Three Days in Moscow, Bret Baier explores the endgame of the Cold War and President Ronald Reagan’s dramatic role in bringing down the Soviet Union and establishing the world order we live in today. Bret Baier is the anchor of Special Report with Bret Baier and is also FOX News Channel’s chief political anchor.
05-14-18 Caller
Ray takes a call and they discuss Sen. McCain and confusing vote against the CIA Director nominee Gina Haspel. Considering the vote he cast in the past.
05-14-18 Sasha Kaplan
Ray his on Honor Flight Maine again and explains a little about them. He is joined by Sasha Kaplin, she describes herself as a female, conservative Zionist. She is a blogger and is known as Captain Israel on her blog and Twitter. She joins Ray to discuss what a great day for the Israelis today is and what it means to have the Embassy back where it belongs.
05-14-18 Honor our Heroes
Ray starts the segment with Honor Flights of Maine. They are having a fundraiser at Rowe Auto Group in Westbrook on May 26 from 10am to 1pm. Ray will be there. He turns to the illegal immigration problem. Our government money goes to benefiting people that are not legal in our country, but don’t have enough money to help our own. Illegals can get college tuition, driver’s license, voter ID’s. If the citizens of America really looked at the taxes they pay to the federal government, they would be shocked.