Segment 1: Ray Richardson thanks everyone for the birthday wishes and tells a couple of stories, he then moves on to the New Hampshire Primary and Nikki Haley and Donald Trump.
Segment 2: Ray talks about a story about the “pharmacy” at the White House.
Segment 3: Ray questions what has Sen. Angus King done for the state of Maine and then continues to talk about his “accomplishments” helping the lobster industry. He moves on to Dr. Demi Kouzounas and all that she has done for the state of Maine and her country. The choice is clear which candidate is better for Maine.
Segment 4: Ray talks about Nikki Haley and what is her path to victory and why is she staying in the race.
Segments 5-6: Ray talks about how the state of Maine and cities all over Maine started new programs with “one time” money that came from Covid. Ray urges people to get involved and poses the question “What are you prepared to do”. Ray previews some of his upcoming guests. David Jones (FO Bailey Real Estate) and Gunny Mike Hall joins and they talk about the Seals that have been lost at sea. He urges people that want to help the families, go to Navy Seals Foundation. He share the new threats on our ships in the Red Sea.
Segments 7-8: In this FO Bailey Real Estate Segment, David and Ray are joined by Rob Baldacci. They discuss the listing and selling commercial property, being creative, non-disclosures, buying and selling with confidence, investment properties and creative financing, and more. By dealing with local businesses you can form working relationships. Rob’s contact information is email: or phone: 207.756.2063. David’s contact information is office: 207-781-1111, cell: 207-650-3455, or
Segment 9: Ray, David, and Dee Dee talk about the Nevada election process of holding both a Primary and Caucus, South Carolina’s primary, Nikki Haley and Trump. Matt Jacobson (