Nick Murray and Terry Brown of The Maine Heritage Policy Center join Ray in studio. In this visit they are discussing Maine’s Referendum Question 1. Prepare yourself for question 1. The many parts of the Universal Heath Care (UHC) initiative are difficult to decipher, and even more difficult considering conflicting reports between proponents and state agencies. They discuss their research into how this will affect the average Mainer. A regular calls in and talks about the emotion that goes into taking care of a loved one that needs additional medical care,
Part 2: The Maine Heritage Policy Center holds regular business luncheons. This month, their Prosperity Luncheon is about Universal Chaos: The Truth Behind Question 1 with Mr. Jacob Posik, Policy Analyst, The Maine Heritage Policy Center. For more information, visit their website: www. They also have an online publication: The Maine Wire.
10-04-10 David Ciullo
Ray and Bob are joined by David Ciullo of Career Management Services and Dale Carnegie Maine, he also hosts The H.R. PowerHour on WLOB Radio. David gives Ray kudos on a great job with the gubernatorial debate last night. He also gives a plug for his upcoming show series starting on Saturday at 10am with the candidates and their thoughts on business issues that face Maine. Dave cautions Ray on the message that stating that we are going to tax tourists to tourists. Ray says that we need to upgrade our thinking, not change Maine. David talks about the one size fits all thought process and how that doesn’t necessarily work. They end up talking about minimum wage.
10-04-18 Alec Poitras
Part 1: Ray and Bob talk to the Commissioner of the Department of Administrative and Financial Services Alec Poitras. They talk about the Structural Budget Gap. The boys take a call from Doug. He gives his thoughts on tourism and that it is lost revenue for our state. Ray wholeheartedly agrees and pleads with him to run for office.
Part 2: Ray and Bob talk about Kenny Chesney.
10-04-18 Opening Hour
Part 1: Ray talks about the status of the Kavanaugh Circus down in Washington. Ray talks about Cloture, (in a legislative assembly) is a procedure for ending a debate and taking a vote. He also talks about the Senate.
Part 2: Ray is joined by Bob Witkowski. The boys talks baseball.
Part 3: The boys talk about The Charlie Daniels Band that played at The Fryeburg Fair. Bob Witkowski is from Visit Portland and author of 100 Things to do in Portland Maine Before You Die and 100 Things to do in Portland Maine Before you Die, 2nd Edition is available at Sherman’s Books and Amazon. Ray tongue and cheek talks about his missing Moody sign and thanks CNN for their investigation and for its return.