Part 1: Ray and Debi discuss the events of the weekend. Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland joined the conversation and she and Ray discuss President Trump resurrecting Reagan-era rule banning federally-funded family planning clinics from discussing abortion with women, or sharing space with abortion providers.
Part 2: Ray, Debi and Dee Dee talk about Hillary, Pres. Obama and Sarah Palin.
05-18-18 Prescription Drug Cost
Part 1: Joe and Ray talk about Bill Diamond. Joe wants to lower prescription drug prices and help with the opioid crisis in Maine. We will need to get a handle of the costs for prescriptions drugs and the regulations down.
Part 2: Joe and Ray talk about elected officials and the funding of different programs that are still on the books.
Part 3: Some people need to be held accountable for their actions. Mental illness is the reason of the day. Are drugs behind some of the stupid things that people are doing? Is it mental illness or a combination of the two? How do we combat the issues we have?
Part 4: Westbrook school lunch program is the topic of this segment.
05-18-18 Mary Mayhew
Part 1: Ray and Joe are joined by gubernatorial candidate Mary Mayhew. Mary names some businesses that are trying to compete nationally, but Maine’s government policies is driving businesses out of the state. Businesses have so many taxes, fees and regulations applied to them. We need to stop the money grabs. Mary, Joe and Ray talk education and Medicaid.
Part 2: Mary talks about the Federal money that she refused because of the strings that were attached.
Part 3: Ray, Joe and Mary discuss rural Maine. Mary has spent a lot of time in Madawaska and is very concerned about the area being boarded up. She feels that we need to provide an environment that government won’t get into a business’s way of doing business. She say she will lead with principles. Joe brings up that Aroostook County can’t absorb the same costs as Cumberland County. Mary expands on this subject. The discussion turns to social programs and how dependent people are on them and how the programs aren’t set up for self improvement.
Part 4: Ray, Joe and Mary talk about comments from the social outlets. Joe gives Mary a compliment about how she has been able to get things accomplished without tears, but with heart.
05-18-18 Letters to the Editor
Ray and Joe discuss ranked choice voting. Joe states that the republicans doesn’t have to abide by the ranked choice rules for the primary vote. The boys talk about the comments to the letters of the editor. Ray talks about Janice Cooper’s remarks about guns and how it isn’t challenged at all.