Ray is joined in studio by Pat Murtagh, Regional Chief Executive Officer of the Maine Region of the American Red Cross to discuss their role in helping communities during their time of need after a natural disaster. Maine has several volunteers that go to disaster areas and gets boots on the ground to help. The Red Cross helps people everyday. They also help with home fires and she describes their smoke alarm program. They are always looking for donations and there are several ways to help: www.redcross.org/donate/donation, Call 1-800-REDCROSS or text $10 to 90999.
12-03-18 Monday…Monday
Part 1: Ray, Debi and Dee Dee discuss the Polar Express ride hosted by the AARP Maine and the Narrow Gage Railroad. He touches on the passing of Former Pres. George Bush.
Part 2: Ray does some quick previews of things happening in the show this morning.
Part 3: Ray reads a headline about Poliquin’s ranked choice voting lawsuit. He reads more of the story and talks about the truth that instead of being factual, he is stating opinion. Ray stresses that this is what is wrong with the media of today.
Part 4: Former WLOB Alumni and current Press Secretary at ME Dept. of Transportation, Ted Talbot, gives his personal memories of President 41, George W. Bush.
Part 5: Ray stresses the importance of getting your Medicaid reassessed. He states open enrollment will end on Dec. 7th. John Henninges of JMH Financial will be joining Ray in the next segment.
11-30-18 Constitutional??
Part 1: Ray and Joe continue the discussion comparing the incoming US and Maine’s Legislatures. They end up with the media and how disappointing it is that editorials are now considered news articles. We need to get back to reporting news as unbiased.
Part 2: The boys talk about the election, LePage and project what will be coming up in the next two years.
Part 3: Congressman Bruce Poliquin joins the boys by phone. They talk about the election, Ranked Choice Voting and his recount request. Rep. Poliquin won on the day of the election, but not by 50%. RCV kicked in and Jared Golden and Jared was elected. Bruce, Ray and Joe all don’t believe that this is going to hold up as constitutional. Rep. Poliquin believes it is is duty to make sure that it is constitutional. RCV is not a transparent process and he explains what he means by that statement.
Part 4: Ray and Joe discuss some of the Letters to the Editor in some of the papers. Joe brings back some of the history voting on the US Senators and Representatives and Maine’s Senators and Representatives. They solve all of the election issues.
Part 5: Really short segment…Ray reiterates that you need to do your own homework. Don’t just trust him or anyone else. Trust, but verify!
Part 6: Ray reads an editorial about banning hand guns. Joe gives us his two cents….They talk about Chicago, where guns ARE banned. They take a couple of calls.
Part 7: Joe teases Ray about not letting him pick any of the bump songs. They talk about some of the childhood favorites and the liberal mindsets.
11-30-18 Joe is Back!!!
Part 1: Ray welcomes Joe Bruno back. They talk about the incoming Maine Legislation. Fox News Radio’s Jon Decker calls in to talk about Pres. Trump is up to now. They talk about Cohen, the President’s trip to Argentina.
Part 2: Mighty John Marshall joins Ray and Joe. They discuss Micheal Cohen.
Part 3: Mighty John Marshall gives us some records to be on the lookout for some really good deals. He gives us a couple of records to watch out for. Each month The Record Guy puts out a list of ten records that are worth $100.00 or more. For more information, check out his website: moneymusic.com.