Part 1: Ray talks about social media and how it has been feeding this hatred fire. Ray got on to this topic because he posted something on social media to congratulate Janet Mills on her nomination and the nasty posts that followed. We need to start listening to each other instead of just yelling at each other.
Part 2: Fox News Radio’s Jon Decker and Ray talk about the civility or lack there of in today’s society.
Part 3: Ray plays a song for his granddaughter. Ray also talks about how superstitious athletes are. He also talks about Sarah Sanders and the protest against her at a restaurant. Ray talks about the failed promises of the Obama administration. Ray also talks about the TARP program. Ray points out that the elected folks can come up with the money for programs that they want funded, but there never seems to be money for programs the average citizen. Ray also touches on Jimmy Fallon.
Part 4: Ray talks about poverty.
06-25-18 Fox Headlines
Part 1: Ray goes over some of the headlines in the news this segment. One of the things he talks about is a story from Fox News. Laura Ingalls Wilder’s name is set to be removed from a major children’s book award after concerns were raised about the “Little House on the Prairie” author’s depiction of certain races in the early-to-mid 20th century. Ray then talks about Sarah Sanders and the restaurant she was asked to leave. He has no problem with the restaurant owner’s decision. It is the double standard of the left. Why is it okay for the restaurant owner to not serve someone, but the baker is condemned for the same thing.
Part 2: Fox News Radio’s Simon Owen joins Ray to give an update on the rumors of a meeting between Pres. Trump and Pres. Putin. likely talks will be about North Korea and the relationship between Russia and the United States.
Part 3: Maxine Water incites bullying, and violence against the Trump Administration when they are out on their own time. The fact that we are allowing the elected folks to run amuck and not do their jobs and take care of Americans. We celebrate 30% voter turnout….we have a voice that we need to use…Ray takes a call and he says we need to get down in the mud with the liberals. He wants to fight fire with fire.
Part 4: Ray takes a call from someone that believes we all need to take a step back and recognize that we all have become nasty to each other and we need to start being civil to one another.
06-25-18 Good Morning, Maine
Part 1: Ray talks about the outrage of over the humanity issues on our country’s southern border, but she wasn’t upset when this was happening under Pres. Obama’s watch. Where is the onus on the people sneaking across the border to not going to one of the 30 legal points of entry into our country. Why is she not upset with what is happening at Togus in Augusta to our veterans. We need to throw any politician not protecting Americans and America out of office.
Part 2: Ray talks about some of the things the Appropriations Committee has before them. Jeff Timberlake will join us a little later.
Part 3: Ray gives a shout out to Eastpoint Church in South Portland. He describes yesterday’s service.
06-22-18 Have a Good Weekend!!!
Part 1: Ray and Mark talk about the Clean Election process and how it needs to be re-hauled. Some of the issues with the current statute.
Part 2: The boys go back to immigration and the “wall”. They take a caller who wants to know if there is anything that can be done about people telling untruths on the Senate/House floor? Ray and the caller have a philosophical discussion about the media, constitution and elected people.
Part 3: Ray asks Mark to plug his comedy show on Sunday night again. Have a great weekend y’all!!!