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Segments 1-2: Ray Richardson starts off with technical difficulty and yet is in a happy mood.
Segments 3-4: Bob Witkowski (Where Y’at Magazine) joins by phone live from New Orleans and they start their conversation with open carry in Louisiana and other new laws down there, and more.
Segment 5: Sophia Pride (Junior in Falmouth High School) joins Ray and Dee Dee and they discuss Sophia’s plans for her college years, Florida colleges, and more.
Segment 6: Ray, Sophia, and Dee Dee talk about kids, being mad and staying that way, the no-nothing party, the truth, the media and the truth.
Segment 7: Ray and Sophia welcome Dave Ciullo (Career Management Services and host of The H.R. PowerHour on WLOB Radio) after a spectacular drum solo. This was a great discussion about employees, HR departments, employees, jobs available, Dave’s business and what he does connecting employees with businesses.
Segment 8: Ray previews a couple of upcoming guests.
Segment 9: Ray and Sophia discuss the bump music and then welcome Phil Harriman (In The Arena podcast with Former State Senators Ethan Strimling, and television veteran Pat Callaghan). Ray and Phil talk about some of the current events in the media.
Segment 10: Ray and Sophia discuss the importance of continuing education. Sen. Susan Collins joins them and talks to Sophia about schools, then gets in to some of the things happening, like Sen. Mitch McConnell’s stepping down from leadership, the next leader of the Senate, the art of working together, the roll media and social media plays, they discuss Dr. Demi Kouzounas and her run for Senate.
Segment 11: Ray gives a tribute to his friend, Bruce Doughty, and the many lives that he touched during his lifetime. Ray and Sophia talk about the comparing wages for men and women.
Segment 12: Ray plays a clip from the movie Remember the Titans about getting the kids prepared for success and then he and Sophia discuss it.
Segments 13-14: Ray talks about Presidents Biden and Trump visiting the southern border and the illegal immigrants that are bad people. Ray quotes Marco Rubio regarding the difference between the criminal illegal immigrant and illegal immigrants, Trump’s immunity case, and more. He takes calls.
Segment 15: Ray quotes Alfred Lord Tennyson and uses it as the bases of this segment on our government and our liberties. He takes a call from Al of Saco.
Segment 16: Ray reads the story about another child’s death in Maine and pleads with people on the edge to please get help, the work that Bill Diamond and his Walk A Mile In Their Shoes Foundation. He takes more another call.