Part 1: Ray talks about how Republicans are suppose to be the defenders of the people. He talks about how the United States elected folks will not stand up for the people of America. The seem to be okay with letting our borders be porous. They also seem to be okay with the babies of our country being killed, and okay for our citizens not to work. He also talks about Maine and what should have been done by Gov. LePage so that the Medicaid Expansion wouldn’t have been so bad for Maine. are begging for people to work and the Medicaid Expansion deal basically will pay for anybody, not just the people that really need it, but everyone with no restrictions/requirements.
Part 2: Ray talks about real justice and teaching our children.
Part 3: Ray talks about sick pay and working while sick. He wants to know how a small business will be able to absorb the cost of some of the new things that our Maine Legislature has to come down the pike.
Part 4: Mark Reilly joins Ray to try and calm him down as Ray plays some AC/DC… Ray says that he only has three hours a day to inform and state the truths about Governments. Ray and Mark discuss Maine’s Medicaid Expansion requirements.
Part 5: Ray makes fun of Hillary Clinton’s campaign for President. She basically ran on the “It’s My Turn” platform. They take a call about how Portland has changed over the years. Mike, the caller is from Solon Maine and explains that Maine has a national reputation for being hard workers. The boys discuss how he listens to the show because he has no internet or ability to have internet.
Part 6: Ray and Mark talk about a CNN story and how Gov. Mills’ rosy budget is because of Gov. LePage’s success.
02-13-19 Be Bold!!!
Part 1: Ray talks about the Government Shutdown looming once again and the insincere offer from the Democrats. He also points out some of the truth tellers within the Democrat party. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) has been speaking the bold truth about the deceptive plans and path of the new socialist faction of the Democratic party. Part of her New Green Deal included to pay for people who didn’t “want” to work. He also point to the $8 million State Budget that Gov. Mills just unveiled.
Part 2: Ray calls Sen. King out on his votes. He claims to be an Independent, but his votes reflect otherwise. He votes with the Democrats more than the Democrats do. Ray takes a call about big business and gives his thoughts on the immigration issues. Ray shoots holes in his theory because of cheap labor cost.
Part 3: Ray is making his call to Be Bold!!! He is on a roll and I can’t keep up….He talks about the difference between Capitalism and Socialism. Ray talks about the Glass-Steagall Legislation the Glass–Steagall Act. Ray takes a call from Gordon Draper about Maine’s new budget and teachers.
Part 4: Ray’s bump music is Love Shack from the B-52’s and reads a press release about Baseball’s Pitchers and Catchers are reporting to Lee County in Florida….Government will not create prosperity. Ray explains that Big Government the downfalls that will be heading our way.
02-12-19 Political Roundtable
Part 1: Ray, Nate Wadsworth, David Jones are joined by National Committeewoman Ellie Espling. The topic is Gov. Mills’ budget. Nate is on the Appropriation Committee and had a chance to read it thoroughly. They talk about the 11.3% increase in the budget. Ellie brings up the 55% toward education. They talk about the hypocrisy in the balanced budget.
Part 2: The discussion continues on the Maine State Budget that was announced on Friday and Gov. Mills speech last night. They also talk about the Trump speech from the border last night. Waterville Mayor and GOP Assistant Chair Nick Isgro join the panel. They talk about the different visions that they have with the budget and how to make it work. They point out the education piece.
Part 3: Nick gives his vision for Maine and the Republican Party’s role. This is his vision, he mentions rural broadband services, independent energy, manufacturing jobs, the opioid epidemic’s many facets of ending this crisis. We need to be a grassroots party and need to work from the bottom up. Look at the funding for some of the useless college degrees.
Part 4: Ray plays part of Pres. Trump’s speech from last night. They talk about the wall and the war that is happening in our country because they have not taught history or civics in our schools. We are back to the brink of civil war. They talk about some of the past immigration laws and other civic lessons that Ray lists off. Ray quotes the Joker from Batman about the Dancing with the Devil. We are dancing on a really thin line regarding socialism. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul calls in to discuss a whole host of different topics. He talks about the misconception that the Democrats are for the American people. They also talk about Socialism and the Democrat party and how it is now the young people’s movement. He talks about a website: that gives statistics about jobs. They talk about how having a bigger government suppresses people. Rand talks about how American taxpayers are getting ripped off in Afghanistan.
Part 5: Ellie has a list of things that you can do to involved. Maine People Before Politics (, She Leads (contact Ellie: ), call your candidate/elected representatives and see what they need for help. There is always an opportunity to serve in your local community or run for office. We can’t be silent! Write an editorial and follow the directions and follow up. Don’t just listen to conservative radio, and engage them respectfully. Find out the lobbyist representing something that is important to you. Nick mentions a special elections in the Bangor area with Thomas M. White.
Part 6: Rep. Nate Wadsworth talks about fighting the good fight and we need to stand up to the (as Ray calls it) Drunken Spending Spree of the Democrat Party. Demi reminds us that we are pushing out our young people because of the taxes. They compare the tax burden of New Hampshire and Maine.
02-12-19 Done With Stupid
Part 1: Ray is frustrated with the timid nature of the conservative side. We need to stand up and Be Bold. Ray is “confused” as to why Gov. Northram that put on black face, but not because of the truth about the plans for abortion. They take a call from someone that lived on the southern border and describes some of the crimes committed by illegals. He agrees with Ray’s point about the elected folks being afraid to stand up against the vicious cycle of election.
Part 2: Ray talks really quick about Rep. Janice Cooper, D-Yarmouth, and her new bill to replace the current State of Maine flag with the flag that was in use before 1909. They are allowing stupid things to get in the way of doing real business because they are feeling empowered and are Being Bold!
Part 3: Ray is joined by David Jones and Rep. Nate Wadsworth. Ray talks about Toto and our little dawg.