays the song: Raise A Hallelujah. He continues on the BE BOLD! campaign and explains what he means by that. Ray talks about hard work, all of the negative things out there and what we need to do to make things better. BE BOLD!!
Part 2: Ray, JJ Jeffrey and David Jones, Making Maine Great Again PAC, discuss Elizabeth Warren and Kamila Harris.
Part 3: Ray and David are joined by National Committeewoman Ellie Espling and Former State Sen. Garrett Mason. Ray asks Ellie for her thoughts on Gov. Mills’ proposed budget and the status of the Legislature. Ray asks Garrett the same question. The panel compares the difference between when they were freshmen in the Legislature. Ray reads a story about the Washington State Legislature passed a bill that would legalize the burial alternative, also known as “natural organic reduction,” and Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee will decide whether to sign or not.
Part 4: The discussion is about the Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, Pete Buttigieg. Ray talks about what a threat he could be. They talk about that he is an Afghanistan War veteran, naval reservist, Rhodes scholar, being deployed while serving as the mayor of South Bend, Indiana and that he is openly gay.
Part 5: They talk about some of the other Democratic Presidential Hopefuls, Elizabeth Warren, Kamila Harris, Bernie Sanders. They talk about the interference of other countries and Ray talks about the One World Government that was foretold in the Bible. They talk about the Ukraine President election and the new President, comedian Volodymyr Zelensky. They talk about Senators Lindsey Graham and Susan Collins. Ray talks about the book “Profiles in Courage” by John F. Kennedy.
Part 6: Ray talks about She Leads and Demi Kouzounas. This is a short segment.
Part 7: The panel is joined by Maine Republican Chair Demi Kouzounas. Ray lays out just some of the crazy things that Maine Legislature and the United States Legislature are trying to pass under the guise of “good for you”. They talk about Ranked Choice Voting, the Red Flag Bill, not to mention the way bond questions are phrased. Somehow they got onto the Attorney General and getting the to the truth in media. There is no media that isn’t biased.
Part 8: Demi asks about Mayor Bill de Blasio’s plan to go green. No skyscrapers build with glass. Ray talks about the crazy ideas and nobody is saying “hello?” The left is doing such an overreach. The left side doesn’t seem to listen to all sides they are not working with business, they tell businesses how to run their business. They talk about the proposed Mandatory Paid Sick leave. They get into the Easter bombing and how the media and others will not refer to the attack as an attack on Christians. You are known by your actions.
Part 9: This is a really short segment. David reminds people to get involved. He reminds them to go to the BE BOLD! page and sign up so we can be prepared. Ray gives to signs that it doesn’t take a lot to start a movement…11 men started the Christian movement and 56 to start America.
Part 1: Ray recaps the weekend. He touches on the cowards that bombed another house of worship on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka. Eastpoint‘s Easter Service was talked about. Ray mentions the caller from Friday about a church not being handicapped accessible. Eastpoint highlighted a quadriplegic on Sunday and re-invites that caller. Ray also talks about the song Raise A Hallelujah.
Part 2: Ray talks about all of the bills that are coming up that taking us backwards. The slippery slope of the Red Flag laws. It is just the beginning of taking your guns. It sounds good, but it isn’t that hard to get a warrant. We take a call from Gordon Draper, about the cessation of the Maine Legislature accepting testimony by email.
Ryan Stiles
Part 3: Ray reads a text from Adam from Waterville about who one of the celebrity birthdays, Ryan Stiles. He is on Whose Line Is It Anyway and Two and A Half Men.
Part 4: Ray and David welcome Radio Personality Mike Violette by phone. Mike is up in Winslow and they mention Big G’s. Ray brings up the OP-Ed about Mueller’s Report and investigation. They also talk about Sen. John McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham. They talk about whether they can impeach the President. They haven’t looked at the other side and if they did all roads would run straight to Pres. Obama.
Part 5: Ray and David discuss the Mueller Report since David hadn’t been in since it was released.
Part 6: Ray, Debi and David talk about “sit-a-rounders”. David is here with the FO Bailey Real Estate segment. David talks about one of the subdivisions he has. Ray spotlights Conner Richardson (Ray’s son) and his success with FO Bailey. Ray brings up that some of the small business people have contacted him with questions about how they can take advantage of the booming real estate market after bruising on their credit after digging themselves out of the recession. They talk about how getting pre-approved is important for a variety of reasons. The boys give Kate the Great of Northstar Mortgage a shout out.
Part 8: Ray reads about the mandatory paid sick time that is being proposed by the Maine Legislature. Ray calls out the elected folks that are supporting bad ideas just so they can have their name on a bill. He mentions the several bills that are a detriment to small businesses in Maine. The backbone of Maine’s business.
Part 9: Ray reads part of an OP-Ed out of the Press Herald about the Maine proposed bill and talks about Maine Sen. Rebecca Millett and how everything that she has put forward has been against Maine businesses. Ray stresses that he warned everyone what would happen if the left was elected. Unfortunately, he was right in his premonition and they are even worse than he thought they could be.
Part 10: Ray talks about some of the crazy ideas that this Legislature has brought forth. Ray talks about the crowd of people that were elected and how they want to steal your vote and give it to New York or Colorado or California. The media is on the side of the left so they will not give you a fair and balanced “truth”. Ray talks about Gov. LePage’s administration vs Gov. Mills administration. Ray is calling for our Republicans in office to speak out and let the Dems own their mess.
Part 11: Ray talks to Tony, who calls in to tell Ray that he is “speaking truth” and to please keep up the good work. They talk about Maine’s current administration.