Part 1: Pat Callaghan of NewsCenter Maine joins Ray this morning. Ray and Pat reminisce about the Bush family and some of the antics that the Former First Lady Barbara Bush would pull. She was such a natural treasure. Part 2: Ray starts off by reading a response one of our listeners got for calling the Speaker’s office. They continue the love for Barbara. Ray states that Bill Diamond sent him text that LD745 was defeated. Contact your Representatives.
Part 1: Ray reads a quote from Cathy Breen out of the Portland Press Herald. She is apparently willing to not hold the votes and either table or extend the session. She doesn’t want to do the people’s will. Ray also talks about Jeff Timberlake and how he wants the votes. He wants to get the job done, not just wasting time. It is a really poorly run Chamber. The Speaker should be held accountable. People need to let them know that you are watching what is happening in Augusta. Hold a role call vote and pubic hearings. Part 2: Ray wants to know if you have called the office of the Maine Speaker of the House. They just put together the largest budget together, but they still didn’t get the job done. They don’t start on time and there is no accountability because they don’t hold role call votes. They have tabled the Female Genitalia Mutilation Bill LD 745.
Contact the Honorable Sara Gideon, Speaker of the House, Room 303, State House, 2 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0002, Tel: 207-287-1300, E-mail:
Part 1: Ray and Roy are joined by David Ciullo of Career Management Services and Dale Carnegie Maine, he also hosts The H.R. PowerHour on WLOB Radio. Ray asks what is happening in the workplace. Dave says that they are doing so many workplace behavior training seminars. Sometimes it isn’t done intentionally, but sometime it is not knowing that it is happening. Dave gives some examples. Bottom line, if your six year old child or grandchild was standing there, is it something that you would share in front of them. No means no and stop means stop. Bob asks David about the Starbucks harassment in Philadelphia. Part 2: Ray reads an update to the Starbucks incident in Philadelphia. David gives a local example of something similar. David also has some upcoming seminars for teens coming up in August. Generation.Next prepares young people for the real world.
Part 1: Ray starts this segment with this day in history. Today is the day the Revolutionary War started. A caller describes going down to Lexington for the re-enactment and says it was beyond what he thought it would be. He said that he learned more in one day than he did all through school. Ray, Debi and Bob talk about some of the great books and plays about history. Part 2: The discussion on Cabinet members is a continuation on the history conversation.