Ray continues talking about John McCain. Ray discusses the dossier that John mentions in his new book The Restless Wave: Good Times, Just Causes, Great Fights, and Other Appreciations. Ray reads other passages that John has leaked from his book.
05-10-18 Haspel Confirmation
Part 1: Ray, Debi and Dee Dee discuss the confirmation hearings for the controversial CIA Director nominee Gina Haspel.
Part 2: Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland joins in on this discussion regarding the CIA nomination hearings. They talk about who and how they might vote.
05-09-18 AARP Maine
Ray and Rep. Wayne Parry are joined by Amy Gallant with AARP Maine recaps Tuesdays at the State House. She thanks Wayne for his support for LD123. Wayne talks about the committee work in Augusta and how important they are to the process. Ray emphasizes that AARP and AARP Maine might have differing agendas, AARP Maine is more interested in educating not endorsing and have a truly non partisan stand. The discussion goes to Ranked Choice Voting. They are holding several forums on RCV. Click here to find out more. Contact Amy: 207-776-6303, agallant@aarp.org or on Facebook.
05-09-18 Blazes Burgers
Alex Stone joins Ray, Wayne Parry and David Jones in studio this morning. Alex is owner/operator of a burger joint in Westbrook. Blazes Burgers and Parkside Ice Cream at 652 Main Street will be holding a fund raising night to support the Manning family tonight May 9th, where 10% of the profits from both businesses will be donated to the family. There 12 year old son, Nick, was just diagnosed with a cancerous tumor on his colon. Their go-fund me page is https://www.gofundme.com/son-fight-with-cancer. Any donation is appreciated.