Part 1: Ray and Joe are joined by Wayne Parry and gubernatorial candidate Shawn Moody. They start out by talking about the fees that are killing businesses. NH is a business friendly state and Maine needs to get back to that model. The conversations heads to kids and work ethics. Shawn doesn’t see the need for work permits. It should be between the parents and employers. The conversations turns to role models. Society has changed what classified as a role model.
Part 2: The boys briefly talk about Ranked Choice Voting.
Part 3: Ray asks Shawn about how he plans on reaching the average voter. Shawn replies it all boils down to economics. Starting with the youth and getting them into a trade and off of the couch. They discuss later school starting times and the Scarborough recall. Joe doesn’t like it when you can just willy-nilly recall because you disagree with what you are saying. He feels that you won’t get good people to run and be true to their beliefs for fear that they will be recalled. Ray gets on his soapbox regarding recalls.
Part 4: Shawn gives his opinion on the recall efforts and how un-democratic it is to go after someone for free speech. Shawn gives his vision about kids, which is the future of Maine. We need to give them the tools to make their way.
05-11-18 West Virginia Senate Race
Ray and Joe discuss the tight Senate race between Don Blankenship, Evan Jenkins, Patrick Morrisey down in West Virginia. President Trump on Monday intervened and pleaded with voters to oppose one of the candidates, Don Blankenship, a former coal mining executive who spent a year in prison for his role in a fatal mining explosion.
05-11-18 Candidates
Part 1: Ray’s morning starts with Joe Bruno’s outfit and golf. The boys talk about the differences between a straw poll and a survey. Ray and Joe talk about the different Republican candidates: Shawn Moody, Mary Mayhew, Ken Fredette and Garrett Mason.
Part 2: The boys take a call from Larry about immigration.
05-10-18 Pat Callaghan
Part 1: Ray is joined by Pat Callaghan of News Center Maine by phone. The boys talk about the Beatles and Billy Graham and their roles in tearing down barriers. Ray asks Pat about the gubernatorial debates that were held on his station. Pat gives his thoughts on some of the highlights on the Democrat candidates within the debate. They talk about Adam Cote’s commercial.
Part 2: Ray and Pat discuss the Republican debate that they held. Pat gives his thought on the different candidates. They talk about how different Shawn Moody and Garett Mason are in personalities. They also talk about how the Maine DHHS will effect Mary Mayhew’s campaign if she wins the primary.