State Rep. Jeff Timberlake joins Ray and David Jones. He gives an update on the workings in August. He explains where some of the bonds are slated to fund. He said that the Speaker of the House ran Medicaid Expansion and it passed. Jeff feels like it will pass in the Senate as well because they don’t have the numbers to stop it. Hopefully the Governor will VETO this debacle.
06-20-18 Monologue
Ray gives his thoughts on some of the headlines in the news. Ray starts off with Maine’s election results. Then he heads to Washington and the FBI and their investigation into “collusion”. The FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok was escorted from the building amid an internal review of his conduct. Ray continues with Pres. Obama didn’t know any of this was going on under his nose. Immigration is also a topic. Ray sheds some light on the Democratic media’s coverage of what is happening at our southern border.
06-19-18 Political Panel
Part 1: Rich, Debi and Ray are joined by David Jones. They talk about Ranked Choice Voting and the process of collecting them.
Part 2: The boys are joined by Portland Mayor Ethan Strimling and our intern Jack Cianchette. They discuss the Election from last Tuesday and the voter turnout. Also discussed are the different possible ways it could turn out. The Mayor predicts Janet Mills as the winner. Ray asks him about the ballot collection. The Mayor also predicts that it will take all six round to get a winner.
Part 3: The boys discuss the different rounds and how/what if the nominee doesn’t get to 51%.
Part 4: Secretary of State Matt Dunlap joins us to explain the process and how it is going. He says that there are some things that have worked well and some things that haven’t. He hopes that they will have an answer today. Everything has been delivered as of now. The Secretary explains that they don’t have to get to 51% as long as they get to the end of the rounds, the majority winner is the winner. They talk about the General Courier handling the ballots.
Part 5: The panel discuss what the Secretary of State told us about the election.
Part 6: The panel discuss the minimum wage in Maine and how it is going to ruin our state. Ray mentions how hiking taxes worked for Seattle. The people that came up with the idea and drafted the proposal, based it on Seattle. Ray is frustrated because Republicans can’t seem to get to the polls to vote.
Part 7: The panel takes a call about the GOP forming a group to rival the Maine’s People’s Alliance. Ray suggests that Garrett Mason would be an awesome candidate to lead such an organization, but there needs to be a way to finance such an endeavor.
06-19-18 He’s on a Roll
Part 1: Ray and Debi touch on the Legislature is heading back to Augusta. He also talks about illegal border crossing. He talks about some of the people trying to cross. He is really frustrated because there seems to be a real push to have open borders and all of the people that want to bring our country down at no cost.
Part 2: Rich Cebra joins Ray and Debi while Ray reads a news story attacking Pres. Trump again. Political bias is rampant, especially in the media. Ray turns his attention to Sen. King regarding immigration. Debi tells him that Sen. King was quoting the Bible on the floor during his speech yesterday.