Part 1: Ray is joined by Steve Webster, Johnathan Sahrbeck and Mike Mercer. Steve and Mike are both retired law enforcement and Johnathan is the Assistant District Attorney and is running for DA in Cumberland County. He is a prosecutor and he is assigned the sexual trafficking cases. They are here to bring awareness to human trafficking. Mike teaches a self defense class. He says that there are three things to be aware that predators need: 1.) Ability 2.) Desire and 3.) Opportunity. They also discuss real estate open houses and how there are a lot of things that we need to watch out for when you open your home. Mike also touches on some of the other professions that are high risk. For more information about some of the classes he offers check out his website or contact him: or at 207-699-8840
Part 2: Johnathan gives his view on who is charged and how to charge them. Also how to help the women and find them appropriate care. He understands that people have different backgrounds and recognizes that and can show empathy in his decisions. If you would like more information on Johnathan or his campaign visit,
Part 3: Ray and Mike talk about Eastpoint Church and their security. Mike is their Security Officer. Ray talks about the first time we attended, the message that day was presented by Just Love. It was about sex trafficking. They talk about other churches getting that message out. Steve says that the biggest voice out there are the survivors.
Part 4: The boys talks briefly about the event coming up at Eastpoint Church where Steve and Johnathan are speaking. Don’t forget the movie, In Plain Sight, is being shown at the Westbrook Performing Art Center tonight @ 7pm. While the term trafficking may conjure images of desperate illegal immigrants being forced into prostitution by human smugglers, over 80 percent of victims in 2011 confirmed sex trafficking cases in this country were American citizens. It’s happening in plain sight, and you probably don’t even realize it.
05-24-18 Twitter
Part 1: Ray and Bob discuss some of the social media platforms. Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram are all mentioned and Ray explains what he does. Bob talks about which ones his girls use on a regular basis. Bob and Ray discuss a specific Tweet between Ray and James Comey.
Part 2: John Brennen, former Director of the CIA, is discussed and the fact that all of the departments have had their shot of trying to prove that Trump did something wrong during the election.
05-24-18 North Korea
Ray and Bob talk about North Korea. President Trump has gotten further down the negotiation path than any other president and how the left can’t stand it and definitely will not give him any credit.
05-24-18 FBI
Ray and Bob talk about the Hoover era of the FBI and how he was the one in charge of Washington because of all of the secrets he had on everybody. The boys take a call from a frequent caller and continue the discussion.