Part 1: Ray is frustrated by the liberal media’s coverage and the way Washington has let our “allies” take advantage of us over the years. We have done more than our fair share of fighting against the world’s foes. He talks about Germany and how they have started conflicts, we defeat their advances and then help build them up and yet…
Part 2: Ray talks about Eastpoint Church.
Part 3: Ray reads about Robert DeNiro’s speech on the Tony Awards last night. They were full of political statements against Trump. Debi asks how can you be against Trump when he is doing some really good for America? So does that mean that they are against America?
06-08-18 Principled Stands
Part 1: Wayne Parry joins Joe and Ray in studio and they continue the discussion on getting things done in Augusta. Ray takes a call and it turns out to be Sen. Heather Sirocki’s mom. She ask Wayne for a lobster after getting on the boys for saying that it is all of the people in Augusta. Love that she stood up for her daughter. Wayne and Joe talk about medicaid expansion and people needed for jobs. Another caller gets these boys all wound up about ObamaCare. He states that “people will now start to die” Ray, Wayne and Joe point out that ObamaCare was nothing but a scheme to get to single payer.
Part 2: Ray, Wayne and Joe take another call about the fishing industry. He wanted to ask Shawn a question. The boys take another call who pokes fun of the caller from the last segment. He also asks about paying the legislature even though they didn’t get the job done.
Part 3: The boys talk about voting, how the parties work. You can enroll and un-enroll. We should be willing to accept that people change and can change their opinions. We should be welcoming new members.
06-08-18 Shawn Moody
Part 1: Shawn Moody joins Ray and Joe in studio. They talk with Shawn about ranked choice voting and how it works, the results and when will the winner be announced. It is really important for everyone (including Independents) to get to the polls on Tuesday and VOTE NO on RCV!!! They talk about the outside money supporting RCV.
Part 2: Gordon Draper joins the boys in studio and they talk about how to keep Maine’s youth in Maine. Shawn gives an great answer addressing our youth and education and the workforce.
Part 3: Pine Tree Development Zones are discussed. Shawn talks about politicians and headlines. He says he’s not looking toward the next election, he is looking toward the next generation. Shawn talks about safety resource officers. They talk about consolidation of services. For more information on Shawn and his campaign, visit
Ray and Joe talk about the climate accord and the tariffs that Canada has put on cows coming into the United States. They discuss the policies on tariffs.