Segment 1: Ray Richardson talks about the Trump Hush money trial and some of yesterday’s players, Cohen’s testimony, and the legality of it all.
Segment 2: Ray responds to a text about this trial shouldn’t even be happening. This is more of a matter between Trump and his family, nothing illegal was done.
Segments 3-4: Ray talks about today’s upcoming podcast and lifting the ban on callers. He takes a call and John the liberal calls in and they discuss the ban and taxes.
Segments 5-6: Ray talks about the article in Politico questioning the ages of Senators Bernie Sanders and Angus King. David Jones (FO Bailey Real Estate) and Dee Dee in the discussion about King’s silencing opposition views on Twitter. Dr. Peter Earle of AIER (American Institute for Economic Research) joins the boys and they talk about term limits, making laws Constitutional, insider trading in Congress, Dr. Demi Kouzounas’s campaign, over-regulations, and more.
Segment 7: Maine Rep. Josh Morris (R-Turner) and Matt Jacobson (Director Sales & Marketing for Summit Natural Gas of Maine) joins the party and they discuss the show, the call for energy, and more. Jessica Gagne (Morning Anchor of Channel 8 WMTW) joins the boys and they talk about American Idol and Jess Gagnon.
Segments 1-2: Ray Richardson is joined by Todd Piro (Co-Host Fox and Friends First and Fox News Channel) discuss some of the crazy things in the news after catching up on the weekend, they discuss Trump trials, the election, graduations and more.
Segment 3: Ray talks about the Maine government and their thirst for your money and the deceptive ways that they are working on getting it, the wrap up of the Legislative session and what it cost you and compares Maine to New Hampshire.
Segment 4: Ray plays Seven Bridges Road by the Eagles and then reads a text about a business owner that has gotten tired of the fight and is moving to New Hampshire.
Segment 5: Ray talks about the call ban and why he is ending it. Vern Dukes (The Trucker of Truth) and Maine Rep. Josh Morris (R-Turner) join Ray and Dee Dee in studio. They talk about the Northern Lights and traveling America.
Segment 6: Ray and Josh talk about the end of the Maine Legislature, Maine Senate President Troy Jackson, Gov. Mills not taking up any new Bills, Josh’s accomplishments in this session.
Segment 7: The panel talks about the Gun Law Bills and the three day waiting period, the Gun Lobbiest who just so happens to be Troy Jackson’s son and how Troy has changed his position on Gun Control.
Segment 8: Vern shares his frustration with the Town of Cumberland and them kicking the can down the road approach to giving an answer.
Segments 9-10: Ray welcomes Col Ron Russell (Candidate for Congress Maine CD1). Ray asks Ron what would be his priorities when he gets into Washington. They talks about illegal immigration and the border wall, E-verify, mandatory voter ID, supporting fiscal restraint, and more. If you would like to find out more information and/or would like to donate to his campaign, visit
Segment 11: Ray talks about Alvin Bragg and his position and then reintroduces all of the panel talks about the upcoming election and how the votes are looking. They get unto the Israel/Hamas war and the US involvement, why some of the other Arab nations won’t take the Palestinians seeking refuge, and more. In the second segment they discuss the education system, special needs in education. Ron shares his information again email and phone 207-604-3491.
Segments 13-14: Ray asks Josh about his campaign for re-election, the journey of a bill and how it can get changed, the power of the people, Ray uses John the Baptist as an example of rising to the call. The boys welcome Jennifer Barbos joins the boys to discuss her campaign down in Florida, the road to her current campaign, the get into the Jan. 6th riot, and the inconsistencies on that day. For more information on Jennifer’s campaign, visit
Segment 15: Dee Dee is back and they discuss the government banning TikTok. They take a call and then discuss the accountability in the elected people.
Segment 16: Vern reads the Fox headline about Cohen’s, New York City and the actor that was attacked, they go back to the internet, TikTok, and government interference.
Segment 1: Ray and Dee Dee Richardson talk about the weather, some of Donald J Trump’s trial and the Stormy Daniels’ testimony, Hilary Clinton’s comments on justice and the irony of that statement.
Segment 3: Ray starts with the release of the migrants that stormed the barrier at the Southern Border and was just released, and moves on to the lack of protection from our government.
Segment 4: Mark Reilly stops by to remind everyone about the Post Office’s Food Drive and more.
Segments 5-6: Ray talks about the Judge presiding over Trump’s Hush Money trial whose daughter is a Democratic operative getting paid a lot of money. He moves on to our college campuses and plays a clip from UPen and then compares what would happen if the chant was about blacks instead of Jews. Ray reads a couple of the progressive texts that he has received this morning, the Democrats that have made the government the new plantation. He moves on to Governor Mills celebrating the amount of people on the government dole.
Segments 7-8: Steve DiMillo (Owner of DiMillo’s Floating Restaurant in Portland Maine) and they talk about Pat’s Pizza and their fantastic meat, other great places, and the pleasure of walking in a neighborhood. They get into the meddling of the government in citizen’s lives, Steve talk about a life that he is reading about John F. Kennedy, Jr., our government’s foreign policy and the strong deterrent that is needed, and more. Steve shares the treasure of his great staff, why he greets every table and guests every night, and entices us with this weekend’s specials.
Segments 9-10: Dr. Demi Kouzounas ( joins Ray and Dee Dee and they talk about the food, tuna, poke bowls, Maine’s fresh seafood. They turn to Biden’s warning to Israel about going into Raffa.
Segments 11-12: Mike Mercer (F3 Defense) join Ray, Dee Dee, Dr. K and they talk about the different colognes which leads up to the Stormy Daniels’ testimony about Trump’s cologne. Ray reads the press release of Trump’s deal with a perfume maker and his own cologne.
Segments 13-14: Ray reads a story about redistricting of the Electoral College and the different states. They get into the way Demi has made Ray and Dee Dee change their walking path around earthworms, Ray reads a text from Tennessee about Demi’s oral advice. They get into trangendering children.
Segment 15: Ray and the panel discuss the Trump VP prospect Kristi Noem and then take calls from Brownfield Dave and Farmer Scott.
Segment 16: Mike shares information on the Emerald Society Golf Tournament on Saturday, June 8 · 6am – 12pm and to register visit EventBrite.
Segment 1: Ray Richardson talks about interest rates, how they work, why they change, and the mistakes that the Biden Administration has made.
Segment 2: Ray talks about the spending bills that this Maine Legislature just put forward for the Governor to sign and her upset, the Maine Attorney General and his role.
Segments 3-4: Ray plays and talks about Randy Travis and his new song “Where That Came From”. Bob Witkowski (Where Y’at Magazine) join Ray and they discuss the events from the last two weeks including Jazzfest and the Kentucky Derby and some of the other horse races, the Berkshires and all that this tip of the nation has to offer. Paul Balsamo (Life House Maine) joins to say hi to Bob.
Segments 5-6: Ray asks Paul to share the mission of Life House Maine. They provide residential homes for expectant mothers. Sheltering them through pregnancy and offering hope, support and life skills while raising their babies through the first year. They discuss the volunteers, the process, the clients and their needs. The boys discuss pray and meals and why it is so important. They share their own traditions. Paul shares the contact information and their Donation Wish List. They are always looking for donations of money or items. They are having their Annual Open House and Spring Clean Up from 9am-2pm. To contact them phone 207-409-1407 or email