Segment 1: Ray Richardson talks about Donald Trump’s rally in the Bronx last night, Presidential foreign relations, differences in foreign policy and the economy between Trump and Biden. He stresses that we need to take 2020 (because of the pandemic) out of the equation.
Segment 2: Ray plays part of Trump’s Bronx Rally and then shares his thoughts.
Segment 3: Ray plays a little more of the Bronx Rally and then takes a call from Bob Witkowski (Where Y’at Magazine) from Scotland. Bob shares why he is there and they talk about the long history of that area.
Segment 4: Ray plays a little more of the Trump’s Bronx Rally.
Segments 5-6: Mike Shepherd (Political Editor for the Bangor Daily News) joins Ray and they catch up after Mike welcoming his daughter, the FOYA request for Gov. Mills’ travel and the money to get that information, Rep. Golden and his future, and more.
Segments 7-8: Steve DiMillo (DiMillo’s Floating Restaurant in Portland Maine) joins Ray and they talk about today’s economy and the challenges, the difference in regulations between Obama, Trump, and Biden’s administration, FOYA requests, Fauci’s deceptions, and more. Steve indulges Ray with some of his menu items and the special for the weekend.
Segment 9: Ray plays a little more of Trump’s Bronx speech. Dr. Demi Kouzounas (Demi For Maine) joins. Ray and they talk about the ridged and oppressive government, especially Maine.
Segment 10: Ray plays more of Trump’s rally and then shares some of the statics from the last election. He announces the debate between CD 1 candidates Andrew Piantadosi and Ron Russell.
Segments 11-12: Brian Corcoran (Drive for Kids and Shamrock Sports and Entertainment) and Mike Mercer (F3 Defense) join Ray and Demi in studio. They talk about Drive for Kids (June 20-23, 2024), the good works that the funds raised for Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital or the Dempsey Center, they talk about the celebrities that are playing, the music on Friday night, and the code (CHIPPY25) for 25% off GA & VIP Tix.
Segment 13: Ray plays more of last night’s Trump speech. They talk about Biden and his policies and the career politicians around the country.
Segment 14: Ray plays more of the Trump speech.
Segment 15: Ray, Demi, and Mike have a conversation about who is protesting at colleges. They take calls.
Segment 16: Ray shares information about Miles for Mills event on May 26, 2024 from 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM at Brunswick Landing and Mike shares information about the Emerald Society Golf Scramble.