Part 1: Ray and Debi welcome a surprise call from News Center Maine’s Don Carrigan. Don covered the Moody’s campaign headquarters last night. They discuss last night’s election.
Part 2: Ray and Debi are joined by Former State Rep. Wayne Parry and by phone Fox News Radio’s Tonya J. Powers to discuss the Governor’s races around the country.
11-6-18 Political Roundtable
Part 1: Ray is joined by State Rep. Rich Cebra, Former State Rep. Wayne Parry, David Jones, Make Maine Great Again PAC, and Gordon Draper, Maine Patriot PAC. The boys start off with some of their predictions on some of the races. The boys also talk about Judge Kavanaugh accuser that lied about being raped.
Part 2: Wayne starts off saying how important it is for the small towns in Cumberland County to get out and vote to counter the Portland Vote.
Part 3: Rich says Ray needs professional help for his love of Hallmark and Hallmark movies….Ray also reads a couple of texts about the voter turnout. They boys take a call from Paul of Ormand Beach about Gov. LePage’s Florida’s plan. Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland calls in to talk about the election. She and Ray talk about the projections and how close a lot of these races are and we might not know the outcome until the wee morning hours. The boys continue this discussion.
Part 4: Maine GOP Chair Demi Kouzounas joins the boys. Ray and Wayne talk about Jim Booth who is running for his seat. Ray asks Demi her thoughts on today’s election projections. The panel talks about all of the people “threatening” to leave the country if the Republicans win. David wants everyone to vote Republican. Ray says he is voting for Independent Marty Grohman. Rich gives his closing statement. He has to take his leave. They talk about the out-of-state money and the Democratic Party’s false claims against candidates. Ray is so upset and calls out Maine Democratic Party and their Chair Phil Bartlett.
Part 5: Ray is livid about the fake news that came through the mail against Rep. Rich Cebra. Demi continues this thought but on a larger scale. Winning on the back of a lie is not the way to win. The panel talk about the dirty tricks that the Dems have done toward Republicans and how we need to start holding them accountable.
Part 6: The panel talk about Assistant House Minority Leader and State Senator Candidate Ellie Espling. She is the salt of the Earth and that the attacks on her are despicable. Ray states that if you vote for a Democrat, you just don’t care about the truth. A vote for Janet will send us back to work furlow days. Wayne also talks about medicaid expansion. Wayne also talks about the difference between “needing” help and “wanting” help. They also stress that we need to help our own first and then “legal” immigrants. They read several texts about the voter turnout.
Part 7: Ray stresses “Are you better off today than you were eight years ago?” They talk about Questions. Nobody should vote yes on Question 1, but should on all of the others.
11-06-18 It’s Election Day!!!
Part 1: Ray and Debi talk about some of the election races. Fox News Radio’s Tonya J. Powers joins them by phone from America’s Election Headquarters at Trump Towers in New York. They briefly talk about the way it is set up. They also talk about some of the interesting races to watch.
Part 2: Ray lists off some of the Maine Races. If you like the foundation that we have built in the last eight years ago, Ray stresses how important it is to get out and vote!!!!
Part 3: Ray continues to urge people to vote…..
11-05-18 Matt Dunlap
Maine’s Secretary of State Matt Dunlap joins Ray and Debi to discuss the process of ranked choice voting and what races will have it. They talk about the election in general. Ray asks about absentee ballots. They talk about how weather can have an effect on turnouts. Ray asks him to give a prediction on the turnout. Ray asks what reform he would like to implement if he continues as Maine’s Secretary of State.
Part 2: Ray continues the election talk. He reads two different texts that he received about some of the ads. He stresses how important it is that we all voice our choices!!!! Vote Tomorrow so your voice can be heard.