Part 1: Joe Bruno joins Ray in studio this am. The boys hit quite a few topics. They talk about appointing people to office and how long appointing someone will last. They also discuss the Republican Gubernatorial Debate from last night.
Part 2: They talk about leaks in Washington. Who can you trust. They talk about Trump’s accomplishments and how the media can’t stand it.
06-07-18 Ray
Part 1: Ray goes off the rails about the Presidential pardon of Alice Marie Johnson. He gets upset because of Chuck Schumer and Corey Booker’s responses to the pardon. Ray takes a call from Florida about Mary and our Governor’s race. Ray then tries to show the truth about Medicaid Expansion.
Part 2: Ray goes back to Ranked Choice Voting. He reiterates how important it is to get out and vote. Every Republican and Independent needs to get their voice heard.
Part 3: Ray wants people to really understand what is happening in our country. Medicaid Expansion is just a way to keep people under the government’s control. Ranked Choice Voting is just a way to rig the voting process. The liberals don’t want photo ID’s at the voting polls.
Part 4: Ray preaches about uplifting the Maine people and empowering them. Don’t let the people in Augusta tell you decide how much you are worth. Let’s keep the good things that have been achieved in the last few years. He also stresses again how important it is to go and VOTE!
06-07-18 Mary Mayhew
Part 1: Mary address how much fun she has had campaigning and meeting new people and talking about issue addressing our beautiful state of Maine. Mary talks about repeating history and if we don’t have a republican going back into the Blaine House. She touches on Medicaid Expansion and the Legislature lead by Sara Gideon. Common sense and being fiscally conservative is the way we continue making Maine strong. Making the tough decisions is not always the popular decisions.
Part 2: They talk about Ranked Choice Voting. Mary urges everyone to vote NO on the Ranked Choice Voting referendum question. She also urges the voters that are concerned about gun rights to vote as well. The D’s are trying to out-gun control themselves.
Part 3: Ray asks Mary “What are some of the things that she would like people to know about Mary?” Mary answers. She talks about her childhood and the path to politics.
Part 4: Mary talks about her two boys, Cameron and Chance. Ray asks how her son Chance got his name, which came from her French grandmother’s maiden name. They talk about the awesome job that her boys did introducing her at the Maine Republican Convention. If you would like to more information on Mary’s campaign visit
06-07-18 Ranked Choice Voting
Part 1: Ray and Debi discuss Ranked Choice Voting. This is such a confusing debacle. Ray is really trying to get the correct information out there. Debi tells Ray about her experience trying to figure out and hated the fact that she had to strategically place her vote for two, three and four.
Part 2: Ray and Debi continue this discussion because Debi didn’t understand the “bullet vote” term.
Part 3: Maine Secretary of State Matt Dunlap joins us again to try and clarifying the process of RCV again. He explains what happens when you vote for more than one candidate to be in the first place and what happens if you vote for the same person for one, two, three and four.