Part 1: Ray and Peter are joined by Pat Callaghan of NewsCenter Maine. The discussion is about the assassination of Somerset County Sheriff Deputy Cpl. Eugene Cole. The boys discuss the law enforcement officers taking their time and following protocol instead of rushing in. The training that is very evident. Ray asks the rhetorical question about bad apples.
Part 2: They boys start off talking about autographs. The discussion turns to the Max Linn signatures. Eric Brakey took it to court and won. Max’s signatures were not held up in court. Peter says “There’s no good sense in politics.”
04-26-18 Caller
Ray and Peter talk some more about the previous law enforcement segment. They take a call from a frequent caller, Bill, and he agrees that we need to bring back civility to our society. Video games and social media are not helping, but fanning the flames of hate.
04-26-18 Red Cross
Ray and Peter give a brief recap of the last segment with Sheriff Joyce and Joe Loughlin. He introduces Ann Kim, External Communications Director and Eric Gagnon, Volunteer Services Officer of the American Red Cross Maine Region. The Red Cross are starting a new campaign of installing smoke/fire alarms. Sound the Alarm is on May 12. Eric explains this awesome program and how you can help.
04-26-18 Officer Down
Ray and Peter McFarland are joined in studio by Cumberland County Sheriff Kevin Joyce and on the phone by Former Portland Deputy Chief Joe Loughlin. Joe has also recently written Shots Fired: The Misunderstandings, Misconceptions, and Myths about Police Shootings is a journey “behind the shield” which highlights the experiences of the real human beings in the line of fire. Sheriff Joyce is also head of the Maine Sheriff’s Association. This morning they discuss the recent assassination of Somerset County Deputy Cpl. Eugene Cole. They discuss the training that law enforcement have now. Ray asks about what happens after a stressful event. Suicide are up in law enforcement and veterans.