Part 1: Ray and Tim discuss the how important it is for everyone to go and vote on June 12th. This is a primary election, but there are important town decisions to make, not to mention the question on RANKED CHOICE VOTING. We CAN repeal this! Just vote NO! Ray takes a lot of calls on this subject. There isn’t any reason not to vote, if you are too busy, there is always absentee ballots you can order online.
Part 2: This segment continues with callers and discussion on RCV
Part 3: More frustrations from callers about RCV. Ray tries to explain how the votes will work. Ray explains the referendum process. Maine’s People Alliance was not what the referendum process was intended. They discuss the gathering of signatures and how we need to have the whole state represented, not just one part.
Part 4: They go back to the discuss of comedians from back in the day.
06-01-18 Standards
Part 1: Ray speaks to today’s culture. How language has become crass and how it is used to degrade people. There are certain words that their only purpose is to hurt. Ray asks why is it tolerated for the liberal left to show their behinds and everything is a-okay, but if a conservative says anything, it is off with their head!
Part 2: Ray takes a call from a frequent guest about Roseanne and the fact that she said something stupid and ABC cancelled her show. Tim Wilson joins us in studio.
Part 3: The discussion on words and language continues. They also talk about music, comedy and movies and the part they play in society.
05-31-18 Ranked Choice Voting
Ray answers why he is supporting Shawn Moody and he gives the short answer. Then he goes into ranked choice voting and how it needs to be one person = one vote. This is socialist idea. It is important to vote NO on ranked choice.
05-31-18 Trump Does It Again
President Trump has kept another campaign promise. He signed a bill, the “right to try,” bill yesterday allowing terminally ill patients access to experimental medical treatments not yet approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Trump thanked Sen. Joe Donnelly (D) for his work on getting it passed.