Ray is joined by David Jones and they talk about the right to feel safe in your own home. Protesters going to someones house and protesting is not appropriate. Harry Reid build a wall around his home to keep it safe.
05-23-18 Ranked Choice Voting
Part 1: Ray explains the liberal temper tantrum called ranked choice voting. He goes into depth of explaining how the wording of the ballot question is confusing. One vote for one person.
Part 2: The conversation revolves around the June vote and voter turnout.
05-22-18 Political Roundtable
Part 1: David Jones, Rep. Rich Cebra, Debi and Ray discuss the wording of the ranked choice vote question on the ballot. They talk about the wording of the question to repeal it.
Part 2: Portland Mayor Ethan Strimling joins us for this segment. They talk about the different Democrat Gubernatorial candidates and their convention. Some of the platforms at the conventions was guns and that they were scared of the NRA. Ray and Ethan talk about the gun ownership in Maine.
Part 3: Rich gives a shout out to the Naples residents to vote today for Selectman. He also says that his daughter is running a write-in campaign to get on their budget committee. Please vote for Rich and write-in Rachel Cebra for the Budget Committee. Ray explains how ranked choice voting will work and the process of amending the constitution.
Part 4: The panel takes a call that totally disagrees with the Mayor. They talk about the NRA and the ACLU. Rich says, “It’s not the tool, it’s the fool.”
Part 5: Assistant Minority House Leader Ellie Espling joins the panel. The topic is about the re-booting of the old shows. Starting with Fox bringing back Last Man Standing. Also mentioned is Roseanne and Murphy Brown.
Part 6: Maine GOP Leader Demi Kouzounas joins in and Ray reads a headline out of Kittery, Maine about the school board overriding the parent’s wishes about gender. They discuss this topic.
Part 7: Ray asks Demi about the ranked choice voting lawsuit that the Maine GOP has filed.
Part 8: Ray asks the panel on California’s effort to provide healthcare for illegal immigrants. The discussion ends up with elected people and hard to get good people to run. Rich asks everyone that lives in Naples to write in Rachel Cebra for their Budget Committee. Vote Today in Naples!
Part 9: They give another shout out to Rachel and discuss the need for good qualified candidates.
05-22-18 What’s Happenin’
Part 1: Ray is greeted by Rep. Rich Cebra and Debi this morning. The discussion begins with the sun greeting us earlier and earlier and how Rich is getting ready to open Steamboat Landing this weekend in Naples. Ray and Rich discuss the possibility of the Maine Legislature coming back into session. Greater Portland breweries were praised by Rich. Ray couldn’t help to bring up Pres. Trump.
Part 2: Ray talks about the muddy waters in Washington. There is a bunch of stuff hidden in muck. Starting with the Clinton family, then the Obama administration, seem to be untouchable. They could do anything and not have any issues. We need to follow the trail of money and the organizations that were behind Obama.