Ray and Bob talk continue the discussion on Maine’s Primary Election. The results and the fact that the Maine people don’t seem to understand how sacred their vote/ballot is and how we need to protect it. Ranked choice voting needs to be gone.
06-14-18 Dave Ciullo
Part 1: Ray, and Bob are joined by David Ciullo of Career Management Services and Dale Carnegie Maine, he also hosts The H.R. PowerHour on WLOB Radio. They talk about the primary election. Bob asks Dave about employers. Employees used to be encouraged to vote by their employers. Bob and Ray also give kudos to Dave for his interviews of some of the candidates that he did. We look forward to more interviews in the fall.
06-14-18 Election
Bob Witkowski, Debi Davis, Dee Dee and Ray Richardson have a discussion about the election. Ranked choice voting and the results of this debacle. They also discuss how some of the town/cities haven’t reported their results yet. Ray also brings up the fact that they will be transporting the ballots and memory stick via courier. The group also talk about the lack of voter participation and knowledge about an election. Bob brings up disenfranchised independent voters.
06-14-18 100 Things to do in Portland
Bob Witkowski is from Visit Portland and author of 100 Things to do in Portland Maine Before You Die. Bob tells us what he did for his birthday last week. He gives a little glimpse of his trip to Kentucky. Maine Brew Bus is a unique way to get a taste the Maine Breweries in the Portland area. Bob also talks about Neil Dow and gives a brief history of who he was and the Tempest Movement. The Neil Dow House, is on his list of things to do as well. For more information on the Neil Dow House, you can visit www.portlandlandmarks.org.