Part 1: Ray and Debi talk jobs in America. Ray reads a story from CNBC about how there are more jobs available than there are people that want to work. They hit on Pres. Obama and Pres. Bush’s economic records. They also take a call from Larry who asks whether or not a Supreme Justice could be impeached.
Part 2: Ray explains in detail the history of Justice Samuel Chase back in 1805. Ray asks Larry to call back.
Part 3: Ray and Debi sing with the Beatles. Ray goes off the rails, Colin Kaepernick was given the NEA’s President’s Award to recognize his work “to fight racial oppression through education and social justice activism” through the Know Your Rights Camp, a campaign that is fully funded by the footballer. Ray also goes after Facebook for banning a song for political reasons. Click here to hear the Wes Cook Band’s “I Stand For the Flag.” Larry calls back and is so upset about the clip that Ray played on Tuesday about what Ruth Ginsberg said about the Constitution. Ray continues the discussion about impeachment. Ray talks about the Socialist ideas that the lefties would love to enact.
Part 4: Debi plays the song that was banned from Facebook ‘I Stand For The Flag” . Ray reads an email from a listener about St. Paul and Mayor Melvin Carter cancelling the fireworks because they were too expensive, but held a “Somali Week Festival” and had celebrated his Inauguration with a week-long extravaganza.
07-05-18 Happy 4th
Part 1: Ray and Debi discuss their day off and what did they did over the 4th.
Part 2: Ray talks a little about the vetoes from Gov. LePage and the ones that have really upset the Gov., mainly minimum wage and the medicaid expansion.
Part 3: Ray talks about the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Then he goes into tariffs.
07-02-18 Political Roundtable
Part 1: Assistant House Minority Leader Ellie Espling, Rep. Rich Cebra, David Jones and Jack Cianchette join Ray. Rich scolds Ray about him taking the Lord’s name in vain.
Part 2: Maine bills LD 924, LD 925 were important legislation that was passed. Ellie Explains what the bills were. Ray, Rich and Ellie talk about the services and who should be on the list. The discussion about medicaid expansion. Rich and Ray discuss Susan Collins on abortion. Ray is wound up again about the settled law comments Susan Collins made on Sunday.
Part 3: Rep. Nate Wadsworth (representing District 70 – Brownfield, Fryeburg, Hiram, Lovell (part) and Porter) and Gordon Draper join the madness. Ray asks Nate his thoughts about the special session in Augusta.
Part 4: Gordon gives a shout out to his fans…Rich bring up three Maine Reps (Deane Rykerson, Lydia Blume, and Patty Hymanson represent York and Kittery) that sent a letter to request Kittery Trading Post in Kittery to stop selling assault weapons. The Reps say if they don’t, boycotts and pickets are planned. A caller calls in and is frustrated with Rich’s 10 states away comment. Rich responds. Ellie makes the point that violence is a real concern and gives her experience when she was a student. Ray takes a call who states that there is way too many drugs like Ritalin that aren’t good for our kids.
Part 5: Ray asks the Reps. about what will happen when they go back to Augusta. What bills with sustaining over Gov. LePage’s vetoes. Party Leader Demi Kouzounas joins the group. Ray asks Nate about how minimum wage can be sustained in his neck of the woods. This leads to a great discussion on minimum wage.
Part 6: Ray thanks Nate for coming in today. The discussion turns to Augusta and how timely the House has been running. Not to mention the Leadership of the House. Talks turn to Shawn Moody and the Republican movement. The economic growth that is happening…they get to immigration. The difference between legal and illegal and how language provokes emotion. Ray plays a clip from Chuck Schumer back in .
07-03-18 Battle Lines
Part 1: Ray is left to his own devices this early Tuesday morning. He is fed up with so many different things….Supreme Court nomination questions…Americans not being proud to be an American….the media and their indoctrination of their opinion, not just the facts….and then there is Sen. Susan Collins.
Part 2: David Jones joins Ray in studio. Ray plays the clip of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg Telling Egyptians “Don’t Look to The Old US Constitution When You Write Yours“.