Part 1: Ray is joined by Joe Bruno. They talk about getting ready for school. Joe teaches a class and they talk about the size of classes in college and how they are run. They get into Maine’s clean election problem. Mighty John Marshall joins in.
Part 2: Mighty John Marshall joins us this morning. Ray takes a call about a New York Times reporter who says that she thinks that white people smells like dogs. This leads into a discussion about South Africa and the movement to kill white people and take their land.
Part 3: Mighty John gives us a list of 10 albums to look for in the garage sales or other places.
08-02-18 Life in the Army

SFC Belleville and Military working dog (MMD) Cookie
Part 2: Ray welcomes LTC. Anzalone and SFC Chris Belleville in studio this morning. SFC. Belleville is a Mainer and tells how he got into the Army. LTC. Anzalone gives his history. They give what Army life is all about. LTC. Anzalone is recruiter and talks about all of the benefits of the “brotherhood” of the Army.
Part 2: The boys talk about the remains coming back from North Korea after all of these years.
Part 3: LTC. Anzalone, SFC Chris Belleville taland Ray talk about the College Tuition Benefits that the Army offers. They get into food and it sounds like a competition is in the works. The Army is #1 in issuing scholarships. They have given scholarships to all sorts of schooling opportunities from culinary schools to Harvard. You can pick your job in the army, which is unique. The LTC describes the benefits beyond the monetary benefits to his family. He describes the foreign language his daughter has learned, the oceans she experienced and the ability to make new friends easily.
Part 4: LTC Anzalone describes some of the different types of jumps he has done as special forces. For more information about the Army, visit your local recruitment office, Facebook or their website
08-02-18 1st Amendment
Part 1: Ray and Bob Witkowski start this segment with the announcement that the 2018 Harvest on the Harbor tickets are now available. They discuss what a great event this is and talk about Stephanie Manning who puts this “Food Euphoria” on in Portland. Somehow they end up in the Portland Airport with the PETA sign “Don’t Eat the Lobster”.
Part 2: Ray takes a call addressing the 1st Amendment. He states that it was intended to protect people from the government.
08-02-18 National Security
Part 1: Ray and Bob Witkowski discuss the newest in national security. Removing screening at smaller airports. They take a call that walks them through the history of how the 9/11 terrorist got onto a larger plane.
Part 2: Ray continues with the bright idea of protecting our country by slacking up on security because it is expensive.