Part 1: Ray is joined by Joe Bruno and Dr. Micheal Ciampi. They start off teasing Dr. Mike about him being beardless. Then of course they get right into IG Michael Horowitz and his report on the handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation, exposed extraordinary text messages by a top FBI official vowing to “stop” Donald Trump — while calling then-director James Comey’s actions in the case “insubordinate.” This is bigger than Democrat/Republican, this is an American issue.
Part 2: The boys discuss the current Maine election. Dr. Mike gives a detailed reason he chose Shawn.
06-14-18 Pat Callaghan
Part 1: Ray is joined by Pat Callaghan of News Center Maine by phone. The boys talk about Normandy and the pictures that Pat sent him. Then they get to the elephant in the room….the primary election. The discuss some of the different candidates and their strategies.
Part 2: Ray and Pat talk about ranked choice voting. They talk about a couple of particular races. All of the ballots haven’t been reported as of now and we will learn more as the next couple of days progress.
06-14-18 Retire Safe
Thair Phillips, President/CEO of RetireSafe joins Ray to discuss 340B. The 340B Drug Discount Program is a US federal government program created in 1992 that requires drug manufacturers to provide outpatient drugs to eligible health care organizations and covered entities at significantly reduced prices. The 340B Program enables covered entities to stretch scarce Federal resources as far as possible, reaching more eligible patients and providing more comprehensive services. After twelve years, the government will be looking at this program to see if it is working and how hospitals are taking advantage of this program.
06-14-18 Election Results and Ballots
Ray and Bob talk continue the discussion on Maine’s Primary Election. The results and the fact that the Maine people don’t seem to understand how sacred their vote/ballot is and how we need to protect it. Ranked choice voting needs to be gone.